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BF injected GF with coke as part of suicide pact which he then pulled out of


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Man, 27, 'injected his girlfriend with cocaine as part of suicide pact which he then pulled out of after watching her die'

A Pennsylvania man has been charged with murder after allegedly injecting his girlfriend with a fatal dose of cocaine as part of a suicide pact, but then pulling out of killing himself after watching her die.

Anthony Michael Noble, 27, of Phoenixville, is also charged with drug delivery resulting in death, tampering with evidence, and related crimes, the Montgomery County District Attorney's Office said.

His girlfriend, Joette L. Mullen, 27, was found dead in her car on the morning of December 14 near Schuylkill Canal Park in Mont Clare.

Police say that she and Noble had made a 'Rome and Juliet-style' suicide pact, but that he pulled out after witnessing Mullen have a seizure and die, Philly.com reported.



Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele says the evidence shows Noble purposefully prepared a fatal dose of cocaine and then injected it in Mullen's arm.

'This is First Degree Murder similar to a case where somebody takes a gun, loads it, points it at somebody, pulls the trigger and kills them,' he told Georgia World.

In his first interview with police, Noble said that he and Mullen were using rock and powder cocaine they bought in Philadelphia on December 13.

He said they agreed to do 'big shots' and, and passed out after injecting her and himself.

He claimed that he woke to find Mullen unresponsive.

Noble said he tried CPR, but fled when he realized she was dead.

He said he took the drugs and through everything in the river.

He told police that Mullen 'hated life and didn't want to be here anymore'.

However police then interviewed one of Noble's friends, who said the suspect told him about the suicide pact, which he described as 'Rome and Juliet-style'.

He said Noble couldn't go through with the pact after seeing what happened to Mullen.

Noble was then interviewed again by police, and admitted to what happened.

Mullen's mother, Linda Ward, said her daughter suffered from depression.

Mullen's last text message was to her mother - sent at 2:04 a.m. the day she was found dead, and said: 'Mom, I'm fine.'

Noble is being held on an unspecified bail.

A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for January 29.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...d-injecting-cocaine-botched-suicide-pact.html

When I read the title, this is what I thought:

Ok, you go first. Here...
Damn, that looks nasty. I guess I changed my mind...

But, the article seems completely different. Hard to know what happened.
Rome and Juliet-style.
. * Romeo.

He said he took the drugs and through everything in the river.
* Threw.

Mistakes aside, it's a shit scenario and instead of getting help for her he helped kill her. I would not wont to live with that for the rest of my life.

RIP. Sad death. People like him give responsible drug users a very bad name in joe publics eye.
Man.. thats awful. I cant imagine why they would choose coke. The claim that the man was no longer willing to go through with it after seeing the woman die seems legit to me. A massive IV coke OD would be absolutely horrifying to see, let alone one you gave to a woman you loved.

So sorry for the family.
Man.. thats awful. I cant imagine why they would choose coke. The claim that the man was no longer willing to go through with it after seeing the woman die seems legit to me. A massive IV coke OD would be absolutely horrifying to see, let alone one you gave to a woman you loved.

So sorry for the family.


Holy Christ what a fucked up world.
This is interesting to me because my ex g/f and i always discussed what we would do if the world ended in a zombie apocalypse and because I figured its hard to be 100% certain you will OD from drugs my intended way to make sure we both went into the next world together was to break into a dentist office because filling a small room with nitrous and no oxygen would surely be better then seizing and dying, hell i would pick dope way way before coke but even that i wouldnt bank on killing both of us.

People need to realize humans are hard to kill and successfully killing 2 people with something that has varying degrees of effectiveness will probably end like this. I am not advising people do enter into pacts like this but to understand that this is not the way to do this as it will likely end unevenly and if you dont go to heaven together one of you is going to hell alone. I have been directly impacted by suicides twice in my life and had to help my ex out of lots of those types of situations, when times got bad for her and she lost the point she would make attempts but i viewed them as cries for help but took them seriously as i know 2 people who left this world before their time. Shes better now that shes not a heroin addict i dont think shes had an "episode of extreme depression with suicidal tendencies" in a year, so no one get all worried lol

My point is its never worth it and i hope the people i know that did it found the peace they were looking for. There is always a better a way.
^Great point and it was my first thought was why kill yourself with cocaine? Rather do it with dope or benzos and alcohol to be honest. I tried to kill myself many times when I was younger. Once drank 2, 1.5 liters of red wine (low tolerance) and took well over 100mgs of Xanax and smoked an eighth of bud. Still didn't die. Other times I was just reckless with dosing like taking 300mg morphine all at once with benzos and then snorting 5 bags of heroin in one line. Just one of many massive OD's.

Its really hard to actually kill yourself fortunately. Just don't try it. I'm lucky I never blacked out and hurt someone else or got permanent brain damage from respiratory depression or anything. My life was like the movie Groundhog Day for a while and I still do find myself hitting that fucking alarm from time to time wondering how I'm alive (not from suicide attempt but just an OD).
And anyone who chooses coke just needs to take too big a hit of crack.... I felt like my head and heart were going to explode and i was going to puke and pass out. I had never felt such pain and terror in my life and i didnt even have anything actually happen other then it completely ruin the night because it left me with a migraine and a terrible come down.
This is just a feeling but it could be that he is a sick fuck and encouraged her to kill herself with the romeo and juliet style fantastical morbid romance sweetness notion, gave her an OD and then proceeded to just do some shots himself. I find it doubtful that he threw away the drugs and needles, probably threw away the needles after he did the rest of the drugs. They could have had a thing where he shot her up for her, some people get others to do this as they are too nervous to do it by themselves and maybe he gave her too big of a shot and killed her, freaked out and left and created this sob story for sympathy. That last example, I met a few people in rehab who were like that and really good at creating sob stories and generating a favorable image in other peoples. Sociopaths you know.

I am definitely not an alpha male and these people in rehab sensed this, I got used and robbed blind and so did others. People swore him off and said he was going to get stabbed but he maneuvered his way back into their favor without paying any of them or myself back. It was definitely enlightening and I am more guarded now, the problem is finding balance because it's hard to trust others intentions now, I constantly assume that people are being nice just to get me to let my guard down so that they can have their way with me. Leave my butthole alone people!
They could have had a thing where he shot her up for her, some people get others to do this as they are too nervous to do it by themselves and maybe he gave her too big of a shot and killed her, freaked out and left and created this sob story for sympathy.

Just quoting this to say, I was in this exact position with my ex, never thought her how to do it as my fear that she would OD alone and her inability to get it right in her designated time frame before simply asking me to do it saved her from being able to do it alone or get to crazy as 99% of the time i had to do it. Sometimes she would be sick enough to try over and over until she got it but most of my day was slotted with times to see her to get it done for her. And thats why i know she will most likely not relapse or ever get into needles again lol. But you could be right if they werent together long that would be a better story then "i injected her and she died" that can be misconstrued as homicide in some way.
Man what a sad case of self destruction...and a horrible way to go, basically having a stimulant od of lethal proportions, must have been terrible. I wonder what prosecutor's will end up charging him with...
Seriously to every body backing how terrifying a non lethal over dose of coke is its frightening.

You feel like exploding no joke.

To anybody considering suicide, please reconsider and don't do it.

There is so many better options. Seek help.
This is some pretty fucked up stuff, OD'ing on cocaine must be one horrible experience. I've suffered with depression in the past (which i'm now cured of thanks to my friend that is psychedelics - Woop!) and no matter how appealing suicide has been I've been lucky enough to have the strength to keep pressing on but if i'd ever have taken that step i'd never have opted for cocaine to be my weapon of choice. Not good at all.
Agree with the above, help is out there. You just need to persevere with it, even if you don't feel like you have the energy. It will be worth it once your out of the darkness. "If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day."