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accidental NBOMe detailed hospital trip report

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Jan 20, 2016
Dosage: 6 gummies or 12 drops of liquid 25i
Route: orally
Duration: 6 hours
Medical Conditions: none

My dog’s friend George was a 15 year old male (but is now 18 so it’s okay) from Vermont. George had a lot of experience with weed and other drugs but had taken no psychedelics before this day. He bought what he was told was LSD from a kid at his high school who also truly believed it was LSD. The dealer gave the drug to him in the form of sour patch kid gummies. George watched the dealer put the liquid “LSD” which was actually some sort of 25x NBOME onto the gummies and the dealer put two drops on each one with an eye dropper thing. George bought five gummies the first time.

George went home that night and let one gummie dissolve under his tongue after dinner at about 8:30 pm in his room by himself. George fucked around on his computer for a while and started to notice slight effects after about an hour. George felt energetic and thought colors seemed more vibrant but was unsure whether this could be placebo or not. George chilled and listened to music for the whole night as he was unable to sleep until around 3:30 am. George experienced no spiritual awakenings or visuals.

Three days later George decided that he wanted to take the remaining four gummies in an attempt to get more of an experience than his week one a few nights before. George had three friends sleep over but none of them wanted to try the drug so he dissolved all four gummies under his tongue at about 6:30 pm. About thirty minutes after eating the gummies, George’s pupils were huge, and he was feeling very energetic and colors were definitely more vibrant.

George’s mom called him and his friends down to eat dinner, but luckily there wasn’t enough room at the table with George’s family so they got to eat on the couch facing away from them. George believes that he probably would have been caught if he had to sit at dinner with his family. He had little appetite but still managed to eat all of his food in an effort to seem normal to his parents. George and his friend quickly washed their dishes and went back to his room.

His friends had brought ¼ ounce of weed with them and were planning on smoking most of it that night. George got his bong and they went to the bathroom to smoke. George at first didn’t want to smoke to cloud his trip, but since it had been almost two hours now without any major changes he figured that it was gonna be another fluke. George took as many bong rips as he could and got very stoned. George and his friends then played video games for about four hours and continued smoking.

George kept asking his friends if he was acting weird cause he felt a little weird the whole time and they said he seemed pretty normal. At one point one of George’s friends took a picture of him for snapchat or something and George got mad and told the friend to delete the picture. George continued playing video games and noticed that his friends camera was pointed at him again and he got mad and took his friend’s phone out of his hand telling him he probably looked really weird right now and he doesn’t want pictures taken of him. His friend said he wasn’t even taking a picture and that George was freaking out for no reason. George is unsure whether that was true or not but wouldn’t normally get that angry at his friend.

George and his friends eventually went in his hot tub then went to bed. George was disappointed by the uneventful “trip” he had. The next day George texted his dealer saying he took four gummies and had close to no effects. The dealer thought he was lying and was just trying to get more for free or his money back. Supposably the friend who was taking pictures of George had told the dealer that George was “tripping balls last night” so the dealer didn’t believe George. George told the dealer that he was set on having a full blown trip and that he wanted to buy more. The dealer told George that he would sell him more for half price since he was disappointed in the last two times.

George purchased six gummies, but this time did not watch the dealer put the drops onto them. George waited a week before taking the gummies because he thought he might have gotten a tolerance to them from the last times. George dissolved all 6 gummies under his tongue at about 6:30 pm on a school night with his parents home. George was sitting on the couch in the living room about thirty minutes after when he started to feel effects. This time he knew that he had taken a good enough dose because he couldn’t focus on what he was trying to write at all and the bricks on the chimney in front of him were swimming.

George sat in the living room enjoying the visuals until dinner time at around 7:30. George turned the lights all the way up in the room to keeps his pupils smaller and it seemed to work as nobody questioned him during dinner. If he recalls correctly he basically just didn’t talk the entire time at dinner. George ate his food and when he went to wash his dish his parents told him that it was his night to do all of the dishes. This would normally be fine, but George was tripping pretty hard at this point and wasn’t sure whether he actually could figure out how to wash all of the dishes. George did it, much slower than he usually would, while his family was still sitting at the dinner table right next to him. He was sure they could tell something was wrong with him but they didn’t say anything.

George finally finished washing the dishes and started to walk up to his room. He then realised that he had to say goodnight to his parents and that he didn’t want to come down stairs again so he turned around and walked back to his parents to say goodnight. This seemed really awkward to George and it probably was. George then finally got back to his room where he was safe. He started watching “trippy” videos on his computer but thought they were stupid and fake so he listened to music and looked at his room. There were no crazy visuals but everything was like wiggling slightly and the colors were very bright. George thought it was really beautiful but still believed that he had taken too small of a dose because there was no spiritual connection or crazy geometric shapes.

George got some snapchats from people at school and started talking to the people. At some point George came to the conclusion that he was better than everyone else. This seems weird to him now because he has read a lot about ego death and this seemed to be the complete opposite. George started being a total dick to basically everyone he was talking to and literally told people that they were generally inferior to him. George’s home room at school had a facebook messaging group thing and George stated that when someone messaged them about who was bringing snack to school the next day and was kicked out of the chat.

At this point George realized that the drug was having negative effects on him and before thinking at all screamed. Somehow nobody went to check on him in his room after that happened and again he snapped out of the trip and realized he was being stupid. After this part, George’s memories are not nearly as clear as everything went into total chaos in his mind. For some reason George went into his brother's room to talk to him. George thinks he was just bored, and since George and his brother had smoked together and were pretty open with each other about stuff, he figured he could talk to him. It must have been later than George thought because his brother was lying in but but wasn’t asleep yet.

George doesn’t remember what he and his brother talked about at all but at some point his mom came in. George’s brother may have told his mom that George was freaking out, or she may have come because she heard George’s scream, or just to say goodnight to George’s brother, but either way she was in his brother’s room and he was terrified. George doesn’t remember what was said at this point either but somehow his mom knew that he was acting weird. When she asked George if he was on something George knew he was fucked and was tripping too much to think of any excuse so he just said he had taken acid. He doesn’t remember his mom’s reaction but she is generally pretty chill and had actually told him that she had taken it before and allowed him to smoke weed.

He thinks his mom would have just told him to go to bed and that they would have a conversation about it later but by then he was basically psychotic and just let his body go limp and fall on the floor because he was so scared. After this his mom must have gotten his dad to come up stairs. His mom asked him a bunch of questions like who he bought it from and stuff and he answered them all honestly because he didn’t know what else to do. Meanwhile he kept being dragged back into this horror trip and then re-realize what a terrible situation he was in. This caused him to keep letting himself fall over onto the ground. George realized that this drug was causing his entire body to be in chaos, so he decided if he remembered to touch his right shoulder, somehow it calmed him down or something weird like that.

So George was acting crazy and falling over and touching his right shoulder repeatedly in an attempt to ground himself and make sense of what was going on. George doesn’t remember this but his parents told him later that he tried to jump head first down the stairs and that his dad had to restrain him. This was the point when his parents decided to bring him to the hospital. George remembers at some point lying on the kitchen floor and for some reason pulling his pants down in another attempt to ground himself. At this point he couldn’t really speak and would remember words and just shout them out.

George's parents carried him to the car and drove him to the hospital. George didn’t know why they were going to the hospital so he just assumed since his mind was going insane, they were driving really fast, his parents were arguing about something, and they were going to the hospital that the entire world was in some sort of chaos. George made the connection that he had caused this chaos by taking the drug. George felt terrible that he had caused all of these things to happen and was trying so hard to snap out of it but kept being thrown back into total confusion. He loves his parents and could tell they were in major distress but couldn’t stop it and felt so horrible about it.

George got to the hospital and doesn’t really remember what happened. He remembers lying on the bed in the hospital watching his mom crying. He didn’t know why she was crying but he remembered that it was his fault and felt so terrible about it. He kept telling his parents “I’m trying” because he was trying to figure out how to stop himself from causing all of this damage to his family.

George remembered a dream he had when he was younger that really scared him but didn’t really make any sense where he died and then had to do every single possible thing in the world in order to end his loneliness. George thought he had to either think every thought or say every word in existence or something for his and his family's emotional agony to end. After this George either fell asleep from the drugs the hospital gave him or just doesn’t remember anything else.

George woke up the next day in the hospital feeling totally normal, but terrible for the events that occurred the night before. George had taken a pee test at the hospital the night before and was informed that he had tested positive for amphetamines instead of LSD. George’s brother did some research on what it could have been and said it was very likely that it was 25i or some other NBOME research chemicals. George did his own research on the effects of them and they matched up perfectly.

George hung out with his mom for the whole day and didn’t go to school. His parents forgave him for what happened because he wasn’t in his right mind at all, and were very gentle towards him because they thought he was probably very traumatized. George did not have any lasting effects from the experience besides mild depression for about a month afterwards. He is very embarrassed about the experience and still feels terrible that he put his parents through what he did.

George told his dealer what happened and his dealer decided to take the same dose that George had taken to “assess the situation”. The dealer was not around any other people when he did this but he told George that it was extremely scary and that he basically went insane. The dealer then threw mailed back the remaining liquid NBOME to the person he had bought it from and demanded his money back which he got a portion of. The dealer told him he was extremely sorry about what happened and that he swears he didn’t know it wasn’t LSD.
George and the dealer are still friends. This experience turned George off of psychedelics and drugs in general for a few months but now (six months later) he is eager to try real psychedelics and has gone back to smoking weed.
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Please add paragraphs.
I didnt even bother to read this massive wall of text.
I'm not an english teacher.
English isn't even my native language.

No offense but a long text is just very hard to read without paragraphs.
it was a joke and it makes no difference whether there is paragraphs besides that it may intimidate people. Id like to see responses about what i actually wrote though... it took me like two hours
It's common internet courtesy. Most people will not bother reading your post until you make it readable. Me included. I'd love to read it if you add paragraphs.
Don't mean to come across like an ass, but it DOES make a difference. If you wish to see responses about what you wrote, break it up into paragraphs. No word of a lie, I cannot handle reading that as my eyes go out of focus every time I finish a line and try to find the beginning of the next one, and then I get a headache. This, and the fact it's simply annoying to work out which line you need to read next even if you are still in focus, is why I and many others don't bother reading large pieces of text without paragraphs.

Literally, just find the appropriate sentences to add a blank link afterwards. It's that simple; no need to change a thing you've written. Just press the Enter key a few times at the right spots.
Did "George" notice a strong metallic taste or numbing sensation in his mouth when he took the gummies?
George did not notice any at all but sour patch kids gummies are sour so that may have covered the taste. He did notice a numbing sensation but thought it was just from holding something sour under his tongue
Thanks for breaking it up :) I read most of it while I can at work....sounds like you had a pretty rough time, I'm glad you came out physically OK and that your mother was somewhat understanding considering.

Honestly, you're lucky you didn't cook yourself. 2 tabs of 25i-NBOMe had me feeling absolutely horrible; I couldn't imagine what I'd feel like if I'd taken any more.
It is a requirement of the site not to use 'swim' or talk about yourself in a third person.
Listen: Psychedelic drugs are nothing to mess with. Set and setting must be completely appropriate for a trip to be a good, spiritual, and enlightening experience. I have gone absolutely insane on one hit of acid because it was the wrong place and wrong time. Basically, just plan your trip a little better if you are interested in seeing the limits. Have a trip sitter that knows what you are doing and has experience talking people down.

I have been in your shoes. It is hard to integrate the raw emotions you feel, but it will come with time and understanding. I have had three extremely bad trips that ended in hospitalization. I still believe that each and every person should have a trip once a year to help fully teach them the ideas and concepts that the world and its peoples are trying to teach/show them. I have had two trips since the bad ones and each was excellent and I learned so much about myself. The last trip helped me get my head into the game of beating my opiate addiction. Just remember you have your whole life ahead of you....be careful.
I'm glad you're okay, if it was indeed an NBOMe, that dose could have caused death. It sounds like you've probably learned something from this, which I hope is true.

Let's try to refrain from insults, the OP wanted to share a story, and did fix the wall of text.
hope you understand this was pretty dumb all around. I realize you were young and naive but in the future you need to have a better plan than this. Nobody knows what you took. you could have taken DOx, nbome, its all speculation. Prob your tolerance played a factor in keeping you safe. nbome has created permanent tolerances for people and can last a few weeks at least. there have been numerous deaths even with typical doses.

always test your drugs. use reagents or use testing services. reagents aren't fool proof but a good place to start and better than nothing.

set and setting. at home with the folks is a terrible setting. probably don't want to have dinner plans. be somewhere where you can enjoy yourself and relax. psychedelic freakouts lead people to bad times and bad places. you don't want to be stressed, worried, or be overly emotional going into it.

psychs aren't like other drugs. they are very powerful and will bring a lot of things to the surface. you should always try to treat them with respect and keep your doses low until you know how you react. your setting can influence how strong the dose will feel. stressful situations will make things way more intense. LSD won't kill you but can mess with your mind if you take too much in a bad setting.

having a bunch of people around isn't always a good idea. even people you consider your friends can sometimes be hard to deal with if they are messing with you or being annoying. tripping with like 2 or 3 people is pretty ideal. nature is always good. concerts can be pretty fun when you get more experience. always start small with your doses and work your way up.
hope you understand this was pretty dumb all around. I realize you were young and naive but in the future you need to have a better plan than this. Nobody knows what you took. you could have taken DOx, nbome, its all speculation. Prob your tolerance played a factor in keeping you safe. nbome has created permanent tolerances for people and can last a few weeks at least. there have been numerous deaths even with typical doses.

always test your drugs. use reagents or use testing services. reagents aren't fool proof but a good place to start and better than nothing.

set and setting. at home with the folks is a terrible setting. probably don't want to have dinner plans. be somewhere where you can enjoy yourself and relax. psychedelic freakouts lead people to bad times and bad places. you don't want to be stressed, worried, or be overly emotional going into it.

psychs aren't like other drugs. they are very powerful and will bring a lot of things to the surface. you should always try to treat them with respect and keep your doses low until you know how you react. your setting can influence how strong the dose will feel. stressful situations will make things way more intense. LSD won't kill you but can mess with your mind if you take too much in a bad setting.

having a bunch of people around isn't always a good idea. even people you consider your friends can sometimes be hard to deal with if they are messing with you or being annoying. tripping with like 2 or 3 people is pretty ideal. nature is always good. concerts can be pretty fun when you get more experience. always start small with your doses and work your way up.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Loved raving on a good ++ dose of lucy. Not too crazy, but enough to let the spirit move you.
Hello there, please re-write this in the first person without references to animals using drugs. It does not offer any protection.

Please post it in the trip reports forum when you're done
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