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Misc Anyone have experience with, or know about, pure GABA powder??


Apr 29, 2018
Just discovered I could buy a 100g bag of pure GABA on amazon.
I'm thinking that surely it should have effects comparable to benzo's/barbiturates?
Anyone tried this? Or know anything about it?
Haven't had that but I did take 5-HTP a long time ago. If I remember correctly it did work to a degree although not as much as benzos obviously.
I dont think it crosses the BBB. But i jut googled it and found this

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human cortex. The food supplement version of GABA is widely available online. Although many consumers claim that they experience benefits from the use of these products, it is unclear whether these supplements confer benefits beyond a placebo effect. Currently, the mechanism of action behind these products is unknown. It has long been thought that GABA is unable to cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), but the studies that have assessed this issue are often contradictory and range widely in their employed methods. Accordingly, future research needs to establish the effects of oral GABA administration on GABA levels in the human brain, for example using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. There is some evidence in favor of a calming effect of GABA food supplements, but most of this evidence was reported by researchers with a potential conflict of interest. We suggest that any veridical effects of GABA food supplements on brain and cognition might be exerted through BBB passage or, more indirectly, via an effect on the enteric nervous system. We conclude that the mechanism of action of GABA food supplements is far from clear, and that further work is needed to establish the behavioral effects of GABA.

source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4594160/
Interesting. Thanks for the info, I'll be keeping my eye on this thread as well.
It doesn't cross the BBB orally. Some people report that it feels calming to them, however. And some report strange paradoxcal reactions. Personally, I bought a 400g tub of it when I was starting to taper off phenibut a while back. I was thinking it might help in a cocktail of anxiety-relieving supplements. Well for some reason, whenever I take it, it makes my skin flush and tingle and I get anxious and it feels really weird. I have like 390 grams of it left that I'll never use.

A better supplement is L-theanine, it is an amino acid that can be used by the body to produce both GABA and dopamine. It doesn't feel like a drug, but it doesn't produce somewhat of a sense of well-being and calm, it's good for light anxiety, and it's also good to help you get to sleep. I always have some on hand.