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Jan 15, 2012
Well I found 10mg Ambien last night about 8 of them. I know if you take a bunch some people kinda trip a bit. So I IV my pain meds I researched it some have done it so I IV'd one 10mg. Holy crap!!! Everything got wavy and peripheral vision was sketchy everything got bright and I had very deep thoughts very deep. It was reccomended you shoot and lay down I listened to a favorite song and cried but good tears and woke up 6 hrs later with tv remote in hand I didn't move. Felt like I had been sleeping 2 days. I have raging insomnia I get like 3 hrs a night so what a blessing. Trip was like 10 min but I'm def doing it again one more time don't wanna get carried away. Any of y'all experience this?
I once took 80mg of Ambien and tripped tf out and woke up the next day with selfies on my phone of myself drooling, weird edited quote pictures with misspellings, and I couldn't remember the night at all.
HEY! BE CAREFUL!! Ambien is a powerful CNS depressant (suppresses your brain stem's autonomic functions - breathing etc) which builds up in your system over time. No exaggeration, that shit can kill you!

My wife used to suffer from severe chronic insomnia for many years, but no more! The solution is simple, she makes her own CBD oil, and it's easy!

1. Fine grind 1 ounce cannabis with an electric coffee grinder
2. Spread that out on a baking sheet
3. Bake at 240 degrees for 40 minutes
4. Bring 1/3 pot of water to a boil, reduce temperature to low (gentle boil)
5. Place bowl on top of pot, making sure water does not touch bottom of bowl
6. Add cannabis to 1-1/2 cup of canola oil inside bowl
7. Cook 4 hours, stirring every 15 minutes
8. Add 1/2 cup of cold water to the pot every 30 minutes
9. Set aside to cool
10. Once cooled, using a small bowl and sieve, place cheese cloth in sieve
11. Place one tablespoon at a time of cannabis oil mixture into the cheese cloth, press out every drop of oil
12. Add oil to food or drinks

Problem solved, she sleeps well every night. You can, too!
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That sounds awesome man I'm a cannabis activist but I have to test for my pain meds every month no THC and I'm out I'd rather walk than sleep but I'm saving your post for further reference. Thanks and after that other post no more for me I did 5mg earlier and had the most vivid nightmare ever. Too good to be true I giess
Zolpidem is rather selective as a hypnotic. Sure it's technically a depressant but that selectivity means that it really won't cause things like respiratory depression any time soon. Of course there are limits, for example 300 mg will put you in a coma. But it's always about the therapeutic index which seems fair (even the less selective benzos have pretty fair therapeutic index and on their own they are hard to die from).

With IV analgesics involved though, of course the CNS depression may get amplified so it is a good warning to avoid just popping them like candies, let alone the possible fugue states. The synergistic depressant effect may very well account for a potentiated hypnotic effect so it may be very hard to trip for longer on ambien while you are on these analgesics - the combo may just make it too difficult to try staying awake.

So still, be careful, but let's not make it into a heavy CNS depressant. It also has a short half-life and doesn't really build up in your system although it binds to plasma protein. For the duration though of course effects stack up if you redose, as with anything that doesn't cause acute tolerance (tachyphylaxis).

I've never tripped hard on zolpidem nor zopiclone but I also hardly ever tried to push it with high doses, those fugue states don't sound appealing but just dangerous. One time though I had an unexplainable 'intuition' to take like 30 mg of zopiclone and then proceeded to IM 5-MeO-DMT. I was very relaxed and the 5-MeO-DMT was less potent but at increased dosage it repeatedly put me unequivocally in a state of ecstasy. Despite the high dose of zopiclone powder it did not make me zone out hard, maybe 5-MeO-DMT is too jarring to allow that or the zopiclone might have been a little degraded. Although, I don't think it's really unstable.

It's easy to get dependent on Z-drugs just like it is to use benzos for anxiety too regularly for an indefinite period. So don't... but from the OP it doesn't sound like you're as you say get carried away, so that's good.
Giving it one more try seems fair - but I would really try to only use these depressants for very occasional and only functional use. That sort of dependency is hell, for benzos probably worse than opioids IMO although of course it depends on how deep in you are and which ROAs used etc.
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