• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

A question for people who have good memory.


Bluelight Crew
Jul 16, 2003
When you're retrieving something from memory, in what manner is the information retrieved? Do you visualize or hear the information?

Here are some examples:

Someone reads off a list of names and phone numbers.

The order of a stack of random books.

The path you took to get from your car to the produce section of the grocery store.

How would you remember the information?
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Not sure, as for the third example, I have a mental map of my surroundings. For the other two I'm pretty bad at remembering random information if I'm not personally interrested into it.
Hmm, interesting question.

For all examples, I mostly "rack my mind" to retrieve memory. I use a thinking and concept style called compartmentalization, which is one of my go-to methods for everything. I try to mentally tag info as much as I can and place them in a related field.

Another thing about memory that is hard to describe is that depending on my environment, a certain mindset will determine how well I can remember an event. For example, it would be hard to remember specifics of my substance use with people around me who are not open to it. But around friends who I share these experiences with, I will automatically start to remember many of these experiences. So any memories related to my environment are more easily retrieved detail-wise.

I think visualization works the best, which is tied to the broader scope of recognition. All 5 senses can and will be used too, and it's better when several are combined. However, none of these senses are really necessary, since one can remember things subconsciously too. This happens when we can't explain what we recognize, but usually we'll remember how soon enough.

I can remember many things in detail, because not only do I analyze and think a lot for the fun of it, I'm receptive to just about anything. Keeping an open mind and challenging my own insights allows for the easy intake of outside information. Experience, and especially experiencing many different kinds of events and activities, (socially and alone) gives your mind the ability to process new information and be able to adapt. This has definitely helped me remember things better. Nothing can replace the experience of going through it yourself.

Practically everyone can remember events that are especially meaningful or life-changing, and it doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative. But it's what you allow yourself to be open to about it, that probably determines how well you can retrieve memories, eg. what you choose to do afterwards. Without acceptance, many memories (especially secondary details in relation to it) are forgotten.

So if you want to forget something, you probably could for the most part. As a habit though, I pretty much never do this. When I see people I know (or objects and ideas), all memories good and bad are instantly retrievable, and I strive to remember them so that I do not forget many important aspects that should be noted.

Tl:dr accept everything with a grain of salt, or more, keep an open mind and be receptive to all types of information like a sponge. Then your memory will stay sharp and keep growing. All of this allows one to remember and retrieve all types of info in at least several ways at a time. Though the main component in remembering things is recognizing (present) and relating (past), as well as simply retrieving info straight from your memory (such as when you are asked a question) by being receptive of as much info as you are exposed to.

Anyway, this is what I do, so this is all I can add. :)
Not sure, as for the third example, I have a mental map of my surroundings. For the other two I'm pretty bad at remembering random information if I'm not personally interrested into it.

Yeah, most people end up doing this unconsciously. I've been trying to improve my short-term and long-term memory for a while now, it's not going well.

I visualize mostly. With names and phone numbers I visualize faces and situations with a person. Same for getting from point A to point B, I don't necessarily think of a map but I visualize where I will need to turn etc. I do most of my walking in a city though, so most of my walking is "walk 2 blocks, turn left, walk 4 blocks, turn right, walk 2 more block".

As for remembering random books, I think I would have a lot of trouble doing that unless the book had a very unique cover. When it comes to text, I have a terrible memory. I'm great at remembering albums/records though, but that only because I can picture cover art.
for random lists i'll employ some sort of mnemonic device, for number sequences it just goes straight into muscle memory (sometimes i just can't remember a passcode or phone number unless there is a keypad under my fingers). names i can only remember if i write them down with a brief descrip of the person or if the name is something tied to a concept and not something meaningless like Robert, Stuart + Smith, Miller, et al. for the parking lot thing i just remember the vector from the entryway to my car or count the aisles.
Visualizing. It's easy for my memory I guess. I just see the pictures or something.
When you're retrieving something from memory, in what manner is the information retrieved? Do you visualize or hear the information?

Here are some examples:

Someone reads off a list of names and phone numbers.

The order of a stack of random books.

The path you took to get from your car to the produce section of the grocery store.

How would you remember the information?

messed up my last post...

"mental athletes said they were consciously converting the information they were being asked to memorize into images, and distributing those images along familiar spatial journeys"

1.Names and Numbers: connect the name with an image and then create a story. for phone numbers use chunking (they're already chunked),
for individual numbers try to connect the shape of the number with an image, can even give the number a personality (8 = fat man or curvy woman)google 'baker/Baker paradox'

2.Random books: connect the titles with images

3.Path: you'll end up doing this subconsciously- you could use this path as a 'familiar spatial road' and distribute images and words along the way.
Visualize. Well, I don't have the best memory, but I can remember text written down the best. Like for notes, I typically like having everything condensed to one page and just color code everything. Then when I'm taking the test, I can remember, oh it was pink, in the right corner, it said _____! Like, I'm horrible at remembering faces and names, unless I write the name down and look at it, then I can remember it. Even with customers, I'll more often remember what they're wearing, like a certain brand, than their faces.
When you're retrieving something from memory, in what manner is the information retrieved? Do you visualize or hear the information?

Here are some examples:

Someone reads off a list of names and phone numbers.

Parsing larger pieces into smaller chunks. 4 to 5 pieces is my personal best.

The order of a stack of random books.

Hmmmmm.... I would probably visualize the stack from top to bottom?

The path you took to get from your car to the produce section of the grocery store.

I might try to remember my walk using visual markers. My vision isn't the best, so this is easier if I have corrective lenses on.

In all honesty, I'm usually very preoccupied by my own thoughts! I essentially walk around like a zombie all day.

To improve my memory and hopefully make life a bit more enjoyable I am trying to utilize my own improvised version of the Person-Action-Object_(PAO)_System It seems like a great tool to aid creativity or to use for sheer entertainment.

You imagine a person, performing an action, with an object - then assign the image to a number or specific card in a 52 card deck. So the Ace of Spades could be an image of: Batman, smoking a cigar, while riding a kangaroo

The more absurd and suggestive the image the more likely it will be remembered.

report back with results...

no results as of 6/12/16 :(
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