Being a Narc.

If this is your first offense, and you get a good lawyer, I doubt you'll really need to snitch.

I'd get yourself into a drug treatment program NOW. If you don't have a job, get one. Get documentation of what your doing, show it to the judge. Also, have your lawyer request you get put in drug court. If you go to drug court, you might serve no prison time period. You will probably get at least a suspended sentence.

If you do go to prison, I highly doubt it will be for more than a year or two. Next time someone OD's and you call the cops, flush any contraband you got, or have a sober friend bring her to the hospital, and say he found her on the side of the road or some shit. Unless of course, you had sex with her or had alot of other bodily contact with her, because if they perform a rape kit, they might get traces of you on her and try to fuck you over (rape kits require the chicks consent, but if she has no recollection of the past night, she might assume she was raped)
This seems like a threat to me, veiled or not, even if you just meant it generally. You either don't know of any threat and are trying to poke at the OP with a stick, or you do know of a threat and are participating in a crime by communicating it. Either way, don't post something like this in here again, okay? --Johnny1
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i talked to an attourney today in a free consultation. im looking at 24 to 50 months in prison so he says. im also not elligible for drug court becaus eof the amounts (they are very particular about amounts for drug court) . ive chosen not to rat anyone out, but im still very scared. i cant afford an attourney and i think a public defender will relaly fuck me over.
anonymousBLer said:
i talked to an attourney today in a free consultation. im looking at 24 to 50 months in prison so he says. im also not elligible for drug court becaus eof the amounts (they are very particular about amounts for drug court) . ive chosen not to rat anyone out, but im still very scared. i cant afford an attourney and i think a public defender will relaly fuck me over.

Your best bet is get quick cash...go rob a bank or something (kidding).

Then get an attorney.

Could you ask your parents? Got any friends with money who'd give you a loan? Thats your best bet. If I wasn't able to afford an attorney, I'd probably be robbing drug dealers instead of snitching on them, and then I'd go get a good lawyer. And even though theyd still be pissed I robbed them, if they found out it was me I'd just tell them "its either that or i wouldve had to snitch on you....the choice is yours...." LOL
^ Just for the record, I'm assuming the above advice is to do whatever it takes to get a good lawyer, and not to rob drug dealers. I think that part was meant as humor.
Johnny1 said:
^ Just for the record, I'm assuming the above advice is to do whatever it takes to get a good lawyer, and not to rob drug dealers. I think that part was meant as humor.

Yeah. You got to admit, that'd be a great movie line (the either this or I snitch on you, the choice is yours!).
24-50 months in prison aint gonna stick. you dont have to serve out your full sentence. i know someone who got 10 years, and is only serving 2.5, and thats for large scale distribution of large quantity of drugs, and he didnt have to narc to get that done.
Think about it, what hes serving, Which of course it wont be the same for you cuz its different for everyone but im just using this as a comparison/example.
Thats 1/4 of the sentence, so divide 50 by 4 and thats a lil over 10 months, 24 by 4 and thats only 6 months. Not sayin that this is what will happen to you, but your chances of serving a short term are high. I can understand narcing if you are lookin at 25-L but for a bid of less than a year you are just makin it alot worse for yourself and ruining your reputation and everyones ability to trust you. Do you plan to ever use again after this is over? how do you think anyone will help you with that. You might think that no one will ever know, but someone is gona know, eventually they will find out what you did in the past, and youll have another set of problems. You cant just run away from shit like this.

This aint a life ending sentence, and with a lawyer and your cooperation your shit will very likely get reduced.

The cops use you like a frat boy uses a dirty whore for a one night stand and then kicks her out of bed the next morning, Use once and destroy. Im willing to bet that for a possession sentence your information will just get used and you will get screwed, thats usually how the cops do it.

You also need to remember that eveeryone in jail will know that you snitched, the streets always talk and i guarantee they will know as soon as you come in "Oh, so he's the rat huh?" And thats that you can figure out the rest that comes after that.

Your lawyer is tellin you not to snitch because he knows that would not be a good idea. What gives you the idea that you would know better than him? i know lawyers are sleazy and untrustable sometimes and dont always end up being in your best interest. BUT in this case im pretty sure there is a reason why he is tellin you not to do this.

In small cases like this you aint gonna get nothing out of snitching as far as I know. Your sentence will prolly get reduced for good behavior, drug therapy/rehab, and shit like that, not by betraying other people. Good luck with it and i hope you do the right thing....whatever that is to you.....
I aint saying do one thing or the other , just bringin up some things that you need to consider if you decide to be a narc.