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Best way to eat powder? [20 HBWR seeds!]


Dec 4, 2018
Hi guys

So I am going to be grinding up ergine seeds into a powder. I'm experienced with the substance and have had unsatisfactory experiences with the sublingual method and the downing with chlorine free water method. By unsatisfactory I don't mean nausea. I mean absolutely nothing happened. So going back to the powder, I've read that capsules do work well for many, however, I don't want to buy a set of 200 or so capsules for one trip. I must be discrete and cannot allow people to notice I have empty capsules in the house. I've been thinking critically. I considered taking a strip of paper and condensing the powder on that, then placing the paper on my tongue until the powder absorbs since ergine is absorbed sublingually like it's cousins. Would sugar cubes work? I can't figure this out. Could consider tea bags but they greatly diminish effects. Extraction guides on the internet greatly diminish the effects of the ergine so I want to know a method to consume the powder exactly how it is. I don't want to tamper with it by leaving it in the fridge or in water. Purity is clearly a concern here. I also cannot do any alcohol or petroleum ether based extractions as I live in a dorm setting with only my grinder and seeds
Well, if you would use capsules anyway, just parachute it.
Put the powder in like a small sheet of toilet paper or something, and swallow it? You thought of so much, but not of this? :)

The two times I tried to take HBR seeds, I grinded them up, put it under my tongue for about 15 minutes, and then just swallowed them (I like to believe I have a strong stomach). Those were terrible afternoons. I had no psychedelic effects, no nausea or stomach pain, just incredible fatigue, where I couldn't sleep, never was comfortable, and had trouble lifting small things and even walking. After a couple of hours it faded, but later on one of those nights I fainted at a concert, it sucked.
Well, if you would use capsules anyway, just parachute it.
Put the powder in like a small sheet of toilet paper or something, and swallow it? You thought of so much, but not of this? :)

The two times I tried to take HBR seeds, I grinded them up, put it under my tongue for about 15 minutes, and then just swallowed them (I like to believe I have a strong stomach). Those were terrible afternoons. I had no psychedelic effects, no nausea or stomach pain, just incredible fatigue, where I couldn't sleep, never was comfortable, and had trouble lifting small things and even walking. After a couple of hours it faded, but later on one of those nights I fainted at a concert, it sucked.

Exactly what he is saying, just parachute it.

Sorry you had such a bad time with HBWR Buzz those we're one of my favorites back in the day. I had a plus 4 experience on 12 seeds that was one of my most life changing trips. What type of doses did you attempt?
About 6 seeds twice iirc
Yeah I think I would've really liked it, but those seeds didn't agree at all with me. Maybe I'll try some Morning Glories, but I'm not a in a rush.
yeah, just wrap it up in two rolling papers, make a square, twist, swallow with a gulp of whatever. btw, what are ergine seeds??
Hawaiian baby woodrose I'm pretty sure. or else morning glory seeds. Ergine is one of the LSAs, I think the main psychoactive one.
Stick powder in mouth. Suck up a sweet, non carbonated potable liquid through a straw. Swallow all at once. Wash down aftertaste with more liquid.
Alright guys, there's a lot to write, holy shit!

This was my first time taking such a high dose.

20 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds were ground up using a coffee grinder. Just the smell of the freshly ground seeds triggered dragon visions (HPPD is one helluva drug). Anyway, the seed matter/powder was placed at the center of a strip of toilet paper. Think I used too much paper, because when I had finished rolling, it was so thick, and running it down with lemon juice made me gag. Anyway, I had planned to take L-arginine caps right after, but was unable to because of the gagging. The onset was waaaaaaayy too slow, it took around 3-4 hours to really kick in. However, when it did kick in, I peaked for well over 20 hours, no kidding! (Kids, don't try this at home!). Now, I know I had said that I have never encountered nausea or sickness on the seeds, that is because I never had a trip where I had to leave the bed or walk around. I strongly believe that the nauseous feeling/sickness is caused by motion sickness (similar to DXM and Salvia). This is because your eyes want to be in the dark, painting beautiful images.
However, this time I had a moment where I nearly threw up. I was outside, this was around five hours after ingestion. I was still tripping, and every time I moved, the nausea became more and more intense, until I nearly puked. The solution, and this is important: Stop moving! Many thoughts ran through my mind, I thought, oh my god, my first purge, and it is going to be very public. I sat down on the grass and rested for a bit. Leaving my room was a terrible decision as I was no longer able to walk back. Eventually a friend picked me up from where I was sitting with his car. This was after I had spent a decent amount of time "meditating" in my room though. The plant wants to force you to sit and meditate for hours on the consequence of you having eaten it, it's the only scientific explanation through the theory of evolution. For the first hour and a half of my trip, I went into my closet, taking my blanket and pillow there with me. I then used binaural beats (Powerful shit) and meditated in the complete dark. Within that hour and half, spirits entered the closet and left. The binaural beats are abstract noise, kind of like a Rorschach ink blot but for audio. So your mind makes of them what you will, and in an hour the beats morphed into jungle noises, including those of spirits, and the great monkey god, as well as the old lady faced tree spirit. In my mind, I had dissolved completely, there was no me at all. I witnessed this scene, and it felt like days in stoned time in my head, where the spirits in the jungle were all getting a family member of mine married. I was so confused, I was like, wait, all this happened, and I have no idea who got married. Then the tree spirit tells me, my sister got married! Then I remembered that my sister indeed recently got married, and it was one of the more happier moments in our family. The spirits were sarcastic, jestful, and playful, but they did not cause any physical harm. Some of them tried to be funny by telling me nonsensical things thinking I would fall for them. Interestingly I was conscious that I was tripping the whole time, I never confused any of the stuff happening on that plane with the material plane. Afterwards I came out of my dark closet and I was so stoned, I could not move at all. Somehow I made it outside my apartment, and that's when I went outside and the events I described above followed. Twelve hours after the first onset of my trip, I was still tripping. I was so tired/sedated, that after I crashed on my bed, and then woke up again, I started tripping again. It was as if my brain was giving me a "sleep" signal just to rest enough to be able to continue the really long trip. The trip lasted well over a day, and I was getting visuals about 25 hours in. Again kids, don't try this at home. It's probably not good for you. I'm very fortunate in that I can do these experiments because I had a good environment with people that cared for me, and I had nothing to do over the weekend (I'm on summer break), all these factors kept me from having a bad trip. I also am quite young and healthy so the blood pressure spike didn't kill me. It took me about two days to come down for good. Will I do this again? Definitely, but next time I'll plan ahead, and only do this when I know for sure I have nothing planned for the next week or so, lol!

I'm definitely not doing the toilet paper thing again though, because the onset was wayy too slow and I'm pretty sure it was also the reason why my trip lasted so long as well. Capsules would have a quicker onset, I believe, with around the same length of the trip.

This trip introduced me to some great new music, made me feel so human. I can watch plays and movies, listen to music and cry. You know, the ole psychedelic stuff. Oh, and the visuals were mostly pyramids made of a kaleidoscope color spectrum thing. Lots of triangles, lots of rainbow color patterns on things, at the peak there was the sacred geometry universe thing, really hard to describe but modern art describes it perfectly, this was in the dark with the binaural beats. I saw the moon, there were clear lucid visions. Then there were also splatters like the kind you get on a high LSD dose, this was 12 hours after I had peaked, and was trying to sleep lol. I feel like there's a small window of opportunity, when the seeds make you sleepy, that is the time you should be going to bed. If you miss that mark, then you won't be falling asleep for a looong loong time mate.

Once again kids, don't try this at home. If you have a life (unlike me), you probably can't stay in your room in bed for 12+ hours, so stick to a maximum dose of 10 seeds. Also, things really stop making sense in terms of mental thought processes beyond 10 seeds, so it's really not worth the effort.

Tips to come down off a trip that ended up being too long:
* Orgasm- it'll bring you right back to reality, at least for a few minutes, but that's enough time for you to get up and do what it is you need to, which would be the stuff down this list
* Eat: Binging on high sugar foods will make your stomach full real fast, and decrease the strength of the ergine
* Drink water: But be careful, too much water might make you puke while tripping
* Get up and start walking around, but only after the highly visual phase has somewhat subsided. If you find that walking is increasing your nausea, you should lie down and stay down. A shower will also help as the water hitting your body will ground you.
* Pharmaceutical alternatives: Use a dopamine antagonist, it will cancel the trip right away (Abilify, olanzapine, etc). Benzodiazepines will relax your mind and put you to sleep without cancelling the trip. Either will work but you'll have a shitty comedown in comparison with the other methods, but this will guarantee a comedown and is fast. Stay safe, never mix SSRIs with psychedelics.
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