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A trifle too satanic? Drugs and "straight" upbringing


Oct 29, 2018
Anyone have a religious background who later got into drugs? (Particularly psychedelics with a sacred nature?). Did you have to do much soul searching before "accepting your inner jakey fucker"?

Or if you are from other "straight" backgrounds - say police parents or very anti-drugs - how did you square your background with the drug use? Do you still feel a slight twinge of guilt when the vicar comes round?
I'm a fleabit peanut monkey
And all my friends are junkies
That's not really true
I'm a cold Italian pizza
I could use a lemon squeezer
What you do?
But I've been bit and I've been tossed around
By every she-rat in this town
Have you babe?
But I am just a monkey man
I'm glad you are a monkey woman too
I was bitten by a boar
I was gouged and I was gored
But I pulled on through
Yeah, I'm a sack of broken eggs
I always have an unmade bed
Don't you?
Well I hope we're not too messianic
Or a trifle too satanic
But we love to play the blues
But well I am just a monkey man
I'm glad you are a monkey woman too
Monkey woman too babe
I'm a monkey man
I'm a monkey man
I'm a monkey man
I'm a monkey man
I'm a monkey
I'm a monkey
I'm a monkey
I'm a monkey
Monkey, monkey
I'm a monkey
My folks were about as straight as they come

Teetotaler, public sector workers for many decades, go to church 4 times a week, extremely conservative mindset. They probably were also sheltered enough to not really have had exposure to that world at all. Was just some bogeyman of drugs on tv and stuff and what my mum used see watching "A country practice" of a weekday evening

I moved out a little over 20 years back, so I can safely say that this upbringing has not interfered with my drug use in the slightest & it's difficult to have catholic guilt when you reject the catechism aged 4 and stick to ones guns since
My parents are straight edged.

The only thing is my father used to drink, pretty heavy too. I just can't understand their mentality that alcohol is one thing, and drugs to them are a whole other subject.

I consider alcohol a drug just as anything else considered to be a drug, just wish they would realize and come to terms with this too.

Weed is safer and healthier than booze, yet they demonize it. Just never made sense to me.

I stopped feeling guilty about getting high, because I know it improves my life and makes me a better person.
My parents are conservative and very strongly anti-drugs. As a teen and young adult I wasn't aware of feeling any guilt regarding my drug use. At that time I went completely over the top and almost completely rejected my parents, and all of their values, and all of the things they had tried to instill in me. This was about more than just drugs, there was a whole lot of other issues going on too, but that was a large part of it.

It's taken me quite some time to realise that in the end my parents were actually right about so many things, and much of what they stood for and believe in, and instilled in me, was all right and all good in the end (apart from our extremely polarised views on drugs.)

So I have gone all round the houses, in a very hard and tortuous route, only to finally end up re-finding myself and becoming just like my parents in many ways.

I definitely have my own moral code regarding drugs. I know on these police reality TV type documentaries they often over-simplify things, and try to make out that people who break the law by taking drugs for example are arrogant and believe that the law does not apply to them. I actually don't believe that I am arrogant, or that the law does not apply to me. I know the law does apply to me as much as anyone else, but out of a feeling of necessity and need I believe that I would be foolish and naive to deny myself the benzos that give me a hugely enhanced quality of life, compared to what it would be otherwise. I am quite prepared to face the consequences if my drug use does ever land me in legal troubles. I have no guilt about it what so ever. If I was wealthy and / or middle class I'd be able to afford to pay a private psychiatrist for a monthly script. The law is wrong with regard to drugs in my opinion. I have seen how laws change over time, depending on whatever political and social pressures are prevailing at the time. Laws are not absolute moral rights in many cases in my opinion. I am absolutely a libertarian with regard to drugs. In most other ways my morality is more or less in line with the current laws and christian values.

It depends on the manner of drug use though. I mean, if I was to continue some of the habits i developed during the Mephedrone era, like quitting my jobs / getting sacked, preferring to go on long wreck head binges and many all nighters listening to music and perving all night long. I mean that kind of drug use was not something I could honestly be proud of myself for continuing with that as a permanent way of life. I'm glad that stuff is behind me, it did lead to guilt, erosion of self esteem etc no matter how deeply buried it was by stimulant binges and heavy benzo and kratom and some opiate use too.
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My nain brought me up tov be a Christian and even during codeine addiction and abuse of legal highs I still believed. It also helped me through stalking the trauma that went with it.

I believe in both Christianity and socialism and I strongly believe that Jesus was a socialist. My Lilvibe is growing up believing the same and I hope she passes it on too. Faith has helped so much.
My nain brought me up tov be a Christian and even during codeine addiction and abuse of legal highs I still believed. It also helped me through stalking the trauma that went with it.

I believe in both Christianity and socialism and I strongly believe that Jesus was a socialist. My Lilvibe is growing up believing the same and I hope she passes it on too. Faith has helped so much.

Good point Belle - once went to An audience with Tony Benn and he pointed out that Jesus was a socialist.

When I was about 18 I was walking up the stairs in Wh smith in sheffield and Tony was coming down - he must have seen my surprise and said "Hello young man". I just said "Give me your wallet and nobody gets hurt"(joke)
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My mum was raised an oppressed frightened guilty little Catholic, turned rebel hippy amphetamine and heroin addict for a decade, my dad took microdots daily, commited suicide when I was 3 by overdose, my mum sold dope all my life growing up with middle aged potheads.

So it was quite a free introduction and background.

My mum took half a dot 8 times. So 150 x 8. 1200 mics.

I have eaten 1500 since 10 hours ago lol.

Not an ordinary life. 300 only right now. More cannabis in a minute.

I ate food, the hardest thing in my life.

My mum is awake had her shower soon taking our dog out for a walk.

I don't need to hide anything but I won't tell her how much acid I take atm.

She doesn't need to know. I'm perfectly present, communicable and coherent.

Anxious though. I'm going to hot shower in a jiffy. Misty morning here in Bedord, weather wise. Was a dead clear starry night.
Ill start with i have no shame in my "game" as long as no one is hurt in the process.
I was brought up alt right before it was a thing.
After realizing that eveyone partook of something (be it alcohol, uppers, downers or in between) to "relax" at the end of the day I feel that no one has the holiness to put my usage to the fire.
This came at an early age and along with it the realization of rampant hyposrisy.
So... no. I aint scared of being judged for my use (or not) of substances... we all
have a vice or two.
I do not flaunt my use in public as to not influence others but I also do not hide it.
Am i in the right thread for this...?
lemme double check....