bad trips while candyflippin?

not so much bad, but overwhelming. The first time I tried acid they gave me a vilew/1.5 hits in it I ate the pill, took the acid, the chewd on the vile, I was licking the cap when my friends told me to stop...the next day they said did like 6-9 hits. It was way to intence, and having never done acid before I didn't know the physical aspects and stayed worried that I wouldn't know IF something were to go wrong...i'd probably find a similar experince desirable now, but I promised God that night that I'd never candyflip maybe I'll try hippyflipping.
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
Well i dont know whether i would call it a bad trip- probaly more like an interesting trip that wasnt too good.
Anyway the pill that i had was strange to start with and a few friends didnt like them. I dont know what was in them but it wasnt "happy" ecstasy.
Anyway it lasted forever and i felt so cut off from anything and everyone. I thought i was going to die and i wanted to die and get it over and done with quickly--my body just didnt like it at all. My mind hated it too i kept thinking so many thoughts and they were horrible--paranoid, self-loathing urrghh and they just kept going in circles.
It lasted forever and I spent the night sitting on a couch in the middle of the club unable to communicate with anyone. That was the worst thing being unable to communicate with others, i was unable to talk to them at all. They were all having a great time and i didnt want to ruin their night so whenever they came up and asked me whether i was having a great time i would nod my head and smile. Actaully i was talking to one of my friends the other day and he was like--"You had such a great time that night you were just sitting on the couch by yourself smiling away" and I was like "nooo i wasnt very happy".
Anyway after about 4 hours the pill wore off and the trip on its own was quite nice so it was okay. I dont think i will be candyflipping for a while though. I think I might wait a while and just enjoy pills and trips on their own and separately.
Anyway before you candyflip make sure that you have experienced tripping by itself and can handle the intense thinking that comes with it. I find that in my experiewnce the thinking is what is intensified when candyflipping. Pills by themselves arent about thinking at all, its just being happy and feeling good. But everybody is different.
Also make sure you eat pills that you yourself have tried before and enjoyed.