  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Blizzard Games?

Diablo 3 was fun until they killed the AH. I'm a WoW fan. Got a friend who got me back into it and I've been playing with her. We ordered the xpac and plan to take a week off to play when it comes out. :D

Hearthstone is pretty cool. I want to try Heroes too.
I'm currently messing around with Overwatch - This is experimental territory for Blizzard but so far it's quite solid for their first FPS. I have a TF2 background so it's familiar to me.

Use to have a massive WoW addiction back in Vanilla and through to the end of TBC where I was raiding seriously. Those were the best years of gaming for me simply because of the community it created. (I only played WotLK and Cataclysm casually). That was where it stopped for me. I doubt i'll ever get back into it.. but i'll remember those years. Diablo 3 was fun for a while but I lost interest not long after it's release.. I think I was expecting to recreate the glory days of D2 marathons, but what you enjoy changes over time I guess.
I'm currently messing around with Overwatch - This is experimental territory for Blizzard but so far it's quite solid for their first FPS. I have a TF2 background so it's familiar to me.

Use to have a massive WoW addiction back in Vanilla and through to the end of TBC where I was raiding seriously. Those were the best years of gaming for me simply because of the community it created. (I only played WotLK and Cataclysm casually). That was where it stopped for me. I doubt i'll ever get back into it.. but i'll remember those years. Diablo 3 was fun for a while but I lost interest not long after it's release.. I think I was expecting to recreate the glory days of D2 marathons, but what you enjoy changes over time I guess.

yeah I used to have a blast with Vanilla WoW and my guild. Absolute blast. The guild was Blunt Logic and I used to laugh every day while playing with them. Then BC came out and killed guilds. I really miss those gaming days. Best gaming days for me too.
Tried Hearthstone couple years ago, have been hooked ever since - spent some on the adventure expansions but I rarely spend money on it these days and get by with the grind... too poor to be able to afford things like WoW or overwatch on top of this.

Starcraft series was pretty damn awesome. I played heroes of the storm, but never really felt like it could be something fun for me to try to get good at.

HS is so consuming that I can't imagine being a gamer besides it - apart from on my phone I don't do much other gaming. Sometimes Blizzard can be a little too commercially oriented for my taste but still I'm generally very satisfied with their franchises - definitely my favorite bunch.
blizzard games have always been pretty much the only games I play with a few exceptions- HOTS is a lot of fun when you have a good team, however the game's matchmaking system is a complete and utter failure, often making me stop playing the game for short peroids of time due to frustration. But like I said, if you get a team of decent players, they don't even have to be decent just KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE DAM GAME... it can be so much fucking fun. See the problem is with a game like HOTS, a lot of people who play it do not understand the game's mechanics and play it as if it were WOW arena. BTW I usually play support, morales is my girl, and uther is awesome.

diablo 3 is a very polished game imo, its a very chill game to me. I don't play it that often but I do whenever I feel like messing around with new builds on my crusader. WOW used to be the only video game i would play, I've played since wrath.. I've always been a tank, started off being the guild's OT than became the MT... ah those were the days. For me the game died after the release of WOD. All during MOP I did arena... it was a blast, 2s, 3,s and 5s man we got to like 1900 mmr ( I know thats not that good). WOD really killed the game tho...

blizzard made WOW to user friendly and now caters more to casual players, also they focus more these days on pet battles, new "toys" and transom options then delivering actual decent worthwhile content. whatever I get it games die.. but its still sad.

hearthstone is a fun game, but I was never really good or into card games. I played a lot when it first came out and actualy played it a lot during tomes I was dopesick on the couch. all these Games helped me out tremendously...
btw if any of you guys seriously play HOTS and have a good win rate hit me up ill give you my tag
Currently playing hearthstone used to play D3 have ROS. Hit top 13 on Barb non season S2 time frame grinding that amount of time for gear just to have it obsolete next expansion sucked so I stopped playing. I agree vanilla D3 was awesome but was totally P2W due to sheer RNG applied towards gear.