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As the heroin kicked in...


Oct 29, 2018
Have you ever taken too much of a drug and realised you had? What happened? Panic? Shit the bed? Wake up with the police asking you questions? Come to running naked save for one sock down the street with three police cars in pursuit?
Yeeeah Synthetic cannabinoids give me this feeling big time, its like I keep getting higher and higher and higher and my heart starts racing ugh awful stuff. Whats crazy is spice is actually getting some level of popularity again. Only time it make sense is if u got piss tests u gottta pass lol..
Tried to calm down because panic makes it even worse. Then it's either calling for help even it it turns out to be an overreaction, or just say that sooner or later it will be over, one way or the other, and enjoy the ride.
Yeah, most often with Soma or alcohol (but not even all that often with alcohol any more.)

I find it pretty easy to work out my limits for a good dose with most other stuff. Although I haven't always stuck to them by any means. Usually re-dosing too quickly has been the issue.

But Soma is an especially tricky fucker for working out the optimimum dose. The worst that usually happens, provided you don't go too mad, is that you just very abruptly conk out. And just have to hope you weren't eating or drinking anything at the time as it is so abrupt that things get messy.

Apparently the Indian Pain O Soma pills that the clearnet market is flooded with are unreliably dosed, which would explain a hell of a lot! More expensive big pharma brands are said to offer a much more consistent and predictable experience.

It goes without saying that things can get a lot more serious than food or drink spills on the carpet or sofa if you're talking about taking too much heroin.
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Yeah, most often with Soma or alcohol (but not even all that often with alcohol any more.)

I find it pretty easy to work out my limits for a good dose with most other stuff. Although I haven't always stuck to them by any means. Usually re-dosing too quickly has been the issue.

But Soma is an especially tricky fucker for working out the optimimum dose. The worst that usually happens, provided you don't go too mad, is that you just very abruptly conk out. And just have to hope you weren't eating or drinking anything at the time as it is so abrupt that things get messy.

Apparently the Indian Pain O Soma pills that the clearnet market is flooded with are unreliably dosed, which would explain a hell of a lot! More expensive big pharma brands are said to offer a much more consistent and predictable experience.

It goes without saying that things can get a lot more serious than food or drink spills on the carpet or sofa if you're talking about taking too much heroin.
What causes the shuffling shaking actions that come with icerdise!?
Yep. I made 4-MAR from some pemoline pills & ended up with this gooey blue gel (due to pill binders that remained in my extract from the pills, as I didn’t have a proper
lab), making precise weighing impossible. 4-MAR has FOUR chiral stereocenters, & thus 16 different stereoisomers. I had only tried 4-MAR once before, & had no clue which particular stereoisomer(s) or blend thereof it was, as the information as to the which synths result in what ratios wasn‘t available. But whatever variation I tried before was WAY weaker than what I made. I took the tiniest dab with my finger & it was at 100+x stronger.

I was bedridden for hours from extremely uncomfortable overstimulation, but luckily didn’t ever seem to be in any real danger. Surely damaged my brain though as it felt ultra overheated. Fortunately I made sure my also chemist-in-training late husband was there & just lay on the couch trying to pass the time, with him observing me.
You might not notice it if you're on your own depends how fucked you are. It you probably won't see I unless you're taking over a gram at a time.
I cant stay awake on it if I take over a gram at a time. Probably taking it later on of an evening infront of the TV it's always going to do that to me..

Maybe if I tried to keep more active or took it earlier in the day it would hit different, but equally could waste a big chunk of a day doing that. Might try it some time if I get chance.

It seems many people get the best results from it with the euphoria it provides when it relieves their muscular aches and tension. It certainly worked well for me physically and mentally the other week when I took it for a valid physical reason.

It's a frustrating substance for me otherwise, I can feel that there's a kind of potential there for it to work well for me, I just havent figured out the best ways of using it other than combining with DHC or just nodding off infront of the TV. It is a very contented way of nodding in and out of consciousness though. Just seems kind of wasteful.. I've not found a way to prolong the nod as much as with a semi- conscious opiate nod, (not without combining with DHC) I usually just go over too quickly into being fast asleep, and not so much of that delicious inbetween state.....

I think it's because it's a prodrug for Meprobamate, which some people say is very similar to a barbiturate. It's not something I should want to be getting into in a big way though.
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I realized 6-8mg of alprazolam was a bit too much when I realized everything in life was great and all problems melted away, UNTIL CRASHING THE FUCKING CAR..totalled..this was shortly after onset, passing out in the cab of the tow truck..amazing I didn't end up on jail..or dead.

Another would be Phenibut..I took roughly around 750mg or whatever first time and was not my cup of tea..realized it made me feel drunk like gabapentin and suddenly gave me terrible RLS but the fact it knocked me out so early and then over 10 hours later waking up still in the same experience was a bit unsettling but nothing to cry about.

Over dosing on hallucinogens is always the best, even if it may seem like a nightmare, it always turns out for the best luckily.