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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Adderall back in the good ol' days


Jun 22, 2011
This is from when i first got my script, i submitted this to erowid but the fyckers wont post it.

So im a 18 year old guy and im am pretty high right now at 40mg, i got prescribed last week for add.

Anyway i have been on the drug for approx 2 months. I have taken 10mg xr everyday, and i decided to have some fun with it. The first time i ever took it, i crushed the 10mg XR with a spoon and bowl and snorted it. It actually got me high being the first
time i ever did the drug. That was a pretty low end dose, and this isnt the highest. I also snorted 15mg two other times, but got little effect.

So today i took 40mg. I dont want to get very specific right now, but is was (and still is) a really good time. I took 25mg of IR and 15mg of XR. I snorted 5mg of the IR and chewed up 20mg. I opened up two XR caps and crushed and swallowed the little beads with my teeth.

I took the last 5mg xr normally in hopes of making the comedown a little easier (because there would be a little bit of amps in my system).

I am at my house. Right now im having a lot of fun playing bejewled. I started writing the actual report at about T+4:00, anything before that i wrote from my memory, anything after that happened as i typed it.

So that means I started at approx 9:30 PM.

So anyway heres the report

Im in the bathroom getting ready to shower, so before i start, im going to snort some addy, its approx 5:05 pm. I got me the blue boys(as my friends call them). They are 5mg IR and realllly sweet like candy. If i had to describe them i would say they are like pure sugar, not powered or brown just regluar old coffee sugar.

Honestly I considered putting them in coffee but im not sure about caffeine and amps together, plus im not sure how the heat would react (i mean heat destroys LSA right?) so i decided to just snort 5mg to start off. I crush the blue 5mg sweet adderall, roll up a 1$ bill. I have heard this is bad because other people do this and you can get an infection.

Anyway, while sitting on the toilet (just sitting, lid down not pooping) i put the pill onto a plate i brought into the bathroom, crush it and snort the adderall, it goes down somewhat smooth, i didnt crush it very good so it burned a little. I immedently chew the other 15mg.

About 2 mins into my shower i start feeling the snorted part of the pill. I feel extra tall (im 6'3, but i felt 6'7). The best way to expain it is i didnt really feel like i had grown, but i felt like my soul was right above my body, i was towering over myself.

I took one of the best showers of my life. I had chills and i felt lightheaded for like 4 mins after i snored the adderall.

Anyway i felt like masterbating, so i got out of the shower.

Is 5:45 and i just had one of the best orgasms of my life, i feel like going outside.

I am sitting near the woods, in my side yard, my white house it to the left of me and im sitting toward the road. feel the 15mg coming on, all the colors brighten outside. Everythings seems content. My side feels extra warm like an opiate warmth because my arm is sitting on it. I feel focused, happy, and awake, energized.

I turn on some music, put my ipod on shuffle, and sit back. I am in euphoria.

I still feel the same as before, a little more intense. Im outside, alone. Im sitting on a blue, striped (white stripes, gray outlines)bench. The bench rocks like a rocking chair. My legs feel pleasurable when i rock back and forth. They feel good when i stretch, any movenment feels good really.
I decide to take 5mg IR. I put it in my mouth and chew, my tounge is actually turning blue from the pills, but that was expected...

Its like 6:11, i dont "feel" the other 5mg, well actually i do, more euphoria, i feel happy. The warmth has went away. I feel more speedy, i feel like i cant get things done quick enough. I am getting aggervated with my mom because she is doing things so slow compared to me and i wish she would hurry (im not telling her im aggervated though, im not feeling aggressive).

I dont know if it was fully kicked and the 5mg made it stronger, or if its just starting to kick in and the 5mg only helped a little.I go inside and start doing crossword puzzles and word searches on my computer, im laying on my couch in my living room, the tv is on, im also watching tron legacy.

Its 6:42 now, still in my living room, i finally complete the word search. I feel like doing something active. I feel a strong body high similar to sativa, just more intense and far more speedy with a more a mental aspect/happyness to it. Not to say its better than weed, just different.

I open a 5mg XR capsule, chew up the beeds and swallow. Im going to walmart.

Its about 7 o clock now. I went to the dollar store. My friend came and picked me up, While there i took a 5mg XR capsule, and swallowed the other 5mg xr whole.

I feel wired, the body high has went away, so im assuming that was the "rush" from snoring, possibly from chewing the IR pills instead of taking them normally.

I feel a mental euphoria, i enjoy doing things i wouldnt normally enjoy. Like looking at clothes, SPENDING MONEY(haha), and talking to strangers. Dont get me wrong im not shy, but i dont normally like talking to cashiers, people in the store etc...

I love talking to friends at school, also people i dont know at school, but their not complete strangers right? I mean we have something in common, like we go to the same high school.

The only thing is my body doesnt feel "good" but more of "weird". I guess thats why they call it wired, your speedy and focused, but shaky and weird in the body. I feel like i cant do things at a normal pace and i have to go really fast, i enjoy this.

I am getting some crazy looks because im walking really fast, and pacing around and shit. My legs feel very restless and it STILL feels good to move them, but it feels weird when im still, like i cant move enough. We decided to leave, we get in my friends jet black ford taurtus (ugly car lol). I hated sitting the car, i was very unconfortable the whole way to walmart.

I arrived at walmart, paranoia is starting. Im am assuming people are going to shoot up the store, rob me etc.
Music is amazing, i can really "feel" the music. I can focus on one thing (like writing this) for a long time.

Im getting very aggervated at my friend when he talks, which is alot. I decide to go home and get to my room as and away from other people as fast as possible, i would rather text my friends than talk in person, IKD why its a lot less annoying.

Anxiety is starting on the way home. I think im having a heart attack and stroke. Im obviously fine, so i talk my self out of the panic attack. I am not currently seeing shadow men haha.
Time seems distorted, i am going fast and time seems very slow.

My friend drops me off, when i get home i tell my parents i dont feel good and im going to rest in my room, they say okay and leave me alone.

I am at home in my room, its 7:30. I started playing bejewled and talking on different forums, and texing my friends. I feel very social but i dont want face to face conversation, other people are talking too slow for me.

About the dysphoria, i feel a little bit of derealization, but not enought to cause any panic. I feel a little freaked out for no reason but i can manage it.

I am not listening to music right now, just playing bejuled, im reading occasionally, so ill continue on when i do something more interesting.

FINALLY, my parents went to bed, its 9:30. They were freaking me out, idk why, every timed they talked i would get aggervated, annoyed and i didnt want them around me.

I feel rude but its the drugs, not me. I started listening to my ipod right after they went to bed, im laying in my bed, its a king sized bed :), the covers are brownish black, its a down-confonter. Above and to the right of my bed is a wall. To
the left is another wall about 7 feet away, and my tv is there. Its a 30 inch flat screen.

The derealization has gone away and im extremely focused on writing this. I feel kind of sick, in my body. I feel weak and tired, but im wide awake, i guess you would call that a body load like on phycedelics.

The anxiety is gone basically, and i was a little paranoid sitting in the pitch black dark so i turned on a light.

so I havent described the euphoric part lately other than speedyness, IE the name speed lol. I feel mentally aware, im saving picture perfect memories about today, thats part of the mental awareness. The other part is focus, i can focus on one thing for hours and still enjoy it. Like writing this. I feel an unexplainable amount of confidence and i am enjoying everything i decide to unleash my focus on. Music still sounds better. I have somewhat of an invincible superman feeling, but its not going to make me do anything crazy like test my powers and see if a bullet hurts my arm (lol).

Keep in mind this is about 1/2 as intense as when the adderall first kicked in, but i feel more awake and speedy, and the body load is increasing slightly in a bad way. I have a feeling in a hour it will be a lot less intense.

The blues must be wearing off.

I am clenching my jaw ALOT. So i put 2 football mouth gaurds in, one for my top teeth and one for the bottom. They are helping.
The body load is still there so im just chilling on my couch. I have a feeling in like 1 hour it will be gone because by then the blue boys comedown will be over.

The dysphoria feels like its decreasing rather than decreasing now. I feel a lot better than i did 30 minutes ago though. I feel the dysphoria fading slowly, but the euphoria is sadly also going. I still feel somewhat euphoric but not really, i
still feel focused and speedy but no happyness, only slight enjoyment.

Its like being sober with a crappy body feeling and increased
mental awarness and energy. Well i guess thats not like being sober at all, its kind of like a energy drink with a low dose of adderall (like 15ish milligrams). This is considering energy drinks make me feel crappy in the body and speedy.

Ive stopped talking to friends, and despise the idea of doing so right now. I want to redose up to 60mg but i dont want to waste more pills because i need them, plus i want to sleep tonight. Im still in my room and will be for the rest of the trip report.

Okay now i KNOW time is distorted, plus i just had a full body tic lol. I looked at the time before i wrote the last entry, then after i wrote the last entry i looked again. It only took me 10 minutes to write the last entry, it felt like it took 30.

I can quickly feel the dysphoria going away, and the euphoria basically gone. Hopefully the dysphoria WILL go away very soon so i can enjoy speeding and doing things for extensive amounts of time.

Im just going to move a little into a move comfy position and ignore the dysphoria and enjoy the euphoria.

WOW moving REALLY helped. I feel better now. Its 10:18, im enjoying music and dont feel as speedy, just focused. My mood is not "elevated" anymore, its just okay. Im not overly happy or sad, but i dont feel like i could get sad.

I still feel focused, but im not doing one thing
for hours on hours anymore (other than this)like playing bejewled or word searching, im just doing what i do when sober.

I do feel slightly short of breath every now and again, not enough to cause concern though, and a 2 or 3 deep breaths fixes it.

I am still enjoying music and i have no anxiety or paranoia. I have had zero chest pains thankfully (knock on wood).
I also am grining my teeth, i still feel weak but not horribly so like earlier.

This part is really weird, i keep feeling like a small amount of pee is escaping, its not bothering me very much, but i will be concerned if it continues when im sober, its possible unreleated?

I dont honestly have much else to say, i will report back if i feel like it or if i have a comedown from the XR's... Hopefully i will be able to sleep by 3 or 4 in the morning.

Its 10:32, im just updating the time before i get off, happy spring also, were going to spring foward in 1 hour and 30 minutes. It feels like it should be a lot later, like 2 am...

Its 11:02, i just spent 30 minutes editing my paragraphs and post in notepad. Ive decided to just sum this up, maybe one or two more reports, one of those will be during comedown.

So, basically i felt great for 3 hours, okay but not great euphoria and speedy wise for about 30 minutes after that, then sick and shitty, just not in a bad mood, for currently 1 hour and 30 minutes.

I think i fucked my self by taking XR with IR because once i came down from the IR high, i landed right in the middle to end of the XR high, then started coming down on XR during the IR comedown. Fun huh? Lol, im not sure why it didnt last 8 hours, well actually i am, i think IRs short high causes the rest of the long XR high to be shitty.

So, I WOULD most certainly reccomend adderall to anyone wanting to try it, but stick to XRs or IRs and dont mix the two, and if your getting high on XRs take them whole, dont snort them. I may be wrong because i havent really reasearched it, but im just speaking from my own experience.

So i have come to the conclusion that adderall is neither a godly drug or completly hellish, but simply a mixture, the withdrawl and comedown is for sure the devil playing his part, while the high is godly and of god...

Its very possible that i will do a higher dose next weekend and post another trip report, we'll have to see...

Did i mention adderall makes me a super writer? :p
Oh and incase you didnt get it from the trip report, i will tell you again, adderall makes you feel like complete and utter, wothless shit during the comedown...

SO have fun on adderall, good luck on your journeys, and thanks for reading, its 11:43 here, since we spring its about to be 1 am,so, bye!
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