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Bad ecstasy trips


Aug 10, 2016
I've taken pills twice(no idea what type) and the two times I've taken them I had bad trips; keeping on walking or sometimes running away from my friends, not being able to walk just having to sit down even if it's in the middle of a crowd, and just being overall messy, but my friends would do none of this they would be fine.

I'm just wondering does anyone know why this happens? Could it be that I was drunk while taking them or? Thanks!
Everyone reacts differently to different drugs, it can be due to 1.) your brain chemistry and 2.) environmental factors (this includes your upbringing), There will not be an exact explanation for your behaviour, just bear in mind that everyone is different.
Here we go again. I take an unknown substance that I have no idea what it is and then wonder why I feel crap? Oh and I decided to mix my unknown substance with alcohol just to up the danger level. Give yourself a fighting chance don't do drugs until you've researched how to do them safely
I'm just wondering does anyone know why this happens? Could it be that I was drunk while taking them or? Thanks!

no, i've never had a bad trip with mdma. i find it hard to even imagine having a bad trip on mdma. but i always test my stuff, never drink alcohol when taking mdma (it only detracts from the experience and increases dangers and hangover) and always know how much i take. needing to sit down and being too messy could for instance be due to taking a dose that's too high. some medication you take or have taken in the past can also influence the high.

test your stuff or at very least search for the pills you have online to get at least a rough idea of the contents and strength. do not combine mdma with other drugs unless you know what you're doing. and know and live by the mdma essential guide here on bluelight. if you do all that i would be extremely surprised if you still had a bad time.
You need to test your stuff etc as mentioned above, but I firmly believe that bad trips are possible under the influence of MDMA.
I've found that it can intensify & amplify sub-conscious stuff, environmental factors, mindset etc. So yes, it's possible.
Its' empathogenic effects can cause people to become emotional. For a lot of people such emotions are positive, but not for everybody.
It can have something of a psychedelic effect for some causing a sudden change in perception of reality, which could very well be overwhelming.
It is technically an amphetamine so bouts of psychosis, like an inability to stop focusing or thinking about one thing is possible.
Maybe it just doesn't agree with you, please don't feel like you have to do something like take pills just because your friends are.

If you decide to use it, test your gear, look up the pills on pillreports dot com & ecstasydata dot org.

Itsgoneundertheboa... Really mate? You never had an untested pill? You never had a few drinks after dropping?.. We learn through our own experiences and the experiences of others. I'm glad that OP is sharing their experience and seeking information.
I've found that it can intensify & amplify sub-conscious stuff, environmental factors, mindset etc. So yes, it's possible.
Its' empathogenic effects can cause people to become emotional. For a lot of people such emotions are positive, but not for everybody.
It can have something of a psychedelic effect for some causing a sudden change in perception of reality, which could very well be overwhelming.
It is technically an amphetamine so bouts of psychosis, like an inability to stop focusing or thinking about one thing is possible.
Maybe it just doesn't agree with you, please don't feel like you have to do something like take pills just because your friends are.

If you decide to use it, test your gear, look up the pills on pillreports dot com & ecstasydata dot org.

Itsgoneundertheboa... Really mate? You never had an untested pill? You never had a few drinks after dropping?.. We learn through our own experiences and the experiences of others. I'm glad that OP is sharing their experience and seeking information.

Admittedly I'm a pretty sensible clued up character with high intelligence. ?

You missed the key point mate - he has done pills twice, both times crap experience. Not one occasion but 2!

I agree you learn through firstly other experience and then your own. That's sensible learning. This guy didn't he just dropped a random pill it was shit then did it again!! WTF based on pier pressure? and then finally thinks to look for answers.

I didn't have these resources he has when I first started but I used common sense. Friend who had taken prior was all we had to go by agreed and never ever buy in the rave.

But I never took anything as a Guinea pig, nor did imho back for seconds, also we didn't have such a prevalence of shit which could be used. Generally a dud or speed. PMA wasn't ever seen when I first started dropping. Not to say it wasn't around just no one knew.

If someone can post about a bad experience that actually means they are capable of using the resource they have but didn't see the need (laziness, stupidity who knows) therefore didn't see the danger and therefore need to be told how dumb that comes across. They quite frankly are the ones that give MD a bad rep.

So guys like this do need a little bit of a kick in the ass and told how dumb they come across because they need to realise they are putting their health at risk by stupidity. Possibly others as well.

And no I've never been drunk and dropped. I really don't see why unless you have a self destructive nature. One or two drinks great maybe as a diretic aid anymore and your opening yourself up for a whole heap of problems and increased risk. Research for that has been around for years.

Again when I started MD drinking was for straights. Horrible stuff. Now why waste a good night, keep them separate. I certainly don't go out get wankered then think hey let's drop a random pill. I don't ever want to drink when I've dropped it just feels plain nasty and cheap.

For the last 5 years I've tested everything and anything illegal that passes into my system. I only started MD again when the prevalence of reports showed the BZP period was over.

Since I found this place after a little break of MD I certainly have researched and updated my knowledge and never dropped a pill or powder which has not been through at least 4 reagent tests since finding BL.

So yeh really mate. Sorry that's me and my HR view.
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In reply to Itsgoneundertheboa:

"It was different in my day, because the weed was like parsley in comparison to this stuff that's going around today, and as for these EKTACY tablets you guys are taking, they could be anything! Sure we had LSD but that was different and.. bla bla bla" - Generation LSD lecturing Generation Ecstasy.

My response was always the same:

"So I guess Cheech and Chong were just getting ripped off their asses on parsley and the 20mg DOM tablets that did the rounds in 1960s San Fran are just a myth? Altamont sure went off without a hitch too. Tell me more about your rose tinted view of getting wasted off your ass in a safe manner when you were younger, go on"

My point is, go easy on people if they at least make an attempt to figure things out.. I really don't want anyone to be driven off the site after their first post, if they stick around, they might just embrace the HR philosophy, learn a few things and teach their mates.

.. and by the way, I was doing eccys in Aus during the speed-bomb era too, you can't convince me that things are worse now, they're just different. Take this in good humour please, we're all here trying to do the right thing :)
In reply to Itsgoneundertheboa:

"It was different in my day, because the weed was like parsley in comparison to this stuff that's going around today, and as for these EKTACY tablets you guys are taking, they could be anything! Sure we had LSD but that was different and.. bla bla bla" - Generation LSD lecturing Generation Ecstasy.

My response was always the same:

"So I guess Cheech and Chong were just getting ripped off their asses on parsley and the 20mg DOM tablets that did the rounds in 1960s San Fran are just a myth? Altamont sure went off without a hitch too. Tell me more about your rose tinted view of getting wasted off your ass in a safe manner when you were younger, go on"

My point is, go easy on people if they at least make an attempt to figure things out.. I really don't want anyone to be driven off the site after their first post, if they stick around, they might just embrace the HR philosophy, learn a few things and teach their mates.

.. and by the way, I was doing eccys in Aus during the speed-bomb era too, you can't convince me that things are worse now, they're just different. Take this in good humour please, we're all here trying to do the right thing :)

I was Generation E mate and yeh the weed these days is way stronger and actually way nicer. I'd of rather had parsley than the soap bar hash we used to find plastic bits in?.

Point taken i ll ease up, just gets very frustrating TBH to hear people having a bad time cos it really shouldn't be like that and worse when people then repeat the experience without considering and researching it. It's like the reports you read "didn't feel anything so I dropped another" WTF!!

Ultimately my frustrations are aimed at powers that be. We put them in power to keep us safe not to dictate what we can and can't do. The majority of deaths I see in the UK could be substantially reduced by allergy test, controlled purity, known doses and education. Instead they use death to simply demonise and spread lies. But alas my dreams are just dreams it will never change.

And I'm not in the things are worse now camp I have as much fun now as I ever did. Just in different ways.
yes i agree weed is better loved my soap bar with a little pill body rush was gentle but amazing can we get a time machine :D
no, i've never had a bad trip with mdma. i find it hard to even imagine having a bad trip on mdma. but i always test my stuff, never drink alcohol when taking mdma (it only detracts from the experience and increases dangers and hangover) and always know how much i take. needing to sit down and being too messy could for instance be due to taking a dose that's too high. some medication you take or have taken in the past can also influence the high.

test your stuff or at very least search for the pills you have online to get at least a rough idea of the contents and strength. do not combine mdma with other drugs unless you know what you're doing. and know and live by the mdma essential guide here on bluelight. if you do all that i would be extremely surprised if you still had a bad time.

^^^^^^ This
Great, thanks for the help! Definitely going to read that mdma essential guide and look into pill testers for if I plan on taking them again.
no, i've never had a bad trip with mdma. i find it hard to even imagine having a bad trip on mdma.

I think it's very easy to have a bad trip on MDMA especially if we include the coming down phase as part of the trip, which it is. MDMA can easily drop you from feeling great into a profound depressive and anxious state. In addition, MDMA experiences can be very emotional. For people who are mentally healthy, this is usually positive but for people with emotional problems, the intense emotional and introspective states MDMA is capable of bringing on can be very difficult.