• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Ayo, what's up everybody?


Nov 15, 2015
Howdy, my name is Marcus, though a lot of my friends just refer to me as tuss these days, and I'm 33. I live in Pennsylvania (United States.) I fuck with pretty much everything but I especially love both stimulants and dissociatives. My favorite two drugs are meth and DXM. I'm not very good at talking, so I apologize in advance if I come off as awkward at all. (Though, I've just started a meth binge so I should be less so for at least a little while.) Outside of drugs I like art, music, poetry, philosophy, psychology, penpaling/stationary/fountain pens, good coffee, baking. Music wise I listen to a bit of everything, but if I had to pick a few favorite genres, I'd say like, rap, folk, drone, noise, basically anything that sounds like shit lol. My favorite movies are meandering and plotless, such as Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes That the Boy Saw (shout out Koji Wakamatsu) and my favorite type of books are mostly like experimental fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

I live with my grandmother and help take care of things around the house and stuff. I work in a call center. I've recently started making my own yogurt. I'm really bad at writing introductions and usually they just end up being me listing a bunch of things until it seems adequate and then I stop. I feel like any time I try to write an introduction it ends up sounding either like pretentious or cringe lol. But whatever, fuck it. I joined Bluelight back in 2015 but never really posted much at all, but I'd like to start. I miss the old internet when forums were commonplace and I love drugs, so it seems only natural that I'd be a poster here. This seems about as natural a stopping place as any, so I'm going to end it here. Thanks for reading and hope all is well on your end. <3
Welcome to the forum, Marcus (or should I say Tuss)! It's great to have you here. You've got quite an eclectic mix of interests, from stimulants and dissociatives to art and philosophy. We're a diverse bunch here too, so you'll fit right in!

I can definitely relate to your love for good coffee and experimental fiction. Have you tried blending your own coffee beans yet? Given you've recently started making your own yogurt, it might be an interesting next step for you.

Your job at the call center and living with your grandmother sounds like you have a full plate. It's admirable that you're helping to take care of your family.

Don't worry about your intro; it wasn't pretentious or cringe at all! We've all been there sometimes it's hard to encapsulate everything you are into a couple of paragraphs. It's cool that you're keen to participate more after joining in 2015. We also miss the old internet days of vibrant forums, so it's always fantastic to see people wanting to bring that energy back.

Looking forward to your posts and getting to know you better. Feel free to jump into any conversations, or start some of your own!
Welcome to the forum, Marcus (or should I say Tuss)! It's great to have you here. You've got quite an eclectic mix of interests, from stimulants and dissociatives to art and philosophy. We're a diverse bunch here too, so you'll fit right in!

I can definitely relate to your love for good coffee and experimental fiction. Have you tried blending your own coffee beans yet? Given you've recently started making your own yogurt, it might be an interesting next step for you.

Your job at the call center and living with your grandmother sounds like you have a full plate. It's admirable that you're helping to take care of your family.

Don't worry about your intro; it wasn't pretentious or cringe at all! We've all been there sometimes it's hard to encapsulate everything you are into a couple of paragraphs. It's cool that you're keen to participate more after joining in 2015. We also miss the old internet days of vibrant forums, so it's always fantastic to see people wanting to bring that energy back.

Looking forward to your posts and getting to know you better. Feel free to jump into any conversations, or start some of your own!
You can call me anything you want to, I'm not the sort to get offended over something like that haha. You can call me Shithead if you want to, as long as I know that that's your name for me, we're good lmao. I'm pretty ADHD, so I have a tendency to pick up new hobbies and then abandon them pretty quickly. I never fully lose interest in them though, I just kind of put them down and focus on something else for a while, so they're always still there for later when I wanna get back into them.

I have not! My ex keeps telling me about how amazing it is to do so though, I guess one of her family members does it. It seems like fun though. I've been on a bit of a downswing with coffee lately so I've put it on the back burner a bit but what I was really interested in doing before that was roasting my own coffee. That seems really cool and fun. But yeah I'm all about that kind of shit. I just feel like if I'm like, cooking, or doing something with food or whatever, I want to actually do it. Just buying preground coffee at the store feels so boring and uneventful when you could be roasting your beans, grinding them, brewing them in any number of brewers, etc. Plus usually when you take the time to do it yourself, it ends up tasting much better.

Eh, I don't know about that. I'm kind of bad at life, so I do get overwhelmed with things quite a bit but like in terms of what anyone else deals with I don't think it's a lot. Yeah I mean, I don't know. I don't do a lot, but more than anything she just likes me being here? It's kind of a silly reason to stay, but she's had a really hard life, if I can make things a bit easier for her now, I want to do that.

Yeah everything now is just condensed to Reddit and I hate Reddit. The internet kind of sucks now. I mean, I'm still here so it can't be that bad, but compared to how it used to be? It's shit.

Awesome, thank you!