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Allergic to anesthesia


May 26, 2013
A friend of mine suffers from a blood plasma deficiency called Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency. He discovered it when he almost lost his life during a minor surgery where they gave him a general aesthetic but he (almost) didn't wake up and when he did, he was completely paralyzed.


The wiki states there are certain drugs to avoid, but obviously wiki wouldn't mention recreational dissociative drugs like ket, dxm, etc...

Does anyone know anything about this? He said he took lsd once and it didn't aggravate his condition.
Ketamine and DXM have medical purpose, ketamine is given for surgery and DXM is available as cough medicine. Also wikipedia is not necessarily ignorant or biased like that, if it is relevant it is relevant. Although in this case I guess you are right because heroin and cocaine may also pose problems apparently, cocaine for sure - heroin potentially. They also have ester functions that seem to be metabolized partially by such non-specific enzymes.

By the way he was paralyzed because of the muscle relaxing drugs they administered as part of the anaesthesia. Its effects were potentiated because his body is unable to break it down properly. I understand it must have been scary and possibly quite dangerous.

However the anaesthestics to avoid are esters that are remotely choline-like because this particular enzyme deficiency means that there are not enough enzymes of the pseudocholinesterase kind.

DXM is not really used as an anaesthetic. Neither DXM nor ketamine have ester groups. LSD doesn't have one either. Carisoprodol is a carbamate, I was thinking maybe that is an issue but apparently that is no problem either.

I wonder what would happen if 4-AcO tryptamines are taken, actually? I guess other esterases would be used for that... I don't know if there are people with a more general esterase deficiency but they could potentially tell us if 4-AcO tryptamines are active themselves.
Thanks for the help. Do you know off hand of any recreational drugs that contain esterases that may aggravate my friends condition? Is there anything YOU'D suggest he stays away from?
I mentioned them in my previous post: certainly avoid cocaine, and avoiding heroin may be best as well. 4-AcO tryptamines like 4-AcO-DMT are probably safe, but starting extra low may be wise. Nothing else comes to mind. Although raiding a medicine cabinet and eating the contents is also probably a bad idea, but then again it isn't very smart for any other person either.

(By the way it is not the drugs that contain esterases. Esterases are the enzymes in our bodies your friend has considerably less of. Another thing: if you are actually talking about a friend then it is very weird that your friend does not ask about this himself. If you are actually talking about yourself... there is no legal protection in using phrases like SWIM or 'my friend' or 'my goldfish'. And we have a rule against that on this forum. Don't be paranoid. Admitting online to drug use is no big deal, it's not like publicly doing a drug deal.)
Okay. Well in that case, then yes, it is me who has the deficiency. I thought it was self incriminating to say that I've taken illegal drugs in the past.
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it, and I'll be looking more into it.
My brother has the same condition, once in surgery he was given general anesthesia and didn't wake up. He was in a coma for two days. I was tested for the deficiency because it can be genetic, and the tests were inconclusive. So I was told to stay away from cocaine and to this day is remains one of the only drugs I haven't tried. Whenever me or my brother have surgical procedures done we are given a special type of anesthesia and take extra precautions. But I have tried pretty much every drug there is out there and had no bad effects (other than the usual ones). I was told to avoid the caines(cocaine, benzocaine, novacaine) It is a very rare condition. I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread (I am on a 'trip' right now) because honestly I've never met another person with it besides my brother and possibly me.

Anyways about the trip I am on right now: that it why I came to the psychedelic drugs forum because I don't know what substance I am on!!! I was told it was mdma, but it is certainly not. It feels a lot like an LSD trip but it was a white powder that kinda looked like molly. I think it might have been a research chemical but I don't have much experience with psychedelics (only tripped a few times before) and my boyfriend and I IVed it because we thought it was molly. We did a tiny amount as a 'test shot' and as soon as I pulled the needle out of my arm I was tripping balls. I am going to write a trip report later because I really want to find out what this drug is!!! I have a lot left and I'm not gonna do anymore until I know what it is.
Get a marquis test for that. Otherwise we can't really ID it for you because it is not allowed here. Especially not in the wrong thread. ;)
But I do hope you enjoy the trip and get to narrow down what kind of substance you have, mystery compounds are not really such a good idea because there is more unpredictability.

Yes the other caines are also problematic with this deficiency but they are not recreational drugs. However you could occasionally come across a street drug cut with procaine or one of the others. There are a lot of different possible cuts and these are included. Cocaine would be the #1 drug to be cut with local anaesthetics such as procaine or benzocaine or lidocaine because they attribute a numbing effect on the lips or gums people associate with cocaine. In any case, remember this if the products you get are not super reliable.
That's crazy, I've never met someone else with the condition either. My doctor told me its very rare and occurs in less than 1% of the world population.

The wikipedia claims that it is more common in people of persian descent & middle eastern people but I am white.

Thanks to the both of you for your help.
realize im bumping a super old thread, but I also have this condition. after an emergency surgery about 10 years ago, i was out for a full day when i was supposed to be out for like 8 minutes or something. Paralyzed when I woke up, and everything came back very slowly over the next few hours. After the whole ordeal, a doctor took me aside and told me to make sure I stay away from cocaine (at this point, i was only 13 years old). I took this suggestion very seriously all the way thru college.

I had a very bad pain killer habit post college for like 5 years. Last couple were strictly heroin, used intra nasally, no issues regarding my liver deficiency with and opiates. i have done cocaine with no ill effects. you need to make sure its not cut with any of those other anaesthetics. youre liver wont have a problem processing just the coke, but it will have problems breaking down many of the things coke is cut w. I have never been a huge coke fan, i guess because adderall seemed to do the trick for me, but when i do choose to do a little blow, I make sure to get it from a reliable person. And start very small, with other people there.

i think the statistic is 1 in 50,000. Or at least thats what Ive been told. There are also varying degrees of the condition. i got it from my mom, and apparently the degree to which i cant process those specific enzymes like normal, is very extreme