Mental Health ativan making me depressed

I think they tend to try and only use Xanax for more severe cases (especially with panic attacks) or when other benzo's like Klonopin and Valium haven't worked.
I would try, though, as like I say, most benzo's "wash" serotonin out of your brain which WOULD worsen depression. Alcohol has the same effect on Serotonin as benzo's btw.
Yeah my sub doc prescribes my klonopin.
She already gave me the whole "I won't switch to xanax" talk unfortunately. Probably cause she assumes xanax is "more abuseable", although to me they both feel similar except klonopin is longer acting.
Benzos in general can definitely have depression as a side effect. I'm sure different meds effect people differently, so a change in benzo could help, but like I said in general, that is an unfortunate side effect of using them. Similar to alcohol.
I've used lorazepam for a long time now and I've never noticed that it added to my depression. Quite the opposite honestly. I've found that effectively treating my anxiety gives me space to breathe. If I go too long without that relief, that's what triggers my depression. Because I feel trapped and hopeless.

My doctor was fine with letting me try alprazolam for a few months, but there was something about it that didn't work quite right for me. Everyone has to find the best thing for them, I guess.
Not doubting you at all,

But in what ways would alprazolam help depression that other benzos wouldn't? I'm curious.
i actually agree and if i had my druthers would have asked for xanax.xanax was originally marketed as a 'mood elevator'.i dont know why but ativan is a metabolite of valium.xanax is also an endorphin agonist which makes folks feel good.
Depression is a rare but serious side effect of Ativan. Ativan may worsen depression symptoms in some people who already have this condition before starting the drug. Symptoms of new or worsening depression can include: changes in sleep patterns, which may cause you to sleep more or less than usual.
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