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A Schizophrenic Wrote the Bible (not the literal bible: no)


Oct 12, 2015
Did you know a schizophrenic co-wrote the first English Dictionary? Did you know, this same schizophrenic man was labeled insane prior to that because he killed someone?

An English professor came across him in his travels/adventures/or whatever you call them and together they wrote the first English Dictionary.

Quite a feat, if you ask me.

Quite controversial as well.

The Murderer Who Helped Make the Oxford English Dictionary | Mental Floss

The title says it all, methinks. A rather interesting read. Any thoughts here? Was he imagining burglars? Could they have been entities or remote viewers involved in the occult?

There's also a movie about it incase anyone's interested... The Professor and the Madman

Spoiler Alert: I particularly like these lines: Unlike the official dictionary of the French language, the Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française, it’s not prone to finger-wagging, stuffily dictating what is and is not acceptable language. The OED simply describes words as they exist, from street slang to labcoat jargon.
Dude I've actually thought about this a lot. 100+ years ago they didn't know what schizo was, only sane and mad people. There were probably lots of mild-moderate schizos and all sorts of mentally ill people running around. They painted everything in damn lead paint back then dude!! lol

They were basically salting their steaks with arsenic... Life must have been insane back then.

With a form of schizo myself, I am fascinated with certain artwork and people. Interesting, I'll read this.
Also it really doesn't surprise me.

I have a friend who is a serious paranoid schizophrenic but is also a genius coder and makes a lot of money.

Genius intelligence and mental illness go hand in hand (and drug abuse, for the matter).
there's a book of the same name - the professor and the madman, by simon winchester - but it is, curiously, not the book on which the film was based.

i read it a few years ago. it's great.

wasn't the guy who picked colors for crayons actually colorblind?
there's a book of the same name - the professor and the madman, by simon winchester - but it is, curiously, not the book on which the film was based.

i read it a few years ago. it's great.

Thanks, alasdair. I'll put it on my reading list.

I have to admit, I had no interest in seeing the movie.

The article was great. If the book is just as good it should be a great read like you say.
wasn't the guy who picked colors for crayons actually colorblind?
Actually, I've heard that one too and it's a misconception. The creator was not. It was the head mold maker.