any suggestions helpful


May 6, 2023
does anyone have a brain injury due to a drug overdose or know someone who has ? My brother overdosed (x, heroin, Benzos (?) spelling?) is now acting like it may have affected his brain. It's been been a week and he still isn't himself. What type of therapy or services should we start looking into for him? we are limited on information ..the doctor won't give results bc they ask him if he wants to share his medical information and he must have mumble no. however he is not in any state of mind to be able to make that choice .. he can barely talk, he didn't remember that our dad passed away 7 years ago, he don't remember his name or how to get home, he can't open up a coke can and drink it, he mumbles or talks very low and the doctors are actually listening too him.. I know he's ashamed of doing drugs but he's absolutely not understanding this situation. Also he is in and out of consciousness, sleeps most of the day and all night. I have a call in for information on how to get power of attorney but no one called me back yet ... we were able find find out it was absolutely is drug related .we are completely at a loss ... he will need up in a nursing home bc my 83 year old mother cant take him and he needs care... he cant even tell you if a pot is hot or cold..
I od on heroin couple times. One time couldn't move my left arm. Took 2-3 weeks until improvement. I speak only how it happened to me and I'm not a doctor
My brother overdosed before on bars and oxy and I had to bearhug squat lift his heavy ass in back of the caddy. Anyways he's since passed in car crash but at that time he was messed up bad..they said only his heart kept him alive he was blue/purple and vomiting and myself and friend drove him to er and he recovered barely..lost use of arms past about shoulder height he couldn't raise em higher and he did recover after a while in hospital but he wasn't the same exactly somehow. He for the most part recover though with time.
Because my bro took the stuff the night before and myself and close friend found him next morning in car seat still and then pulled him out slapped him to try and wake him..dumb idea but we're not that smart and he didn't wake up so that snoring loud wasn't sleeping. So had to get him back in car and haul ass to my bro might have been like that all night and he recovered mostly. They did say though if we were any later he was gone. He kinda already was just looking at neighbors thought it was a dead body and called cops from me and friend yelling in the yard and bro layin there...was about ambulance or driving him..I said ambulance but after a min I didn't have time to argue and got him in car.
It’s important how much consequences of his OD are mostly do to brain being some time without oxygen and how much from drug toxicity from a really big dose. As for H and benzos I can’t really see how it could damage him so much if no oxygen deprivation didn’t happen. As for MDMA, dose to cause anything similar to what you explained would need to be extreme and person really unlucky as even massive one time OD shouldn’t end up this bad.

Either he was using really a lot for a long time and who knows what and of what quality (as maybe you weren’t told whole true about both that OD and his previous drug use) or his brain was damaged from long enough oxygen deprivation. But whatever caused damage should be dealt with professionally as soon as possible to increase likelihood and success of recovery.