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Adulterated Coke


Sep 14, 2016
Hello All,

this is my first post after reading then forum for some time

i have read alot of article about cleaning up adulterated coke and i am very interested in this.

most of the coke available in the UK seem to be of very low quality, is anyone in the UK having any success with acetone washes, A/B extractions, B/A extractions ?
i am also interested if anyone is using chloroform as this seems to remove a lot of adulterants but is not particularly easy to get it would seem

thanks for you input

Welcome to the site :)

I'm not sure if you have read the 'le-junk's' guide to cleaning ? That may cover a lot of your basic questions.
thank you :)

i have read it in great detail, sadly there is lots of conflicting advice in it and the thread is now closed.

user RobA suggests a B/A extraction, which is the reverse of what most people do and i would love to know if anyone has used that as its much simpler to do that the usual A/B version.

the vast majority of the contributors to that thread are also in the USA where availability of lab supplies is a little different
Acetone wash will only remove inert filler. If you think it's full of other active ingredients then forget even trying.

To try and clean up stepped on Coke is a waste of time. AB ain't easy and involves some pretty hazardous Chems.

Good Coke you need literally 50 mg. It doesn't hurt to snort, it lasts 1 hour and you can sleep within 4 hrs of the last line. Wake up in the morning and you got Coke cold you've been snorting shit. Good Coke shouldn't irritate IMHO.
BTW avoid strong bases (such as alkali metal hydroxides, E.g caustic soda [NaOH, commonly known as lye]) if acid-basing because cocaine is quite sensitive to basic hydrolysis, being an ester (in fact the cocaine molecule is possessed of not just one but two esters, being the benzoyl, methyl etster of ecgonidine).

Esters easily break apart if exposed to bases, in fact reaction with NaOH or caustic potash are the commonest way to cleave an ester back to the parent alcohol. Use 'ammonium hydroxide' (ammonia in aqueous solution), its less strong of a base compared to caustic soda or potash, and isn't prone to tearing up that sensitive wee white lassie right back to ecgonidine, which whilst still a useful precursor to coke analogs is in and of itself, inactive.

For clean coke the dose is closer to 100mg, IMO. AB is not the most difficult procedure in the world, and the chemicals&solvents used could be far worse.

Whether its a waste of time or not depends on how much impure charlie you have to work with.
Acetone wash will only remove inert filler. If you think it's full of other active ingredients then forget even trying.

To try and clean up stepped on Coke is a waste of time. AB ain't easy and involves some pretty hazardous Chems.

Good Coke you need literally 50 mg. It doesn't hurt to snort, it lasts 1 hour and you can sleep within 4 hrs of the last line. Wake up in the morning and you got Coke cold you've been snorting shit. Good Coke shouldn't irritate IMHO.

thanks for the reply, i cant get anything thats decent to be honest i dont have much choice but to try and clean in. Im 37 and have been using party pescriptions all my life and the drugs now round here are shit, i am looking into the darknet for gear but dont know much about it.

on the plus side i did do a chemistry A Level along time ago and have a science based degree so i think i could quite easy titrate the coke HCl > Base - i have already accumulated some of the glassware, i am considering getting a separating funnel to produce chloroform but am slightly concerned about phosgene
Hi Limpet chicken - thanks for replying.
i have 10% ammonia to produce the cocaine base, i was then going to wash with distilled water. Then add HCl to the base suspended in H20 to produce Coke HCl, this will then go back into solution.
Evaporate and wait for the powder.
i prefer the this idea to dissolving the base in acetone and adding HCl until the precipitate stop forming, no excess HCl in the powder then, though i will have to wait longer to evaporate the water of than i would the acetone.
Mind the thin ice.

Technically it's synthesis talk -- i.e., putting together whole new molecules out of bits of other ones -- that is banned, and purification processes are strictly analyses -- i.e., separating existing molecules from one another. But if you are expecting that to wash with senior staff and a Daily Mail-reading complainant who would rather see you die than get high, you are braver than someone who puts on a short skirt each day and walks to work past a building site full of over-sexed, insecure, white, cis, het, able-bodied males.

You can probably determine a "bodge factor" to determine how to adjust the weight of this warning to compensate for it coming from a transsexual forum moderator who knows about chemistry .....
Mind the thin ice.

Technically it's synthesis talk -- i.e., putting together whole new molecules out of bits of other ones -- that is banned, and purification processes are strictly analyses -- i.e., separating existing molecules from one another. But if you are expecting that to wash with senior staff and a Daily Mail-reading complainant who would rather see you die than get high, you are braver than someone who puts on a short skirt each day and walks to work past a building site full of over-sexed, insecure, white, cis, het, able-bodied males.

You can probably determine a "bodge factor" to determine how to adjust the weight of this warning to compensate for it coming from a transsexual forum moderator who knows about chemistry .....

I really disagree about it being in any way synthesis discussion, not even a million miles away. Its not turning cocaine into a different drug or using it as a precursor to make drugs; for it already IS the end product, its simply cleaning potentially toxic garbage out of it. Changing a drug from a salt into a freebase isn't altering the drug itself, merely exchanging counterions. HCl salt to citrate, HCl salt to bare hydrogen (I.e the drug itself with no salting counterion at all)

Sure theres chemistry involved, but its turning a salt to a freebase and reforming the salt most likely (unless the OP were to decide they just wanted to smoke the base. And even then thats NOT synthesizing anything, not altering the structure of the drug itself whatsoever. The ONLY thing going on is removing the counterion, held in place by an ionic bond, not a covalent bond, just an electrostatic charge holding the salting species in place. That comes off of cocaine? what does one have, if not cocaine? Sounds like he is going to end up BACK again, with cocaine (salt) too. It says in ADD quite specifically that extractions and purifications are permitted.

If you want advice regarding chloroform then all you must do is to pm me. One piece that will be given openly however, is twofold. One, do not attempt to use it in its old, old fashioned psychoactive role for it sensitizes the heart to noradrenaline and can predispose to arrhythmias,

I do not see how the opinion of daily mail readers is in any way relevant. I read the TV paper section (my mother died very very recently and the paper was gotten for her, because it was her habit to have one bought her, despite the fact that due to MS and severe dementia she was utterly incapable of reading it, or towards the end, even looking at the pictures. She became a moronic, crippled, near paralyzed droolmonkey then starved herself to death `) and my old man still buys one one or twice a week for, well out of habit essentially, aside from the TV paper. So this (albeit not common) 'daily mail reader' approves. It IS harm reduction, cleansing coke of adulterants. No, charlie is not the healthiest thing to be using in the first place, but it is less unhealthy at least, by some degree, once the cuts and adulterants are removed. This kind of thing IS permitted, that I know.
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I know that, you know that ..... but this is not about you, or me ..... It's all about John Thomas out there, who doesn't know that, but thinks he knows smart-arsery when he hears it. Just spend a few extra words -- as you have done, thank you -- making it clear that this is not going to create anything new that wasn't there before, only separate it out a bit better. Because I can't really be protecting anyone from any accusations of synthesis talk that may come flying from who knows which quarters. Also, some would say cocaine freebase (crack) is a different drug from cocaine hydrochloride (sniff), and deprotonating an aminium salt is an actual chemical reaction and the amine base is a wanted product. Good luck proving that it's just a transient, intermediate stage and will all be reprotonated again with HCl as soon as possible after washing the precipitate with water to remove the hydrophilic impurities.....

I am not denying for one second that chemistry is a fascinating and worthy subject. But I do think some things might be better discussed somewhere beyond the jurisdiction of Bluelight staff, such as a peraonal blog. If only for the sake of sparing some of us potential embarrassment .....
I do not have to prove that it will be reprotonated. And in any case, a subatomic particle, less than a single atom, does not a synthesis make. If that logic would lead to it being called synthesis talk, then we would ban snorting coke, because nasal drip would lead it to go down to the stomach, and it would be bathed in a SEA of acid, protonating the bejesis out of it. Hell, it could lead to some degree of acidic cleavage of the ester functionalities. All he has to do, is not to prove that it will be reprotonated, but not specifically to say that it would not.

And in any case, the DRUG is still cocaine, be it a salt, or the base. Cocaine, stays cocaine, be there a counterion or no counterion. And again as I said, a hydrogen ion, or proton, it is less than an ATOM, a subatomic particle that changes the nature of the drug, the SELFSAME drug, not one iota, merely the vaporization point and solubility in H2O and other polar solvents. Solubility, NOT character. Not action. Cocaine, is cocaine, is cocaine.

And also, it (removing potentially HARMful adulterants is HARM REDUCTION.) And what, tell me, pray thee, is bluelight's message and raison d'etre?

Correct me if I am mistaken but I believed it to BE harm reduction.

And lets look at it this way, if changing the state (and NOT the essential nature) of the drug, which is as I said, still what it started to be, unless he accidentally uses too strong a base (which I warned him against, to use ammonia rather than hydroxide) if he did that he would be left with ecgonidine or one of its monoesters. These are inactive if ingested. And yes, sure, whilst I myself possess the capability knowledge to do things with ecgonidine which quite certainly would amount to synthesis, is not what I am talking about. Hell if it were me. I'd get enough coke, clean it up, hydrolyse the benzoyl ester and do things to it that most CERTAINLY would be counted as synthesis talk if discussed openly, things that involve glassware and plenty of chemical manipulations, transformations et cetera.

But, in this case, I most certainly do know what I am talking about. I have, lets say, a good understanding of chemical transformations and whats more, of what constitutes one and what does not. Freebasing a drug no more changes the essential molecule itself any more than changing the concentration by adding it to nothing more or less than distilled H2O, in which case the drug if a salt and water soluble has a dissociation constant, just like an acid or base does, and will ionize into drug molecules and the charged species (MUCH more complex than a mere single proton, solely by virtue of its dissociation in water, yes, ordinary water brings about a greater change, So does adding vinegar to baking powder.)

And again, Le Junk was permitted to publish his procedure. And in ADD it specifically says things that are alright, such as the included extractions are permissible. Does it not go counter to the very spirit of bluelight at the most fundamental level, restricting discussion of extractions and procedures for cleaning out potentially harmfuk byproducts/cuts?

To me, it does indeed go against what BL stands for.
And since WHEN did we take orders from the daily mail? to the best of my knowledge, we do not. We do have our OWN rules, but if we went pandering to everything every dumb cunt caveman throwback, we wouldn't exist, because we'd be too busy giving the DEA a long, sloppy sucking off.

Or I'd be banned for my being autistic when we started to blow autism sque..i mean, SPEAKS...ahem.
Oh well, that escalated quickly.
i have not suggested synthesis of anything, purely removing cuts from adulterated cocaine HCl.

infact 100% of my knowledge on this subject comes directly from posts written by Le Junk and Epote on bluelight. Both of which are hundreds of posts long and were active for over 10 years.

Nowhere in either of those threads does a mod mention they are conflicting with any forum rules, so I had assumed I would also be within forum rules discussing those same topics here for UK specific info and opinions.

I am new here and would like to be a regular contributor and certainly don't want to upset anyone.

many thanks
Hello guys and gals

I now have the base on a filter paper drying, the acetone wash produced very little loss and when I dissolved the HCl in water there was very little to filter out

i am assuming my stuff is quite good to start out with.

there seem to be 1001 methods to convert base back to HCl. I would like to dissolve in deionised water and then add 35% HCl until all the base has gone back into solution, then evaporate dry and scrape off the coke HCl.

can anyone confirm this method is ok ?
