Blue Whale

Wow--just read the article. Never heard of it before. I'm surprised that they are not taking down the site altogether since they have the guy responsible.
Wow--just read the article. Never heard of it before. I'm surprised that they are not taking down the site altogether since they have the guy responsible.
That is some crazy shit. They really took advantage of struggling kids. I am surprised though that more parents didn't see the big carvings in their arms. The guy who started it said he was "cleansing society " I hope no copycats jump on this but it's probably going to happen.

While only somewhat related to the above story, but important all the same.
Especially with the recent suicide of Chester Bennington, things are not always as they appear with others. Sometimes the happiest, most successful people hide their deepest darkest feelings. It can be so very hard for someone to reach out to ask for help. They may feel like they're being a burden to others, or a waste of someone else's time.

If you notice someone who may be depressed, ask them if they're ok. Ask them how their life is going, if they need anything right now. You may be the only person who's ever reached out to them before.
@doglover, self harm doesn't necessarily have to be visible, my self harm was always on skin I could 'safely' (oh the irony) cover up so no one could see.
The young yearn to belong and be understood that and be loved... One of the biggest parts of my education when I was young that was missing was philosophy. School taught me everything but what I needed the most. What it means to be a human being.


^ yes, my education was mostly lacking in that regard with the exception of one partial year in a hippie school=D. But you've got your whole long life to explore what it means to be human, what it means to be your own unique human in relation to everything around you. Our culture offers nothing but a diet of garbage to young people but one of the reasons I have so much faith in the youth of the world at any given time is that a sizeable portion always calls the BS BS and looks for healthier ways of being. The species has trashed themselves, trashed the planet and seems intent on continuing that practice to the bitter end. But individuals such as yourself and many others see a different possibility and fight for it.