A useful survey - E tolerance info


Nov 23, 1999
I think a lot of us would like to get a better idea of how much and frequent E use is necessary to bring about a tolerance to E strong enough to make taking the drug pointless. Useful information: How many years rolling, how many average rolls per night when partying, how long between rolls, etc... For me:
I've been rolling for just over a year and average a month and a half between. So far I've done E about 8 times. I take 1 bean and this usually lasts about 4 hours. It still feels "magic" as one person put it. Last week I took 1 and at the peak I took another and I was floored!
been rollin for 7 months. i've done it about 13 times, 2 pills every time, except for 3.5 on new years, which i had to try, but came to the conclusion that the last 1.5 pills were not worth it. my 2nd and 3rd times were one night right after the other. decided that was pretty stupid, too. i've also decided that i need to reduce my e use to once a month at the most to keep that "magic" because i'm noticing it's starting to go away and i don't want that by any means. moderation is so difficult as new friends get into the drug and raving, but i must be strong and just go sober if i want my e to work well. so, next friday will be my first sober rave...i wonder how i'm going to stay up all night cause my friends are going to be rollin balls and want to stay till the end. i think i'm going to make my mission for the evening to make everyone else's night unforgettable (esp. the first timers!).

o.k - heavy use 17-18 (3 times a week) about 1-2 pills a time .. specialK - without thinking
18-22 army - thanx god drug test once a month - so if lucky a pill a month and only one - the only good thing i can say about army service

22-22.5 -> amsterdam - once a day
sorry guys it's so easy and available there
now - once a week about 2 pills - and acid when i get the chance
From tommarow - I hae to quit doing this - once a month is more then enough (but thats what i said last week as well)
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
I've been rolling for four years now. For the past year I've kept myself on a strict two week interval between rolls. I generally keep myself at 2 pills per roll (or at least I try
) Tolerance is building up, but that just means that I need to take a little break. I think it will start after this weekend when I go to Cleveland to see Mix Master Mike and will end when I board the plane for Amsterdam in March.

Of all the things I've lost,
I miss my mind the most.
Ozzy Osbourne
Even though I did my first E 8 years ago, I didn't start using them frequently until about 5 years ago. For the first couple of years I did one (maybe two) pills about once a month. For the past two years I've been averaging 4 pills about every other week, sometimes more often, sometimes up to 6-8 pills in a night. I'm not quite sure when I noticed tolerance starting to build up as I've been taking 5-HTP now and then, but maybe about a year ago. The midweek blues started appearing about three years ago, and got gradually worse (when I didn't take 5-HTP). Even with breaks of a couple of months, doing E is mostly pointless to me now. I need a lot to feel anything at all, and even though I notice the physical effects, the empathic effects are close to non-existant. The "magic" disappeared a long time ago. Some long-term effects are also starting to become apparent.
Even though I've mainly quit doing E, I will still do some on rare occations. Why? Because even though E by itself is totally disinteresting as a recreational drug for me now, it's a great booster for G, K and 2-CB, and it's a better "up" high than speed or coke. And I have no regrets for doing any of the E that I've done
First rolled in July of last year. Have done e six times total since then. Have had interval as short as one week, long as a few months. I've noticed a difference lately, but i think it's more due to a difference in pills, and my having more knowledabout the drug, than a building up of tolerance. However, I used to take one pill and be fine, then 1.5, now it takes two to really enjoy it the way I know it should feel. Again, is this because of the pills themselves? I think so.
ErEctor, good luck with your sober rave!! They can be so much fun, esp. if it's small! Just try to spend your energy wisely over the night, you should be fine!
thanx, i hope it doesn't suck too bad since i'm going to be the only sober one out of my friends there. but i'm determined, dammit...

I've been rollin' since late June and over the summer I was doing it every friday. Now I have a once-a-month rule. When I roll I normally take just one pill and go for about 4-5 hours.
ErEctor: I definetly feel you on going to parties sober. As more of my friends get into this it's harder for me to maintain a stable mind, there's more temptation, and sometimes I ask myself "Why not do it?", but you have to be strong and stick to your guns. Know what you want and what's best for you. Peace.
Actually I'm a very conflicted individual at the present.... I've been struggling with a tolerance - I was even in denial about it for a while.
I took my first roll last April at my senior prom (I was candy-flipping actually), boy wasn't that insane... I didn't know what to expect - I started telling everyone at my table that I loved them... And they laughed.
I fell totally in love with that drug. I've done almost every drug I can think of off hand, and nothing has ever astounded me or made me feel so good and happy as E. Maybe the fact that I struggle with depression has something to do with that (bi-polar not under any medication). Anyway, from that point on I turned into a pretty heavy user. At first I did it every couple of weeks, but shortly after my average was a minimum of once a week - after a while I was doing it twice a week - and then when money was becoming more and more scarce I went back to once a week. At first I was ate 3 pills a night (that was in June), and then when I didn't have as much money I went back to 2 pills a night - this was around July and August. It hadn't lost any of its magic at that point. Soon though I was eating 3 and 4 pills a night, and now every time I roll my boyfriend and I consume at least 5 pills - on New Years I think I had around 7 and 2.5 of them were double stacked. I felt the come on but then it just went away and my mood was lifted. I was pretty let down that I had eaten so many pills and it had such a pointless effect. It sucks though, ya know? I've always struggled with depression, but now it's worse than ever and it's now been a week since I've eaten any pills. I'm jonesing for rolls like you wouldn't believe, and sometimes I want it so bad I can taste it. I've been trying to stay away from places that I know it's readily available - because I'm an addict and I'll undoubtedly break down - but I'm getting into K-holes as an alternative.... I've found that K is a nice alternative - although I still want to roll, I'm taking a break for about a month or maybe a little longer (if I can stand to) so I can roll hard again. I hope that works.... I hope that if I hold out for a little I can roll again like I did before I built up this tolerance... Maybe like I did in April? Somebody please tell me it will go away (the tolerance I mean) and I will be able to roll face again..?

It's so hard to figure out what takes away the effect of E. Is is taking too much in one night? Is it taking it too often? Is it the total number of pills taken, no matter what the interval inbetween? So far the responses give a slight picture...
JuNgLe bAbY I totally feel you.
I just started rolling this summer. My first time I took 2 and tried K that same night... needless to say i experienced my first roll and k-hole back to back.
Being bi-polar and on no meds as well, e sometimes knocks me on my ass. I have struggled with severe depression for weeks after rolling.
My tolerence is sickening. I usually try to only drop every other weekend but am up to about 3 beans a night average. I have had 4-5 bean nights as well. I would eat more if I could, but financials prevent it.
I can still have a 2 bean night and roll face if I have K or Candyflip.
I love K
I am taking a break from beans for about a month or so and just plan on tripping a lot. I'll let everyone know how it goes when I roll again.

I have looked all the places you aren't...I just can't find the places you are...I only know you are where I am not. I need you to find me.
[This message has been edited by Dazzle (edited 25 January 2000).]