• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

About 7-hydroxymitragynine


Jul 8, 2017
Greetings, I wanted to start an informative discussion about this alkaloid.

As some of you might know it is an alkaloid found in the kratom plant, or Mitragyna speciosa. From Wikipedia:

"7-Hydroxymitragynine is a partial agonist at the μ-opioid receptor with a potency, calculated using pD (2) values, that is 30-fold higher than that of mitragynine and 17-fold higher than that of morphine, respectively."

I have never tried kratom before but I am intetested just out of curiosity if anyone, be it a lab or just someone with time in their hands, has been able to isolate it. From what I read, it is easier to just synthetize it from mitragynine. I am not well versed in chemistry but do you guys believe it has clinical potential? Will pharma companies get into it and synthetize it, then proceed to make any derivatives illegal so they can sell it as pills?

I hope not because that would be the end for many kratom users. I have also heard from people consuming it that it's, literally quoting, "shit" and that it doesn't work at all. But I am not sure whether those people really consumed the alkaloid in question.
I doubt pharma companies are interested in a naturally occurring substance that they cannot patent. Derivatives of kratom isolates might be an interesting possibility in the future, but traditional opioids seem to be doing just fine.
I went and looked up research and there is some on mitragynine synthetic derivatives. and research on beta arrestins which i believe is how kratom exerts its opioid effects. about to go have some more kratom, back hurts.

i wonder if the drug itself purified is hard on the liver like kratom is supposed to be, maybe derivatives arent.
Let me preface this by saying I do not know hardly anything about neuroscience/pharmacology besides what I have been able to figure out online.

The one interesting aspect of Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine is that they exert painkilling effects like traditional painkillers but without causing significant respiratory depression. If the pharmaceutical industry could get something out of this plant I think that would be the specific topic to be explored.