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Benzos 9mg a day xanax habbit, No withdrawls?


May 10, 2016
About a month ago i decided to quit xanax for a while after stopping a 9mg a day xanax habit that lasted around 3-4 months, I quit cold turkey without tapering because of one night where i blacked out and at 32mg of xanax and did .5-.7 of cocaine (can't remember 2 days and slept for 16hours). I still continued doing 9mg of xanax a day after that one night where i did more than usual and blacked out in fear of intense withdrawals, i finally ran out of xanax about a week later and fear'd intense withdrawals but woke up the next day feeling fine and had absolutely no withdrawals at all. Don't get me wrong i'm super grateful i didn't withdraw but i just have no clue how this is possible, i will say one thing although i never went a day without doing 9mg in 4 months i never felt physically addicted to it there was no need that i felt that made me do it i simply did it because of the huge supply i had.
Dude, you should be really thankful that you're still alive.
Quitting cold turkey from 9mg alprazolam can kill you.
i know i had benzos to taper off if i felt any withdrawals but i didnt feel any it was probably a stupid decision to try to go cold turkey i just find it weird i had no withdrawals, i always needed alot of xanax to feel anything from the beginning i was taking 4mg when i only used occasionally but my tolerance built up, i have bad anxiety so xanax has always been my go to drug but its never helped with my anxiety taking therapeutic doses.
It's very possible. I have a similar alprazolam tolerance, and like a 6mg clonazepam and .5mg clonazolam tolerance and didn't experience wd after 3 months of heavy but not always daily use. Eventually I experienced my first rebound effects and took it as a sign to stay the hell away from benzos. Some of us are lucky in that we don't quickly form a physical dependence to benzos. You can look at it as a bell curve where some will experience severe withdrawal effects after a short time and some can go for a while without experiencing any withdrawal, whereas the majority lies somewhere between that. With continued use though, everyone will experience withdrawal.
Be glad..(if you are really on the safe side for now because tomorrow could be a different case)
...some people experience withdrawal only after they quit a few times.... It develops and gets worse from time to time.

The first time i quit benzos...after a longer period than you did i also didnt experience withdrawals...I also didnt get withdrawals after taking poppy seed tea for quite some time...I thought i must have some sort of gene defect..

How wrong i was...

Years later i got bad withdrawals from opioids/opiates and fullblown withdrawals from benzos ("hell on hell" not on earth..as someone posted)
...delirium/psychotic meltdown, hardcore anxiety, tremors, sweats, insomnia, arrythmia including palpitations, seizures....all the fun stuff that makes benzo withdrawal so adorable.

Be carefull
i've had withdrawals before but only from my oxy binges even after 3 days of daily use of oxy i withdraw horribly but with benzos i've never had that problem, im sure i've just gotten lucky but i plan to keep my benzo use to a minimum.
Be glad..(if you are really on the safe side for now because tomorrow could be a different case)
...some people experience withdrawal only after they quit a few times.... It develops and gets worse from time to time.

The first time i quit benzos...after a longer period than you did i also didnt experience withdrawals...I also didnt get withdrawals after taking poppy seed tea for quite some time...I thought i must have some sort of gene defect..

How wrong i was...

Years later i got bad withdrawals from opioids/opiates and fullblown withdrawals from benzos ("hell on hell" not on earth..as someone posted)
...delirium/psychotic meltdown, hardcore anxiety, tremors, sweats, insomnia, arrythmia including palpitations, seizures....all the fun stuff that makes benzo withdrawal so adorable.

Be carefull

IMO, benzo withdrawal is tons worse than opiate withdrawal
yeah i dont plan on ever going cold turkey again nor ever being in a place of this much constant xanax abuse, benzos are terribly habit forming even if you dont feel addicted it just constantly builds as a habit. I definitely consider myself lucky because if benzo withdrawals are worse than opiate i dont even want to fathom what they are like because 3 days of even 30mg of oxy a day ill be withdrawing with full blown shakes and cold sweats. I'm a poly drug user though so its always been easier for me to just move on from drug to drug. I just took my first xanax since stopping and .5mg helped my anxiety as good as 4.5mg was when i was heavily abusing it.
I would only rarely use the xanax. I had a 10mg a day habit, and after tapering a few months ago I still feel strange. I only take them when I need them, and generally not two days in a row. I also only take .5mg-1mg so my tolerance doesn't skyrocket so fast.

On another note, people always asked me how I function on 10mg. It took years of benzo use to get that high. As far as benzos go, xanax ...for me...has severe diminishing returns. I just didn't want to go past 10mgs because I have woken up in the psych hospital from blackouts one too many times.
yeah i've blacked out plenty of times im just lucky i dont become an asshole like i did as a teenager when i black out, i've had blackouts like my most recent one where i end up eating xanax like candy and end up 36mg deep not being able to walk/talk from how strong the high is. I took 1.5mg last night for my first time since i took my tolerance break and it felt like 6mg would've felt. I havent been able to get high off of that low of a xanax dose since i was in highschool.
I think it depends on the person. I've been using benzos heavily and daily for years and years now yet when my guy goes on vacation for a month - I just stop c/t for the month (or more) and just smoke a bit more weed than usual. At worst I have 2 or 3 nights insomnia from it and then that regulates itself back too. Honestly the worry of the impending withdrawals i had read so much about were probably the worst of the whole situation honestly. I'm not saying these accounts aren't true and shouldn't be heeded; but rather consider yourself lucky that you seem to have the brain chemistry that's not going to go bonkers over the shit! :)