A Beginners Guide To Drug Laws in N.S.W (AU)


Dec 15, 2000
Hi BL'ers!

This is a fantastic resourceful document on N.S.W Drug Laws. This documents covers information on the law for the following.

* Possession
* Use
* Supply
* Trafficable Quantities (By Drug Type)
* Weight
* Undercover Police
* Police Searches
* Personal Searches
* Sniffer dogs (NSW Regulations)
* Ongoing dealing
* Large Scale Supply & Cultivation
* If you are arrested
* Police Cautions
* Vehicles
* Drug Premises
* Penalties
* Drug Courts

This document covers Cannabis, Ecstasy, LSD, Heroin & Amphetamines.

A Beginners Guide To Drug Laws in N.S.W

It’s very informative and will answer a lot of questions that I’ve seen raised on Bluelight in different threads.



PS: Sorry if this has already been posted previously.
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Thanks for the information. :)

Please note that this document is in .pdf format and if you don't have Adobe Acrobat reader, you won't be able to read it.
Good Point!


A free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded directly from the Adobe Website


Shal =D
Great info....let's make this a sticky so that it can be readily found!
That document makes references to the "Drug misuse and Trafficking act"
where would I find a copy of said act?

I've tried searching, but I can't find anything
This is REALLY handy!! My friends and i had always debated what the different quantities were for trafficing and etc...

Thanks Shal!
The Melting Pot Of Injustice

A great post shal, i just recently had a run in with our charming public servants before the BDO! This gives me a bit of much needed background information. If anyone else has any information or experiences relating to ways to survive the local court in a minor proceeding these would be much appreciated also!%) =D %)
For some reason my computer keeps trying to open it in WORD! I have acrobat reader on my desktop! why is this so?
Hi All,

I thought I'd update this thread with some interesting information.

I was recently arrested for Posession & Supply of (MDMA) Ecstasy in N.S.W. This document says the traffickable quantity of Ecstasy is 3 grams or 15 tablets, however after meeting with my Lawyer (Sydney based criminal specialist) I have found out the trafficable quantity of Ecstasy is 0.75 grams.

Hard to believe but he also stated the trafficable quantity of herion is 3 grams and amphetamines 5 grams.

Just some information for those interested.

shal.. :D
i was just wondering which drugs besides pot can sniffer dogs smell????
A lot.

Etc! :D


Look in Aus drug discussion for this.