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Best way to combine meth and mdma


Aug 17, 2006
What has given you the best euphoric experience when combining Meth and Molly.

Taking one a certain time before the other?

Mixing them together and parachuting same time? or boofing same time? or snorting same time?
If so what ratio of each/dosage etc?

Anyone got advice on best/ most amazing experience combining the two and how you did it?
That sounds awful. The Molly comedown+meth anxiety, yuck.
I have done that several times when i still used stims and molly. Its not actually that bad, meth overpowers mdma comedown pretty well believe me or not, even amphetamine does help with mdma comedown. But yeah, the anxiety can still be present. Not so badly though.
Yeah I'd caution against the mix too.

When I did it all inhibition straight outta the window and we just fucking binged on both substances

Was sensational for an hour or two max, then straight into not really knowing what was going on territory, followed by the worst fukkin comedown of my entire life. Didn't feel even remotely ok for around 3 weeks, with week 1 being hell on earth.

Shuddering even thinking about it.
I forgot how awful even little baby 2C-B felt coming down off molly until I saw a post on bl that reminded me. I can't imagine meth...but I smoked that stuff once...for two days and it was the best feeling ever. Got addicted to benzos trying to forget. I guess I forgot enough since I haven't gone back.
I remember taking khat which is not half as strong as meth and it overpowered the mdma completely. I went from rushing my balls off straight to just being over stimulated and no more rushing.

But as others have advised is to take it for the come down if you wanna keep on partying.
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