About shit


Nov 16, 1999
* Taoism - Shit happens.
* Atheism - Shit doesn't happen.
* Monarchism - Let them eat shit.
* Judaism - Why does shit always happen to me?
* Islam - Shit happens, if it's Allahs will.
* Confusianism - Confusius say: "shit happens".
* Catholisism - If shit happens, you deserve it.
* Agnostisism - Maybe shit happens, and maybe it doesn't.
* Stoicism - So shit happens. So what. I can take it.
* Hinduism - This shit happened before.
* Zen Buddhism - What is the sound of shit happening?
* South Parkism - Dude, this shit kicks ass!
* Protestantism - Let shit happen to someone else.
* Rastafarianism - Let's smoke this shit.
* Spiritism - If shit happens, why not make the best of it?
Kinda makes you think - or giggel - doesn't it?? I say, while boring my mind off at work, go for the rastafarianism..
Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)