Mental Health Anti Psychotics & Bipolar Depression


Sep 2, 2016
I was curious as to who else on here is prescribed anti psychotics to manage their bipolar disorder. It just seems counter productive to me to take something that lowers your dopamine while depressed. I understand that lowering dopamine can decrease mania, but what about for depression?

What's also hard for me to is recognize that when I'm manic, is that I'm actually being manic and not just simply having a "good day." Does anyone else have this problem?:?
It depends on your illness, your living conditions and who you see for your med consults.. every pdoc has a different take on this. AAPs act as mood stabilizers, theyre fast and reliable, they have some serotonin receptor antagonism that gives them an AD effect. Problem is what are risks for the long term side effects? If there is psychosis or potential suicidality involved AAPs are certainly useful. But if there isnt, why not try to move to an anticonvulsant or lithium? With BP1 and people leaning towards the anxiety and psychosis ends of the spectrum that might not be enough.
Insight can be a problem when youre hypomanic. Its just how it is, your perception changes along with the speed of your thinking. You need someone you trust nearby to ground you in reality.
This all gets really complex and many docs choose to stay simple and safe. Liability is a big word.
I just don't know how I feel being on anti psychotics. But I'm not sure if the benefit outweighs the risks...maybe it does...I'm not sure.
I took seroquel and it knocked me out and I didn't like it at all.
I take Depakote now but I can't remember if it's antipsychotic.
Don't let the classification scare you, all kinds of meds are prescribed off label.
I took seroquel and it knocked me out and I didn't like it at all.
I take Depakote now but I can't remember if it's antipsychotic.
Don't let the classification scare you, all kinds of meds are prescribed off label.

Depakote is a mood stabilizer/anticonvulsant
Oh and to add something from your OP, when you have mania and depression it often takes a "cocktail" of meds to even you out. I take antideppressant's as well as the Depakote for my mania.
i have BP 2 and i take antidepressants, a mood stabilizer, and an anti psychotic. lexapro, lamictal, and abilify has done wonders for me.
I also dont understand mania or know when im being manic lol. like they say shopping spree is a part of mania.. what if i just reeeaallly want to buy a couple of things.. is that the same thing? does mania mean like wreckless behavior?
Mania is more wreckless behavior.
Say you want to go shopping for a few things and you can afford it, that's probably not mania.
Blowing your rent money on 7 cashmere sweaters when you live in Florida is more like mania.
Hi! I'm new here but just been moved onto Quetiapine 300mg and taken off Sodium Valproate 900mg. I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder since I was 15, I'm now 22 and my psych is suggesting I have a new diagnosis - yet she isn't stating what. I'm also taking sertraline 50mg too. Being manic is often put down to being a good day for me and I'll frequently forget I ever had a bad day. Not very helpful! I personally didn't understand the change of medications as I'd been on them for 5 years. Although sodium valproate can cause harm to an unborn baby and because I'm a young female they expect me to want to be popping out babies...uh no.