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Body load psilocybin vs. LSD microdosing


Aug 2, 2015
I've been micorodosing lately and find that the body load of psilocybin is heavier than the body load of LSD. I'm actually finding the body load of psilocybin rather unpleasant. Does anybody else have experience of this. I am interested in opinions. .
Yupp. Psilocybin has a pretty hefty body load. I probably notice it less at high doses because I'm so absorbed in the trip that I stop noticing it. If you can choose, I would go for microdosing LSD. I feel it also has better nootropic effects
What are the dosages you're taking ?

I hear people talking about microdosing and when I enquire they state they do "only half or a whole gram" (dried mushrooms). That's not microdosing, that's a very small trip you're taking. Microdosing dried mushrooms is 0.1-0.5gr, for me. Bodyload non-existant.
I know it's not psilocybin, but I decided to try a microdose (~3mg) of 4-ho-met the other day and was surprised by how bad the body load was with that small of a dose: mostly really bad gastric issues + some nausea. I wouldn't do it again for that reason alone.

Hoping that a lysergamide microdose doesn't have body load issues...
What are the dosages you're taking ?

I hear people talking about microdosing and when I enquire they state they do "only half or a whole gram" (dried mushrooms). That's not microdosing, that's a very small trip you're taking. Microdosing dried mushrooms is 0.1-0.5gr, for me. Bodyload non-existant.

Which species?

Using P. semilanceata/liberty caps (which are more potent than most other species gram for gram), I've found that:

200 mg's: = no effect
250 mg's: = the very, very edge of a trip. I took these and went mushroom picking on the day of the paris attacks, and my mood was noticeably darkened by the cloudy sky and thoughts about war. Before that it was sunny, and everything looked nice and HD.
500 mg's: Definite trip going on here. Taken when depressed it was heightened greatly. I got a bit of an arse kicking, and was surprised at the effect.
1000 mg's: Definite low dose psilocybin trip. Very with it, but also very much involved.

I'm yet to keep up my microdosing. I'm going to read the psychedelic explorers guide as my next book, and give it a go properly.

I've never had a bodyload off mushrooms though.
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God, shrooms have such a nutty body load it's insane, especially at high doses, say, 3.5 to 6 grams. Once you get past the initial odd sensations, nausea, and feeling like you are being blasted into the universe, I love it. Also, the runny nose, watery eyes, and late in the trip, pissing every 15 minutes or so, which makes it hard to be comfortable, but that's kind of like the onset of the comedown for me. I know the deal is close to done when I start pissing like a water fountain...
around 70% of people are allergic to the spores, try just stems and tea with the fiber filtered out and see what you think
the 5ht2a protein from psilocybin is considerably more efficient than LSD
What do you mean by saying "the 5ht2a protein from psilocybin is considerably more efficient than LSD" ?