Technical Problem Bad Request errors whenever I come to bluelight


Bluelight Crew
Jun 30, 2008
Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

Additionally, a 400 Bad Request error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I keep getting this error whenever I come to bluelight from somewhere else. It loads for 30 seconds or so, and then gives me that message. Refreshing the page always fixes the problem, and makes the page load normally.

It happens only when I first come here, never if I'm already browsing. Happens when I come from search engines and when I use bookmarks. Happens on a Vista laptop and a XP desktop. I use Firefox.

Not sure if I have any more info that might be helpful in diagnosing the problem...
^ I get the the error message as well (also using firefox and Vista) but it happens when I click on a different thread/forum instead of when I first come here.

edit: it actually happened just as I clicked "post quick reply" to this message, but the message still showed up.
I get 'bad request' on occasion as well, most often when logging in. Its not all the time though. Log-ins have tended to be slow for sometime which I find pretty OK compared to sluggish performance once logged-in. Admins are working on the prune and maybe other things, but the windows of strained resources from that tend to be brief in my experience.

I can suggest clearing the browser cache and cookies as mentioned in the support FAQ but there is a good possibility that it isn't a browser problem at all. Chr1.5, might have insight into if this is likely server side (our problem) or browser related (your side).

Do you have another browser available? Does the same thing happen with a different browser. Not attributing cause just trying to trouble shoot.
I also get this I use firefox and it generally only does it when I try loading a bookmarked BL page.
First contact with the site is still slow (a la big support thread on this issue).

Takes like 20-odd seconds for the page to first load. Fine thereafter.
I've got to say its not something I've come accross on bluelight.

So I decided to google 400 bad request a bit,

It seems to suggest something client side.

There is a low-level problem in the client or the Web server or both. 95% of the time this is because of a problem on the client system e.g. there is something unstable on your PC running the Web browser.

Is your PC secure ?. If your PC is not well-protected, then all kinds of problems may occur - including HTTP 400 errors. If you run Windows, stay uptodate with automatic security updates from Microsoft and possibly consider getting a registry cleaner. Always have good anti-virus and spyware protection. Invest in a hardware firewall if you can afford one. Be sensible surfing the Web - block pop-up windows and avoid bad sites. If your PC security is compromised, then Web traffic out from your PC to the Internet may be secretly corrupted by malware (spyware, viruses, etc.) running on your PC. This can be difficult for you to detect.
Have you installed web-based software ?. Some social networking and games sites ask you to download and run software on your PC so you can interact with other people on the Internet directly (without using your Web browser). This software, if badly written or even criminal, can corrupt all HTTP traffic from your PC. Getting rid of that defective software can be difficult. At worst you may have to reinstall your operating system again (possibly losing all your personal data on your PC if you do not have backup).
How stable is your Internet connection ?. If you have recently changed ISPs or your ISP is very slow or unreliable, then Web traffic from your PC out to any site on the Internet may be corrupt. Your ISP may have reconfigured some of their setup (e.g. introduced new proxy servers or cacheing) that is causing some instability. A possible sign of problems here is if you can not easily browse the Web site of your ISP. You can also try to check that the Web site you are actually visiting is the one you think you are visiting. For example, you may have a DNS problem. You can check this using a ‘ping’ test. A DNS problem may be caused by your ISP or may be on your own system e.g. in a ‘hosts’ file.
Do you get the error on more than one Web site ?. If you get the error on lots of Web sites, this indicates the problem is on your PC, not on those sites.
Do you get the error using more than one browser ?. If you have two or more Web browsers installed on your PC and the behaviour is not the same (one Web browser gives an HTTP 400 error visiting a site, another Web browser does not give the 400 error visiting the same site), then one of your browsers may be defective. Try to find an upgrade or security fix for the problem browser. If you recently changed some configuration options in the problem browser, try reversing the change to see if that helps.
Do you get the error on big Web sites ?. If you get the problem on quite a small site, visit some of the bigger sites like Amazon, Ebay, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo. If you get the problem only on small sites, it indicates a problem with only those sites or the traffic from your PC to those sites.
Do you get the error on simple URLs ?. If you get a problem with a long complicated URL (such as but not with a shorter simpler URL for the same site (such as, this can indicate a problem with the Web server on the site you are trying to visit. This is not conclusive evidence, but is a good starting point. Contact the owners of the Web site and describe the problem to them. You may find for example the problem occurs with POST methods (you are both submitting data to the Web site and retrieving data from the Web site), but not with GET methods (you are only retrieving data from the Web site).
Do you have a cache problem ?. Try clearing your cookies, browser cache and browsing history in your Web browser. Disable or remove any third-party cacheing or ‘web accelerator’ software you installed. Then try rebooting your PC and any firewall/router you use to connect to the Internet. That may not fix the error, but at least may eliminate any problem due to old settings on your PC.
What has changed since you started getting the HTTP 400 problem ?. In general terms, think about what has changed on your PC since you first started seeing the problem. This may cover any of the items mentioned above. Work backwards and see if undoing those changes makes any difference.

Its possible the the server is dying before finishing the process, in which case this error might occur.

We're waiting for stuff to happen before I can upgrade, if it is a server issue then that should be fixed after the upgrade, I suggest going through the list of client side stuff, do updates and make sure you have the latest software available... clear your cache etc. and see whether that fixes it. If it doesn't just try and bear with us until we manage to get stuff done on the server.

Hmph... now experiencing this too. Once earlier today (XP, firefox 4.01, work), once about 5 minutes ago (W7, Firefox 4.01, home).
I have been experiencing this problem since March or April. The symptoms of the problem are the same, as OP described.
BTW, I'm running Opera at Linux.
another -- it seems that i'm having more problem in TL than other forums i hang out in

mac snow leopard & mozilla 4
This is obviously a problem with the server then, I will look into it when possible. Again, hopefully the upgrade should fix this bug.
It is a server side error with the site getting too much traffic at one point in time, trust me.
Just happened again. Every time this has happened, it has been when contacting the server for the first time. Typically, I will hit 'refresh' with my subscriptions open in a tab. Because of inactivity I will be logged out and, because I've been inactive for an extended period of time, I've noticed that I have to wait 15-20 seconds or so for the page to load.

When it does load , this is what comes up (same as the OP).

Bad Request

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

Additionally, a 400 Bad Request error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
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