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Adderall questions frequent user


Dec 14, 2016
This is a long post. Sorry first timer. Any advice appreciated.

Hello, Ive watched this site for about a year now but I couldn't find a thread that covered all of my questions at once so I decided to finally register on the site. That being said, I apologize if this is already somewhere else.

To the point, I am prescribed adderall 30mg IR 1x a day. I usually get/take more but this is a new doc so he's still feeling me out. I usually snort them, rarely take them orally due to the effects lasting longer than I'd like and the effects I do get are more bad than good. But lately I've been getting those effects snorting them also. I probably snort around 90mg on the low end and 120 on the high end a day. I've been taking breaks after binging for a week or two so I'll do like 2 on 2 off etc etc. But my question is this:
Lately I'll notice it's getting late (12 ish) and I'd lIke to go to bed. But I can tell on what nights my mind/body just isn't having it so I feel like I have 2 options, stay up and once the come down is too unbearable (long lasting headache, loss of appetite, fatigue) I'll re-dose to get through the night and just stay up another day and I can sleep the following night. Option b, lay in bed watch TV, read a book, listen to music, pretty much anything I'll try to calm my mind and then eventually by the time everyones already up I can fall asleep (10am ish). I feel like neither of these are preferable and I don't know what to do. Please help. Also I should note I don't really snort huge amounts, just little amounts frequently throughout the day. And I try taking melatonin and that gives the littlest but of help but most nights nothing.

EDIT: I've been taking adderall on and off for about a year now. I have a decently high tolerance. But I do take breaks to try to keep my body in check. And if it matters at all, I smoke cigs too. Idk.
Forgive me for sounding like a nagging grandparent, but I'm speaking STRICTLY from experience.... something I've learned the hard way (over a long period of time) when it comes to Adderall.

1) First, snorting it or taking it in ways other than prescribed do not always (or even often) give a "better" result. More intense, possibly- but often an un-manage-able result. At least from my experience, where my only interest in taking it is to be productive.

2) Even when it wears off, it's still not gone- I'm a easy/heavy sleeper (I can sleep standing up in the line at the DMV) but on days when I use it, many times after the concentration part of it wears away, there's still enough "residual" effects to ruin a good night's sleep, or to leave me with an insane headache.

3) (and this is the recent discovery I wanted to share) that say you take X mg per day, and after a while where you're starting to not experience the same intenstity after taking it (especially if you were taking it heavily) if you take 1/4 of the X dose instead of the regular dose, for some reason it's more effective. At least for a day or two afterwards. Has anyone else experienced this? I took a small fraction of my regular dose to avoid any hard crashing, and actually got a better result than when I took the full dose. This has happened to me a few times, so I know it's not just in my head- has anyone else experienced this?

Anyway, I just wanted to share a few things that I experienced with this, for whatever it's worth. The biggest lesson being that just because you break the speed limit, doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get there faster. Try it as prescribed for a while at least at some point, with consistency, to get a feel for what it can do for you.
Ya i find lower doses more predictable and more likely to be euphoric if i take it where i dont crash . High doses sometimes id get really angry over nothing or id be stuck thinking over and over and it would ruin it for me . I think it really depends im not trying to get the feeling of geting blasted by a tank to the nuts just a constant steady happy focused.
Please don't bump your own threads! If BL'ers have something constructive to add, I assure you they will. Sometimes you have to wait a little while for that answer you want.

I'm sorry OP, but the answer is actually very simple. Amphetamines are powerful Central Nervous System stimulants. They were originally put into use to keep people awake and operating with efficiency despite lack of sleep, among other things. By keeping you awake, they're doing exactly what they were designed to do. The answer to your question, unfortunately, is that you need to reduce your dosage of Amphetamine.

You can counteract the powerful stimulation with powerful sedatives, but even if you do manage to get to sleep while still intoxicated by stimulants, your sleep architecture is going to be severely fucked, leaving you unable to get an actual, fully restorative sleep.

I'm going to leave this open, but I'm pretty confident that what I've written here is the correct answer to your question.
What he said^. And I too, prefer sniffing Adderall, as opposed to taking it orally.. with the IRs at least, those are the only ones I have ever tried. And still... they last for a good half a day, from just sniffing my prescribed 20mg a day dose, once in the AM.. it will last literally 6-12 hrs some days! no lie! while orally, when I have taken Adderall that way, I end up getting very different effects each time.. sometimes lasting longer than sniffing them, sometimes shorter, sometimes doing absolutely nothing... etc. Orally, Adderall IR I have found to be, one of, if not THE most fickle drug... because of your stomach acid! The more basic/neutral pH your stomach contents are, the better Adderall works when taken oral.. I always take antacids before taking Adderall, either oral or intranasal, because I want a more basic stomach, and I drink coffee every morning before taking the Adderall, so i will usually have a very acidy stomach til doing so.. baking soda, also works well as an antacid, it can taste like absolute shit though, and leave you thirsty all day long if you over do it... which i have experienced, definitely helps make Adderall work better, orally or sniffed for the excess Adderall that drips into your stomach, even when you do sniff it, or the "drip", which i found to be almost inevitable with Adderall IRs sniffed, theres lots of binder/fillers in them!

Anyways, you should try and cut back your dose OP... it really would help! And as for sleeping, on Adderall, don't take more and pull all nighters... its going to fuck with your head big time, if done often enough.. i used to do this with coke a lot.. and it would leave me very paranoid/psychosis ridden from doing so! it sucked! I take klonopin, which if your not familiar with, is a benzodiazepine.. it helps me calm down after the Adderall has worn off, but its also addicting, and the addiction to benzos, is not worth it if you don't truly need to be on them or aren't a very nervous/shy/anxious person.. but i will say, because of the fact that i am, and i have ADHD. these two drugs combined, have helped me tremendously! Not recommending it.. just saying what i do to combat amp comedowns and side effects, take a klonopin... NOW, if i had never taken benzos/wasn't already taking them, i would just smoke some weed! THC, the main active ingredient in MJ, works amazing as well, at dealing with insomnia/anxiety, and lots of things that are undesirable about taking Adderall..

I would try to slowly taper on the Adderall, though in all honesty! 120mg! that's a lot of Adderall, no wonder you cant sleep... i take no more than 20-30mg at a time, the most i have ever tried was around 70mg at once, and i was way too speedy and lit... didn't really like it, it made me uneasy and too jittery.. 20-30mg is perfect to me, even having a tolerance and taking it daily it still works wonderful for me.. Idk, its probably not going to be super easy to do it, mentally.. but if you can, i think Adderall is much more therapeutic at lower 20-40mg doses, just my opinion and experiences with it since being scripted it around a year ago.
Don't snort pills. They are not meant to be consumed this way, and you are snorting binders and it's not good to do.

Take it early in the morning at the dose prescribed and don't redose in the afternoon or evening if you want to sleep.