Mental Health Antipsychotic detox


Mar 1, 2015
I'm a victim of invega sustenna and so are a few others on here. It has destroyed my life for the foreseeable future. Most people who have had it say it is the worst thing that ever happened to them. I tend to agree. It is up there on the list.

Has anyone figured out a way to detox this stuff or other APs? There has to be some way to get it out faster. I don't have 4-8 months. People count on me to be me, and this has robbed me of that. I sleep over 12 hours a day and I'm a complete zombie the rest of the day. I can't be like this for half a year. I feel so bad for those who are forced to be on it for years. That's a death sentence for many, and this stuff is worse than being in jail. At least people in jail enjoy SOME things SOMETIMES. Invega takes all pleasure away.

No antidote and no way to detox from this stuff? Are there really no options here? I still feel like I might die. My heart acts strange.
I'm not sure if I gave you this link before but have you asked this same question on the website Icarus Project? They have a harm reduction resource for coming off of psychiatric medications. It is free online or you can order it. They are a forum of people that offer peer support to people living with mental illness, extreme states of consciousness, depression etc.
I'm not sure if I gave you this link before but have you asked this same question on the website Icarus Project? They have a harm reduction resource for coming off of psychiatric medications. It is free online or you can order it. They are a forum of people that offer peer support to people living with mental illness, extreme states of consciousness, depression etc.

You gave me a different link before. I figure bluelight is the best place to ask though, since people know so much about the topic of chemicals here.

Maybe I should be posting in a different forum on bluelight.

I hope someone has some type of answer. I have been searching the internet and no one seems to have a solution. There are a lot of people suffering because of this. I know this much: forced drugging is a crime against humanity. I see now that it is no exaggeration: forcing or coercing people to take neuroleptics is nothing short of torture. I can't even describe how bad this is. I hope someone has an answer.

I wonder if the detox drinks would help? It is stored in fat..
if it is stored in fat, exercise will help. at first your levels will rise, because the fat tissue is being reduced and thus letting go of the substance. that means you´re getting it out of your body. keep on exercising and eating healthy.

The problem with that is more of it would be released. I feel like this stuff is going to kill me already. I'm barely getting by. It is the worst feeling I have ever had. I see why so many people who get court ordered to take neuroleptics commit suicide. I would rather die than take them for the rest of my life, because when you are on them you are really dead already.

I'm not suicidal, but that's only because there is hope of feeling love and joy again instead of just emptiness. It might take half a year to a year but at least, as it stands, there is still hope.

Would detox drinks work?