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A Call To Arms (Re: Pot or Not)


Bluelight Crew
Aug 31, 2006
Those of you who remember the old Pot or Not threads will recall that it was a nice piece of eye candy that really brightened up CD. For a while the project has been dormant and now it's time to bring it back into effect! So here's what you should know about it:

What is Pot or Not?

Pot or Not is a project where BL members submit images of pot to be graded by CD visitors (this is done via the forum's built-in voting function). It doesn't matter how good or bad the nugs look, in fact, the point is to have a diversity of schwag thrown in with the A++ nugs so that there's some variety. It's all for fun, and it doesn't matter whose nugs you photograph, but the basic requirement is that the picture must be taken by the person submitting it.

What are the requirements?

Following from the previous point, the basic requirement is that it must be a photo you took. Another requirement is that the photo be submitted with a resolution of at least 1600x1200. That's equivalent to just a 2MPixel camera, and higher resolutions are ofc preferred so that people can actually get a good look at what they're grading. A good picture should feature the nug in the centre of the frame with enough lighting to highlight the trichomes (or lack of) featured. Basically, you want to take a picture of good enough quality that we get as close as possible to as many visual details as we would get examining the nug in our hand. Extra eye candy is encouraged (i.e. glassware, kief sifters, hash pieces) as long as the focus of the pic is a nugget of green.

Here is an example of desired image quality, as you can see it's not professionally-staged, but it is detailed enough to make you salivate a bit ;) Less detailed is fine as you can't always control your camera's quality, but at least attempt to improve lighting conditions to bring out as much detail as possible.

Got it, how should I submit?

Just upload your picture to an image host (imgur is preferred as that host strips EXIF data from pictures to help protect your identity) and send us mods the link! Each submission will be given at least a week as a stickied thread, and beyond that it simply depends on the amount of submissions received. Participation is appreciated, so don't worry if all you have is some disgusting-looking schwag, as long as you can snap a great pic send it our way!
Nice I've been waiting for pot or not to make a glorious return!
yeah i tried to get some of the previous mods to bring back pot or not but theynever did.

bring it back
wish i could get extracts to try.

So as i know, North America is the only country that does it? I did not see it in Europe.

though the bud and sometimes oil here are so strong. spots off the oven on the odd occasion would hit you harder than hitting shatter. but i can't say that is true because it's not ime.

I've tried some very good shatter through a vape pen and that's it.
I was going to ask what was shatter but went to a site and saw it made with butane and Everclear alcohol. Some process and the results looked awesome. Jealous as a mother now.
Would Pot or Not like to see the amazing high quality shatter I get? :D

Sure, would be nice though if you could include a few details with it just so people know what they're looking at (eg. how it was made, what strain it was extracted from). People need to slow down and remember to snap a juicy pic of their fresh bag before smoking it all up :p
Are the old Pot or Not?'s archived?

I feel like they're not, like they were lost when bluelight jumped from a .ru server to .org. Hell, I might go looking for them just to take a trip down memory lane...

Fuck, man, Pot or Not... that was so long ago...

I say bring it back! No telling if it'll be as popular as the original but it's worth another shot.

Would Pot or Not like to see the amazing high quality shatter I get? :D

Only if the pictures come with free samples for everyone in the crowd, Oprah-style.
Are the old Pot or Not?'s archived?

I feel like they're not, like they were lost when bluelight jumped from a .ru server to .org. Hell, I might go looking for them just to take a trip down memory lane...

iirc what happened is i catalogued all the images nicely in the Gallery so the threads could be purged from the CD Archives, and that put us in an irreversible situation when the decision was made to get rid of the Gallery. i plan to keep local copies this time around but they'll be zipped and released as a collection every few months rather than hosted and hotlinked in a Gallery-style thread. of course, that all depends on whether or not we get submissions at all this time, nobody has submitted anything yet :(
I'm gettin' there, Thuj'!

I figured out my picture-taking problem (I have to tap on the phone screen to get the thing to focus on anything-- without the tap, pics come out blurry as hell).

Now I'm trying to get my phone to send it straight to my computer via bluetooth like I've done in the past, but I'm getting a "Your smartphone lacks the necessary services." alert-fails every time I try.

This shit's a hassle, man. With my old LG it was simple as point, click, save, send. I fucking hate smart phones, I swear to God I do...

seems like my only choice is to email the fuckers to myself. I don't want to do that for irrational, paranoid worries. I'ma figure this shit out, though.
right on man! if you have android and windows the easiest way to do things is to connect the two via usb, turn developer mode on in the android settings, then windows can automatically find the proper driver, then once that's installed you can use ADB to access the phone's file system directly. the only caveat is you need to at least know how to use a command line program, but once you get a hang of that you can get files off your phone and own it in all kinds of ways
Android and a mac mini running osx 10.8.5.

I think that's the compatability issue but where there's a will there's a way, and I'm gonna find that mother fucker.