Mental Health amphetamines


Sep 3, 2016
I made another post, but I feel like i asked the wrong questions. I started taking dexedrine last fall, and at first i didn't realize it, but it kind of drove me crazy. Now i take more than i used to, as i used to occasionally sell them, and i'm getting crazier. In the past, i thought that i suffered from unipolar depression, but it also might have been bipolar, looking back on it now. By the way, I just realized less than a month ago that manic depression might be my problem, and then i found out soon afterwards that stimulants are a big no no, so it's all pretty new. I guess what I'm saying is I'm not stupid, using dexedrine for a long time while knowing about the manic depression.

A month or two ago, I went off amphetamines for a couple weeks when i started to realize something was wrong. I still slept about 4 or 5 hours, and felt extremely energetic at night. So it may or may not have to do with amphetamines.

I guess basically, my main question is if anything to do with amphetamines very closely resembles manic depression. I mean very closely, because at this point I'm pretty confident that i have manic depression unless there is another mental illness i have. I've set up a doctor's appointment, and i guess it doesn't really matter what it is because i feel like no matter it is what amphetamines are bad news and i'm going to have to stop them. I'm just curious. Just want to know what to expect at the doctor's, and if it's drug related or not.
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Amphetamines increase dopamine, which can increase and even cause a temporary mania in people with bipolar disorder. So you're saying that you feel only depressed, but once you take the dex, you feel manic? Is that what you're saying?