Advice on Opiate switch


Nov 10, 2016
Hello everyone. First I think it is best to tell you all a little about myself.

I started using opiates at a very young age, 14 and went direct to heroin taken intravenously/injected. This went on from 14-29 whilst also being on various methadone programs/detox programs from the age of 15. So using both prescribed and illegal until 29. Then I stopped using and stabilised on 125ml/day of methadone 1mg/1ml.

Now I live in the uk always have and have seen it go from being prescribed by my gp, various programs and now just one way to get your prescription is a company called lifeline.

So from 29 I was on 125ml/day and have reduced that myself down to just 12ml/day.

I'm now 37 and want to get off this last bit of methadone and away from this terrible service.

What I want to know is can the 12ml/day of methadone be swapped out for something that my GP can prescribe. Such as


I would prefer maybe the df118 aka Dihydrocodeine as this would be very easy to get.

What I need is how much df118 will I need 30mg tabs to replace the methadone? And will I get many withdrawal symptoms doing this?

Thank you for yout time and help

Kind regards
