  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

Other Any chess players here?

Great match, I wanted an answer as to who's really the best in these things but I can't take this for answer
I knew Danny Rensch before he was famous or worked for chess.com. He was active in the southern AZ chess scene.
I played him once in a tournament, but he kicked my ass. He was just a NM at the time, working on his IM norms.
Guys! I am making research related to the effects of psychedelics on chess play and how chess can help people navigate the psychedelic world better. I need volunteers to play chess during a psychedelic experience. Contact me if you are interested!
Hello! If you are interested in helping with our research on Chess & Psychedelic! We are in the stage of collecting data, and this is how you can help with the research:

Fill out this form ( https://forms.gle/5ANqxbtjPF76Vm2s7 ) after playing at least one game (the more games you play, the better) after having consumed a psychedelic substance.

Thank you for your participation, and if you know other people who enjoy playing chess during their psychedelic experiences, please feel free to share this form with them!
Got a daily play rating of around 1300 if anyone has similar and wants to play on chess.com feel free to message me