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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

4-MEC, 2C-E, IV, Etc.


Feb 12, 2011
This is not very structured...I've had little sleep, and I'm tripping lol. Anyway...

I've tried 4-MEC before, orally, insuffulated, mixed with MXE, and again with 2C-E. Only really worth it mixed with MXE. But, I got a 1/4g sample of 4-MEC, so I decided to IV it. Can't really give a dose, I eyeball (I know, I'm reckless), but my guess is I hit about 60-80mg. Dissolves clean. Shit hit hard! Euphoria was mind-blowing. Different than, but in league with Methylone, Coke, MDMA, Meth, all IV. Rush only lasted about 30 minutes max. I don't know, that's about when I done another. Not near as good as the first, but satisfied the fiending for another half hour or so. Then I done my last shot. Hardly felt it. Just more twakked out, jittery, somewhat nauseous, in an overly caffeinated sorta way. No more euphoria. No music enhancement, no tactile sensations. Just like I ate some ephedrine, nasty. I would have done more, but I ran out. I've thought about it several times since yesterday (day of experience).

So, the MEC had wore off (fun effects anyway), and I was already up, so I prepared a 20mgish shot of 2C-E. Done this way is only for us crazy folk. Rush hit hard, scared me a bit to be honest, shit started moving quickly, then came the fractals overlaying shit, then they overtook my entire vision for a few minutes. I immediately start to go into that panic attack mode that IV psychedelics induce, then reminded myself it was not enough to do *much* harm. I listened to some PsyChill for a moment, but that became too intense. Tried to go on several walks, but paranoia caused me to just circle the block. Done a smaller shot of 2C-E, not sure if it did anything. Laid down for about 5 hours watching intense CEVs, finally passed out.

Around 11 tonight, I tried another 20mgish shot of 2C-E. Few visuals, but mainly just sound distortion, and wakefulness. 2C-E causes tolerance buildup quick when IVd. Tried a 20mgish booster, this time rectal because it is hard to hit the vein on 2C-E. Done little more than fuck up my stomach. I'm still up, and I do have slight visuals, but damn. Gotta give it a rest, or waste alot of material.

The moral of this trip report is IMO 4-MEC gets a bad rep as a sucky drug. It is only really good if banged, but then it is short-lived and quite fiendish. Also, given its novelty, IV usage is not a wise decision. 2C-E banged ain't worth a shit with each consecutive shot, unless you keep up the dose. Not advisable either, since large-dose shots can cause panic attacks (in me anyway). This report may offend a few, but people like me do this crazy shit, even when well-informed.

BTW, I have a love/hate relationship with IV 2C-E...I hate it for the first few minutes, then love it for the next several hours.
Didn't even know that you can IV these substances , i heard people that only IM'ed it.
Anyway it was pleasant to read and remember in the future.
Come back again and write how are you feeling after the effects are gone.
Also, given its novelty, IV usage is not a wise decision.


This is purely my personal opinion but I'd [myself] shy away from intravenous injection of anything with a short history of human use (speaking mainly about the cathinones here, not 2ce as I'd say that one by now has a long enough history at this point. I wouldn't even consider it a research chemical anymore).

I can see the plus side as most of the material is so pure, but we also don't know for SURE what these kinds of compounds are capable of and 100 percent bioavailability ala shooting could certainly lead to an overdose. This is just a friendly disclaimer, I'm not preaching or saying it shouldn't be done. I'm just saying to anyone potentially reading this to be careful and apply standard antiseptic procedure if you were to try this.

Interesting report nonetheless, I can't IMAGINE what shooting 2c-E would be like. The experience sounded so mundane in your description I'm assuming due to massive tolerance. 18mg 2c-E orally is enough to have me floored. The closest I've come to something like that was insufflating 10mg of 2c-P after 3 days of continuous use simply to shorten the comeup and the long duration.

Personally I wouldn't see the need to do this with 2ce because it comes on fairly quickly and seldom lasts more than 7 hours for me with a standard dose. Maybe to save money perhaps, as it's more economical to use these routes as opposed to orally. Oh well, to each his own.

Happy to hear you had fun and thanks again for the report.
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2C-E is cheap enough there is really no economical need to IV it. Only real reason to do so is for testng your limits. The duration is not even that much shorter, maybe by an hour or so.

I share your sentiment, regarding the amount of care needed when doing things such as I have mentioned. This shuld really only be attempted by very experienced and knowledgable psychonauts, if by anyone at all.

I came down fine from it all, though I was pretty fucking exhausted. I ate roughly 24mg of 2C-E on the night of the 28th, in order to test out my doses. I mixed up the rest of my stash in water, with each mL containing 8mg, so I ate 3mL. I say ate, because I have become quite fond of injected the liquid into muffins. I expected the shit to be barely perceptable, due to tolerance, but I actually had a fairly decent trip. My IV doses reported earlier may not have actually been as high as I originally thought. Or, tolerance may just build quicker in regards to IV usage. I'll have to test this out sometime. As for now, I'm taking at least a week or two break from IV use of anything.
Anyone who snorts or IV's anything is an edit: play nice. (Well I guess some things you may have to snort, like speed) All you need to do is eat the drug and it will fuck you up more, and last longer. The only downside is you have to wait a few mins longer for it to hit you. That's why I called you an edit: play nice, for not having the patience to wait a couple mins. Drugs are more addictive to do them the way you are. Pointless.
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Anyone who snorts or IV's anything is an edit: play nice. (Well I guess some things you may have to snort, like speed) All you need to do is eat the drug and it will fuck you up more, and last longer. The only downside is you have to wait a few mins longer for it to hit you. That's why I called you an edit: play nice, for not having the patience to wait a couple mins. Drugs are more addictive to do them the way you are. Pointless.

Do you even understand the concept of bioavailability? You speak like an overconfident little edit: play nice, with your judgemental and idiotic paragraph you reveal a lot about your obvious lack of knowledge about drugs. When you intravenously inject something, you are utilising 100% of the drug, eating it and running it through first pass metabolism will always (as far as I know) result in your body having access to less of the drug, therefore your statement that it "will fuck you up more," is laughable. As is your assumption that you have to snort speed! Speed (which generally in Australia means heavily cut methamphetamine, although I haven't heard the term "speed" used in many years amongst amphetamine users). "Speed" can be eaten, snorted, shelved, injected or smoked if you like the taste of burning glucose. Perhaps you should try educating yourself before you post such brash statements.
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Watch it with the ad hominems guys or I'll have to start infracting.
Do you even understand the concept of bioavailability? You speak like an overconfident little edit: play nice, with your judgemental and idiotic paragraph you reveal a lot about your obvious lack of knowledge about drugs. When you intravenously inject something, you are utilising 100% of the drug, eating it and running it through first pass metabolism will always (as far as I know) result in your body having access to less of the drug, therefore your statement that it "will fuck you up more," is laughable. As is your assumption that you have to snort speed! Speed (which generally in Australia means heavily cut methamphetamine, although I haven't heard the term "speed" used in many years amongst amphetamine users). "Speed" can be eaten, snorted, shelved, injected or smoked if you like the taste of burning glucose. Perhaps you should try educating yourself before you post such brash statements.

dont be so offended bro. I completely understand why people do it. But if you understood that drugs are more addictive that way and it is NOT nessecary to ever shoot a drug, then you would know what Im talking about. If you never shoot a drug in your life, you'll never know what that "Rush" is like and you wont have to worry about ever getting addicted. Ive done heroin before, but I snorted it. And I can tell you I never want to do it again. I bet if I had been dumb enough to shoot it, I would of got addicted after the first time. Or at least one time would of led to another and so on and so on until the addiction started. I'm sorry that you've already made the mistake of shooting...its probably too late now as you already KNOW what that rush feels like so now eating the dope is of little interest to you. For someone whos never shot a drug, eating it will suffice just fine. It lasts longer and fucks you up more than snorting. Many people disagree with me on this but these are people who speak from ignorance and they have never eaten the drugs only. I actually snort roxys rarely and I barely get a buzz. Doesnt do much at all for my stomach. If I eat them, they last much longer and fuck me up even more.
First of all, sorry, watching Gary Christian (the fool in charge of the Drug Free Australia organisation) on the SMH drugs panel and having a few large glasses of red didn't do wonders for my decorum, my aggressiveness was unnecessary, as was your inference that everyone that snorts or IV's is devoid of intelligence.

I've snorted, smoked, eaten, injected...my main "hard" DOC is meth, my ultimate favourite way to do it will always be shooting but my preferred method of administration varies depending on the situation. It seems myself and most people get a markedly different high depending on method of ingestion...if I was out at a gig or a rave I would always take eating it over any other method. The high seems more suited to being in large groups of people and obviously the duration is an appealing factor. Anyway, my point is I understand what you mean, I've only ever eaten Roxies so can't compare to other methods of administration. To be honest I've never enjoyed snorting drugs either so I can see where you're coming from there.

If you never shoot a drug in your life, you'll never know what that "Rush" is like and you wont have to worry about ever getting addicted.

This isn't true though mate, I know plenty of people who have been addicted through oral consumption, some have progressed to other methods of administration, some have not, some have tried all, stuck with oral but still been firmly addicted.

Maybe you wouldn't have enjoyed heroin if you'd shot it. Maybe you would have, noone (including your good self) knows.

it is NOT nessecary to ever shoot a drug
Well...in recreational terms, it's not necessary to DO a drug, period. Route of administration is irrelevant.

Again, sorry for the rudeness but your blanket statements bugged me. You shouldn't make assumptions like that just like I shouldn't make assumptions that all people who just eat drugs are naive uneducated lightweights :)
infectious, thanks for the report. have you tried 4-MMC? if you have, how would you compare it to 4-MEC in terms of side effects and amount of stimulation? IME, 4-MMC is very rough on the body (esp. on a binge...blue toes/knees/fingers), VERY fiendish (esp. IV), more hallucinogenic and also slightly more euphoric (though less empathogenic) than methylone. Never tried 4-MEC though, so I'm interested to hear comparisons. Not a lot of forthcoming IV users for these chems..
First of all, sorry, watching Gary Christian (the fool in charge of the Drug Free Australia organisation) on the SMH drugs panel and having a few large glasses of red didn't do wonders for my decorum, my aggressiveness was unnecessary, as was your inference that everyone that snorts or IV's is devoid of intelligence.

I've snorted, smoked, eaten, injected...my main "hard" DOC is meth, my ultimate favourite way to do it will always be shooting but my preferred method of administration varies depending on the situation. It seems myself and most people get a markedly different high depending on method of ingestion...if I was out at a gig or a rave I would always take eating it over any other method. The high seems more suited to being in large groups of people and obviously the duration is an appealing factor. Anyway, my point is I understand what you mean, I've only ever eaten Roxies so can't compare to other methods of administration. To be honest I've never enjoyed snorting drugs either so I can see where you're coming from there.

This isn't true though mate, I know plenty of people who have been addicted through oral consumption, some have progressed to other methods of administration, some have not, some have tried all, stuck with oral but still been firmly addicted.

Maybe you wouldn't have enjoyed heroin if you'd shot it. Maybe you would have, noone (including your good self) knows.

Well...in recreational terms, it's not necessary to DO a drug, period. Route of administration is irrelevant.

Again, sorry for the rudeness but your blanket statements bugged me. You shouldn't make assumptions like that just like I shouldn't make assumptions that all people who just eat drugs are naive uneducated lightweights :)

Thanks for the response. I actually didnt mean it the way I said it. I didn't mean people who shoot have no intelligence. I should of worded it better (My english sucks) What I meant was that Shooting the drugs is a stupid thing to do. I didnt mean that the person who is doing it is an idiot. Sorry for the confusion. lol
infectious said:
BTW, I have a love/hate relationship with IV 2C-E...I hate it for the first few minutes, then love it for the next several hours.

I know what you mean, the IV 2c-e comeup is supremely uncomfortable, especially with the body load...but it is oh so nice once that first phase is over and you're peaking/near peaking.
dont be so offended bro. I completely understand why people do it. But if you understood that drugs are more addictive that way and it is NOT nessecary to ever shoot a drug, then you would know what Im talking about. If you never shoot a drug in your life, you'll never know what that "Rush" is like and you wont have to worry about ever getting addicted. Ive done heroin before, but I snorted it. And I can tell you I never want to do it again. I bet if I had been dumb enough to shoot it, I would of got addicted after the first time. Or at least one time would of led to another and so on and so on until the addiction started. I'm sorry that you've already made the mistake of shooting...its probably too late now as you already KNOW what that rush feels like so now eating the dope is of little interest to you. For someone whos never shot a drug, eating it will suffice just fine. It lasts longer and fucks you up more than snorting. Many people disagree with me on this but these are people who speak from ignorance and they have never eaten the drugs only. I actually snort roxys rarely and I barely get a buzz. Doesnt do much at all for my stomach. If I eat them, they last much longer and fuck me up even more.

Stop offending people and they won't be offended.

Thanks for the response. I actually didnt mean it the way I said it. I didn't mean people who shoot have no intelligence. I should of worded it better (My english sucks) What I meant was that Shooting the drugs is a stupid thing to do. I didnt mean that the person who is doing it is an idiot. Sorry for the confusion. lol

Dr. Halstead, father of modern antiseptic procedure in surgery at a time long before donning gloves surgeons even washed their hands, and the mortality rate for post-operative care ran up to 85% was a lifelong I.V. morphine addict. He never lost a patient to his addictions.

Bearing this in mind I'd hardly marginalize IV drug users and make sweeping generalizations like "shooting drugs is a stupid thing to do."

Drugs aren't MORE addictive any one way or another. I'm addicted to klonopin and if I had to shoot it I wouldn't be addicted to it, its habit-forming enough taken orally.

Personally, I wouldn't be offended because I run into people with myopic views all the time, often lacking in tact and good manners.

Everything you say is subjective and not based on anything remotely objective scientifically.

I'll play devils advocate here and take up the supposition that your views on recreational IV drugs. Okay. What little argument you had before admitting to snorting pills, is completely obliterated by the admission that you snort roxies. Snorting pills without a micron filter I'm assuming, with binders and fillers entering not only the sinus cavaties but lungs as well has proven in many cases (depending on the drug, OPANA is a notorious candidate for this kind of bronchial and lung damage which is quite close to the family you're referencing) at least AS damaging. Pharmaceuticals are meant to be taken orally, unless otherwise stated (sublingual).

The criticism you gave was on the intravenous use of Research Chemicals, lumping them into a vague group with your myopic viewpoint on how nothing should be IV'd. One can argue that with micron filters clean needles and a practical knowledge on what you are doing, not to mention that many RC's are 99%pure and come with MSDS data sheets makes them all the more safer when compared with IVing street drugs with unknown purity or pills which aren't meant to be injected, but with micron filters can be done safely if one were so inclined.

You snorting roxi's with no micron filter is a touch worse health wise, so please get off your high horse. Just because you've got an itch up your ass to make baseless statements with no experience doesn't mean you should go regurgitating your emotion-based beliefs to others. Come back with some science, even half-assed would do, then try again. I'd advise against it however, as no one here is going to tell you what to do with YOUR body, just that you remain safe and we'll do our best to put the information in your hands to make an educated decision.

This isn't true though mate, I know plenty of people who have been addicted through oral consumption, some have progressed to other methods of administration, some have not, some have tried all, stuck with oral but still been firmly addicted.

Maybe you wouldn't have enjoyed heroin if you'd shot it. Maybe you would have, noone (including your good self) knows.

Well...in recreational terms, it's not necessary to DO a drug, period. Route of administration is irrelevant.

Again, sorry for the rudeness but your blanket statements bugged me. You shouldn't make assumptions like that just like I shouldn't make assumptions that all people who just eat drugs are naive uneducated lightweights :)

Above sentence put in bold to reflect flawless truth.

Again, any sincere questions you'd like to ask me be my guest, but don't send me another PM like the last you sent. That one was infraction worthy. You know the rules.

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Stop offending people and they won't be offended.

Dr. Halstead, father of modern antiseptic procedure in surgery at a time long before donning gloves surgeons even washed their hands, and the mortality rate for post-operative care ran up to 85% was a lifelong I.V. morphine addict. He never lost a patient to his addictions.

Bearing this in mind I'd hardly marginalize IV drug users and make sweeping generalizations like "shooting drugs is a stupid thing to do."

Drugs aren't MORE addictive any one way or another. I'm addicted to klonopin and if I had to shoot it I wouldn't be addicted to it, its habit-forming enough taken orally.

Personally, I wouldn't be offended because I run into people with myopic views all the time, often lacking in tact and good manners.

Everything you say is subjective and not based on anything remotely objective scientifically.

I'll play devils advocate here and take up the supposition that your views on recreational IV drugs. Okay. What little argument you had before admitting to snorting pills, is completely obliterated by the admission that you snort roxies. Snorting pills without a micron filter I'm assuming, with binders and fillers entering not only the sinus cavaties but lungs as well has proven in many cases (depending on the drug, OPANA is a notorious candidate for this kind of bronchial and lung damage which is quite close to the family you're referencing) at least AS damaging. Pharmaceuticals are meant to be taken orally, unless otherwise stated (sublingual).

The criticism you gave was on the intravenous use of Research Chemicals, lumping them into a vague group with your myopic viewpoint on how nothing should be IV'd. One can argue that with micron filters clean needles and a practical knowledge on what you are doing, not to mention that many RC's are 99%pure and come with MSDS data sheets makes them all the more safer when compared with IVing street drugs with unknown purity or pills which aren't meant to be injected, but with micron filters can be done safely if one were so inclined.

You snorting roxi's with no micron filter is a touch worse health wise, so please get off your high horse. Just because you've got an itch up your ass to make baseless statements with no experience doesn't mean you should go regurgitating your emotion-based beliefs to others. Come back with some science, even half-assed would do, then try again. I'd advise against it however, as no one here is going to tell you what to do with YOUR body, just that you remain safe and we'll do our best to put the information in your hands to make an educated decision.

Above sentence put in bold to reflect flawless truth.

Again, any sincere questions you'd like to ask me be my guest, but don't send me another PM like the last you sent. That one was infraction worthy. You know the rules.


I hardly ever snort roxys. (And I stand by what I said snorting them is a stupid thing to do, I never said I was perfect!) And I COMPLETELY DISAGREE with you about drugs not being more addictive if you snort/shoot. It doesnt have to be scientific, it is simple to understand I have seen the proof myself. Where I came from everyone snorted/smoked/shot the roxy's etc. They were all hopeless addicts who ended up having to redose many times per day which led to much faster addiction and rehab. I only ate the drug (snorted once in a blue moon just to try it, and I assure you it doesnt get you as high, doesnt last as long, etc...which leads to the compulsive redosing) If you simply eat the drugs, they last FAR longer, so you do not need to redose. This is why I never really got addicted to the roxys (But everyone else did) I was only taking 1 a day instead of 5 to 10 like the other people I knew. I never had to go to rehab, I quit on my own with minimal withdrawl and I did them for over a year. So can you see now my point? It's not making the "Drug" itself anymore addictive, what its doing is causing them to do much higher doses and get tolerence much faster, which is causing THE USERS to get far more addicted to the drug.

Sorry I wasnt so technical before but I thought all this was obvious.
I think this is the last derailment I'll stomach, so if you've an argument PM it, oth

I hardly ever snort roxys. (And I stand by what I said snorting them is a stupid thing to do, I never said I was perfect!)

Stupid by your standards, not mine. Not the wisest way to ingest a drug, but again your using an inferior word to define something you don't agree with.

Plus you're admitting to have done it, regardless of how you'd criticize YOUR behavior, we aren't so quick to make sweeping generalizations as they aren't helpful and don't explain much.

But anyway, based on this quote, by the logic you've been using, it was stupid and dangerous and anyone attempting it could POSSIBLY be considered either of these things, or both even though it's something you "hardly do." Depends on how narrow-minded you are. I personally don't find terms like "stupid" to fit into objective medical critique's on the personal habits of others. It's just that it's a weak word with what's commonly misconstrued as an emotional and mostly negative connotation attached to it, leading down the endless path of ego arguments when leaving the ego out of the debate is the only real way of having what I'd consider an informative, useful and productive open forum on the subject. I don't think I'm alone in this reasoning.

And I COMPLETELY DISAGREE with you about drugs not being more addictive if you snort/shoot. It doesnt have to be scientific, it is simple to understand I have seen the proof myself.

You're free to disagree, same as I.

Why doesn't it have to by scientific? I don't care that you don't perceive it as such, it clearly is and I'd certainly hope it to be from a harm reduction standpoint. It already is, first off, and not only that, you're going to need some sources before I consider anything you say to have any validity outside your own limited experience with drugs. I doubt your making any of this up unless you're deliberately trolling, which we won't consider at this time and I don't really believe, but without concrete sources backing up your claim, we can't be sure can we?

That said, Thus the science/medical part comes in. You posit that You've "seen the proof yourself." No doubt you have, In isolated cases pertaining to whom? Just you? A friend? Ten Friends? I doubt they have experience with IV 2c's or other newer compounds, but they could I suppose, but I'll remind you that that's what this thread is about, and unless you want to make a thread in Drug Culture, which I encourage you to do mind you You're insistence in claiming your viewpoint as the undeniable holy word on the subject is derailing this thread for no reason other than for the fact that you'd seemingly rather not be proved wrong, a stance I've never thought to be quite productive. If I had an idea, especially one where I'm using hearsay and a weak argument to voice my case, I'd love to be proved wrong or right with a well thought out and researched argument. This way I can experience a broader and perhaps more researched viewpoint and thereby broaden my own knowledge to in turn bring back to our community and help maintain harm reduction with. That's why we're here, of course, at least in core principles. Everything else on the site is just data that comes from assuming that core principle.

I think "stupid" also to be an inferior descriptive term when used here, or anywhere else I can think for that matter, unless pertaining to something so obviously dumb that the word would fit unequivocally without debate. Even then, we're talking commonly accepted stupidity which while not only being albeit lets say, mildly subjective (if a consensus were reached), will seldom come up in any scientific/medical discussion worth its salt.

Where I came from everyone snorted/smoked/shot the roxy's etc. They were all hopeless addicts

One isolated body of users, one class of drugs, one viewpoint among these 'friends' who will serve us as your test subjects, for the moment. First off, this thread isn't about opiates, so this account regardless of the fact of it being completely unverifiable, mentioning only opiates, one class of drugs that are notorious for causing addictive behavior, so your point is moot.

But fuck it, I'll play: what about opiates like dilaudid with very poor oral bioavailability. What about other routes of administration? Many find they get more of a rush with plugged opiates than IV, almost as high a bioavailability, increased duration, instantaneous "rush" or whatever, and no risk in spreading BBP's or ruining ones veins. Now I'm not an IV user as of yet and probably never will be (and certainly not for the opiate class), but even if I were, I see this as MY CHOICE and hardly think my own personal preference would relate to anyone other than me. I don't care for opiates and have done them on and off for ten years, never had a habit. I find them boring and unless I am in bad pain I'll not pay for them and seldom run into them. I've done each one at least once, via Oral, Sublingual, Rectally, Insufflated, but never smoked. Personally it doesn't concern me on what anyone's opinion on my private personal behavior, it's mine and I trust myself in these matters.

Also, I am habituated to clonazepam which can't even be injected, smoked, snorted, or otherwise misused leading to a result more favorable than the prescribed dose as it's medically recommended ROA: Sublingual, or oral. I find this drug to be far more "addictive" than any opiate I've done, in that its harder to quit and I find the WD symptoms to be quite bad and long lasting, I can't imagine an opiate being harder to quit, and I KNOW that the withdrawal lasts quite a bit longer. This isn't relevant when determining overall detrimental effects and is useless information pertaining to what we are discussing, as its one isolated case and thus I can't determine that ORAL is way worse because all my friends who snorted klonopin never got hooked, probably because its not water soluble and absorption orally is close to 100 percent whereas snorting would be less, therefore not worth it and by your logic "safer," equating to what you describe as "hopeless addict" behavior. This is inaccurate, your friends may very well have just gotten more bang for their buck, and may have had yearlong addictions you were unaware of, thus resorting to IV use as it provides 100 percent bioavailability and if they had a high tolerance they'd resort to this route purely from an economic standpoint. We don't know them, so we can't assume this is true, but its a likely situation a popular one among heroin users. Perhaps not applicable in your isolated case, but surely with countless others I've known, many among us even now.

I only ate the drug (snorted once in a blue moon just to try it, and I assure you it doesnt get you as high, doesnt last as long, etc...which leads to the compulsive redosing)

Maybe you perhaps but individually neither of us can get any facts based on one (or two if I'm to be lumped in, may as well) isolated cases whereby we both have differing genetic characteristics determining these tendencies you're arguing are self-evident and common among a majority of the dope using population.

If you simply eat the drugs, they last FAR longer, so you do not need to redose. This is why I never really got addicted to the roxys (But everyone else did) I was only taking 1 a day instead of 5 to 10 like the other people I knew.

Again, I often have to redose many drugs orally. Or say I didn't, I'd still be achieving less drug passing the BBB and would need to take more than my IVing friends, assuming our habits were the same at this time. They'd get fixed on far less than I would. Also, rectal administration would be in my opinion (depending on which drug) far superior to oral as theirs a subtle rush and longer effects generally, at least for me. Again, an isolated case but one that's been commonly espoused as being consistent.

I never had to go to rehab, I quit on my own with minimal withdrawl and I did them for over a year.

I've never had any habit and I've been using opiates on and off since age 16. Smoked, snorted, eaten, rectal, sublingual, various kinds including morphine, oxycodone, hyrdocodone, codiene, kratom, morphine, diacetylmorphine, methadone, buprenorphine, hyrdomorphone. Never IV'd as rectal was superior (for me), especially with low orally active ones like dilaudid. Over ten years experience, doesn't mean anything. I'm me, you can't make the kind of generalization you're trying to make gracefully based on such little data. My use doesn't tell me anything generally, only what applies to me. Everyone is different, this is why we make this a medical question. I'm toying with the idea of posting this in drug culture and show you a bit of what kind of data we would need and then some to postulate what you're trying to. These are your subjective observations/experiences, unless you get gung ho about this issue and really interview close to all IV only drug users as well as all strictly oral drug users, not only here but many other places spanning you at least 2 months research (not worth it imo), we're back to square one, with me and some others even more informed than myself affirming the obvious. You can't make these kinds of generalizations. You just can't (or you could but you'll be received in just the same or similar way, with dissidence.

NOT TO MENTION WE'RE TALKING PSYCHEDELICS HERE WITH LITTLE IF ANY (most entheogens/psychs have none and their use is self-limiting) HABIT FORMING BEHAVIOR ATTACHED TO THEM. So even if you were right about all these things pertaining to opiates, no opiates are being discussed in this thread. This thread is about 4mec, an addictive cathinone I'll grant you that, and 2ce which is absolutely non addictive. I can't even do it twice in two days, and many would agree to sharing a similar experience. Twice a week is pushing it. Once every 6 months and I'm good, even these psychonauts who do develop what we'll call a psychological habit will not suffer physical symptoms when the drug is out of their system.

With psychedelics, assuming they are pure and prepared right, some can lead to otherworldly experiences far different than when taken by other means, same goes for rectal or vaporization or IM or eaten. IV medical grade dmt strikes me as a very safe way to take it as its all absorbed, and you don't have to inhale harmful byproducts that combustion often causes making the very start of the experience a touch uncomfortable. IV ketamine has been revered as an ultimate experience, I've taken IM ketamine, the only needle I"ve ever taken into a muscle or anywhere else for that matter, from sealed med grade vials, although I found snorting superior, contrary to popular opinion on the matter. I don't like IV'ing/Im'ing these things unless absolutely necessary or conducive to a more enriched experience overall. MXE can be said to be vastly different experentially when the ROA is changed for a good example, SL is supposed to be unique to oral and oral unique to intranasal (the only route I've current experience with), etc and so forth. These are the variables we're concerned with primarily in this thread, and my apologies if you were offended by my taking time out of my day to debunk your claims, as stated previously its in no way personal I just can't have misinformation floating about the sight.

So can you see now my point? It's not making the "Drug" itself anymore addictive, what its doing is causing them to do much higher doses and get tolerance much faster, which is causing THE USERS to get far more addicted to the drug.

Saw point before your second post. I just don't agree and am backing up my contention, but I'll add one more to finalize:

Assuming we're back on opiates, (which we should never have wandered onto) typically most experienced IV users keep themselves in check with three shots a day, assuming it was heroin (and usually is statistically) which we'll use as our gold standard on this opiated tangent we're on.

Compulsive redosing is what I think of with IV stimulants, not opiates. Even what you're saying amongst these "friends" was true, they sound like they'd have problems with self control regardless of drug. Or maybe they learned to keep their habits to a minimum, and you never heard about it. Whatever the case, your "first-hand" experience is quite limited and hardly the standard for opiate users. The worst dope fiends I know are on Pain Management and eat percocets all day long, but that's just one isolated case; one that I have seen in the field. I'm just one person AND all drugs affect everyone quite differently at times, so I can't draw conclusions based on such isolated cases.

It's not making the "Drug" itself anymore addictive, what its doing is causing them to do much higher doses and get tolerance much faster, which is causing THE USERS to get far more addicted to the drug.

I'll admit it certainly happens, but so does a lot of shit. My final point is that you can't make that generalization as though it were tried and true science, and will happen more times than not in a field study, or several better yet. You don't need one though because a simple thread in DC will give you the answers and experience you desire, but its not as though its a scientific fact provable in all cases, nor even a sociological likelihood in double blind studies (randomized) or even through taking a survey here.

You may get interesting results, but results is all they'll be. A majority perhaps, although I'd wager a minority of users would reflect your concepts based on what I know of the community. Even with a majority its still not Absolute, which is what you were asserting.

That coupled with the fact that we weren't even TALKING ABOUT OPIATES WHATSOEVER before you brought them up in your rebuttal, after I edited out your verbal attack, so you were clutching at straws. I argued your premise anyhoo, just for the sake of it and to weed out any misconceptions people might draw from these missives.
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On other little known 2c's IV'd...Curiosity's sake.

I know what you mean, the IV 2c-e comeup is supremely uncomfortable, especially with the body load...but it is oh so nice once that first phase is over and you're peaking/near peaking.

Sounds too rich for my blood. How long is the duration typically when used this way and a good dose for a laymen?

Does the shot burn? Would IM work just as well? Can you compare it to rectal? You've piqued my curiosity. ;)

I turned to snorting 2cp oddly even though I"m generally against snorting phenethylamines because of the burn and the 2ct7 incident. I took the drug intranasally as I'm no fan of the long boring comeup and the even longer duration. A small to medium dose insufflated comes on in about an hour but effects start sooner building up to that hour where you plateau, and lasts maybe 8 hours as opposed to 20, the last two being kind of doze off hours. Most dissapointing 2c I've tried on its own so far, worse than even 2ci which I loathe. Come to think of it, it didn't have the body load nearly as bad as 2ci, but was less profound than even that one spiritually, unlike 2ce which is a wonderful therapeutic tool. I think plugging would be better but had no luck with 2cp plugged, but I'd worked up a tolerance at that point because it was so unenlightening and boring I took it on consecutive days and at a point ate quite a bit (20mg I'm guessing, maybe much more), was exhausted beyond anything I've ever experienced upon waking up after 2 days of sleep, still slightly tripping. Took almost 4 solid days to recover, will not repeat. It's a drowsy one and only is interesting when used with MXE IME. Will not procure again. Having to snort is unmercifully painful and annoying with burning throat, eyes, and nasal pathways lasting a fucking half hour. No thanks. QUICKNOTE: I've not experienced any negative effects from my experiments with the stuff, and I went through 400mg trying to break into something meaningful. Just annoying visuals that are fun at first and get old quick. I plan on adding this to the end of my 2cp trip report when time allots.

Next PEA I take will be organic, and it will be mescaline if the gods are favorable to me, but I'm not counting on it anytime soon, priorities wise. MXE and guided meditation pretty much set me spiritually for a good 3 months, and that's all I need.

It's a drowsy one and only is interesting when used with MXE IME. Will not procure again.

Sorry to get off topic, but I was coming to a conclusion tying these things together; namely; anyone with experience IVing 2cp? Personally I would never, I'd rather eat poison I've had my fill of the stuff, but I wonder if snorting changed the duration and come up to reasonable conditions, what kind of effect it would have in the vein? Rapid comeup and maybe a 6 hour experience assuming shot was .5 mg, imo more than enough. I used 3mg insufflated to produce a full experience when I had no tolerance, very peaceful at first, less would have been better, I've taken 1.5 with more favorable results, like low dose MDA or 6apb but with a mescaline glow to it, strictly peripheral, no real emotional breakthrough except on first trial where I was taken to a special calm and pliable place, very zenlike.

Magic lost very quick with this one.

I think we've derailed infectious' thread quite enough, again, my apologies. Thanks again for the report we are grateful for every experience shared here at TR.
^That is the most amped up ranting I have seen in some time. Bravo.

Sounds too rich for my blood. How long is the duration typically when used this way and a good dose for a laymen?

Does the shot burn? Would IM work just as well? Can you compare it to rectal? You've piqued my curiosity.

~30min comeup (way more uncomfortable than with tryptamines, or at least 4-aco-dmt), ~30min peak, ~60min plateau, another hour of solid tripping, then things trail off from there. I think, never really timed it, so that may not be trust worthy. I'd try a third (certainly less than half) of what you would orally, probably settle for a ++ the first time (you might get into a +++ on the peak anyway), best be conservative with these things. Then when you have an idea of how you react, scale your future doses accordingly.

IM-ing should work, there's a thread about IM psychs and reports floating around, I've never IM-ed anything myself, nor rectal (I've snorted 2C's a couple times...and injection will spare you the pain to your face).

Shot doesn't burn ime, but on the comeup I feel like I have trouble breathing, the muscles on that arm can feel tense (can get serious tremors with trypts), lots of miscellaneous discomfort, and my saliva seems to take up a strange consistency (I swear it becomes more viscous).

If you want a more compact trip (with the intensity slope scaling downwards instead of parabolic), and aren't fond of a lengthy comeup, then it's pretty darn good.
I remembered when I IM'd a 5mg dosage of 2c-E. It is a rather intense come up/peak, even when IM'd.

IV 2c-E sounds like something I'd never want to experience to be frankly honest.