• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Armodafinil and benzodiazepines generally - best bets?

I really appreciate all the responses. I talked to my doctor, and we settled on increasing the dose of Xanax to 1.5 mg daily from 1 mg, and I've been using 2 mg of melatonin in addition to help sleep. In a pinch, I have added either 25 mg of doxylamine or 50 mg diphenhydramine as an adjunct if the insomnia is markedly med-resistant that particular night. Lots of good info from everyone. Thanks again for the insights.

Oh yeah. @Limpet, chlordiazepoxide creates those nasty paradoxical effects in me. The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of nonsense and insanity. I'll never pop another Librium as long as I live. ?
Have you tried estazolam? It's very much a Xanax xr type of thing, still being a triazolo BZD. I liked the combo of 20mg baclofen with a few mgs estazolam, I suspect I also have a strange narcolepsy/insomnia complex.
Habit has been the most effective thing for me when it comes to sleep. Same time turn in, same time get up. Habits that facilitate fatigue mentally/spiritually/physically throughout the day.