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AUS: Police can now deny you entry into festivals, even if you?re not in possession


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
A NEW police rule targeting patrons at an upcoming Sydney festival has been slammed on social media, with users calling it ?disgraceful? and an ?abuse of power?.

POLICE have slapped festival-goers attending the upcoming Above & Beyond headline event with a tough new crackdown.

NSW Police warned punters that drug detection dogs will be out in full force, stating that they will deny entry to anyone found to have illicit substances on them.

But they also said patrons will be refused entry if a dog detects the presence of prohibited drugs on them - even if no drugs are actually found in a search.

?Police will exclude any person from the venue that the drug dog indicates has or who has recently had drugs on them, regardless of whether drugs are located.,? said South West Metropolitan Region Commander, Assistant Commissioner Peter Thurtell.

?Quite simply, if you handle or use drugs you will not be permitted to remain at the venue.?

A stream of negative comments have appeared in response to the police announcement, with social media users describing it as ?a disgusting abuse of power? and a ?waste of resources?.

One user argued that a person who?s never touched drugs in their life could technically be ?punished for the dog?s mistake? if they unknowingly brushed past a drug dealer.


After Sydney?s Midnight Mafia festival earlier this month ? where one woman was allegedly found in possession of almost 1600 MDMA capsules ? numerous festival-goers took to social media to say they were denied entry to the event after they were searched by police on their way in, despite having nothing incriminating on them.

A spokeswoman for anti-drug dog campaigners, Sniff Off, said they had received numerous complaints from festival-goers who had also not been allowed entry after they were searched ? despite being found to have no drugs on them.

Event organisers Harder Styles United (HSU) issued a statement saying it was ?very unhappy? with the operation, and promised a refund to those who were denied entry.

?It is our personal belief that people are innocent until proven guilty,? the organisers said in a Facebook statement.

Source: https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/r...s/news-story/32ee4c41be75a7829f7abd9503ffef40
What is this bullshit? Drug dogs are infamous for their high false-positive rates and have been known to be influenced by their guardian. Basically this means entrance could be denied at will to anybody the policeman - or should I say pig - doesn't like. Fuck me, that grinds so many gears. Australia can be so fucken backwards.
What is this bullshit? Drug dogs are infamous for their high false-positive rates and have been known to be influenced by their guardian. Basically this means entrance could be denied at will to anybody the policeman - or should I say pig - doesn't like. Fuck me, that grinds so many gears. Australia can be so fucken backwards.

Ain't that the case.

Well to be frank maybe the pigs are doing a newbie a favour.

There is too much crap drugs going around here any way and people are willing to pay for it. Sad times :(
Ugh Australia.

Lock-out laws. Licensed alcohol shops. Sniffer Dogs at Festivals. Noise restrictions. I'm surprised people haven't died of boredom.. you don't realize how sanitized 'fun' is here until you spend some time overseas. Everything is regulated out the ass.
Ugh Australia.

Lock-out laws. Licensed alcohol shops. Sniffer Dogs at Festivals. Noise restrictions. I'm surprised people haven't died of boredom.. you don't realize how sanitized 'fun' is here until you spend some time overseas. Everything is regulated out the ass.

Damn straight. No wonder people are depressed and just wollowing at home doing 2/10ths of fuck all every weekend.

Then again bigger events aren't for everyone.

Wish drug laws were more laxed here but then when I think about my own drug adventures and the divide between sober people vs substance using people, it just would never work. That in it's own to me is a shame :( Cause it's like we all have a right to do what we want with our sexy body lol.
What would Crocadile Dundee do?? Eat your shit at least 45 minutes before entry. Eat a big meal, then eat your granola or whatever the kids are eating now a days. That stinks.
The greens-backed "sniff off"campaign (against the use of drug detectiom dogs) took the police to court over this. Not sure of the outcome (if there was one, yet?) - but its one of the many reasons i vote green.

This is more a reflection on the state of new south wales than australia, if you ask me.
Sure, the cops down here are terrible too - but this shit is insane.

A total abuse of police power.