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Bupe 3 Years of IV Bupe 3x a day - Finally Stopped IVing


Apr 15, 2015
I must say, using a wheel filter all 3 years is what saved me.... and changing sites/ using brand new needles basically everytime.

Major side effects I had from shooting it up

horrible dry nose. ( Like HORRIBLE)

HORRIBLE constipation, like to where i am still taking Senna tablets to help.

Hands would be asleep when i wake up in the morning

Would twitch when lying down when going to bed.

Thank god i never go an abcess... i now put it under my tounge but its so fucking gross i take 2 mg in the morning and 2 mg evening time.

i dont have urges to use a needle, now that they are all completely gone, but im not gonna lie i did dig into my trash toi find some ones that i had only used like once and reused em before i fully just broke the needle tips off all of them from being in disgust.... I really felt like if i didnt stop soon something bad would end up happening.... has anyone gone through a bupe cycle similar to this?
not sure what you are trying to get out of this post but that is NOT just from shooting bupe; that is IV'ing drugs in general.

I IV'd bupe (usually 16/MGday) for a bit but would never run with it for more than a week or two because I would always end up back on dope; it never did much for me. and the constipation is not bupe but just any pain killer. same goes for twitch, which has been happening to me for quite sometime and still happens to this day and I am on 8MG bupe sublingual.

what is your plan now, dude? how did you stop shooting/using? what was the withdrawal like? and out of curiosity, why did you shoot bupe and not dope/other drugs? I'd think someone from NYC would abuse other drugs rather than a drug like bupe.
Oh boy, well first thing first. Im in Florida, Was on Probation for getting caught with DIlauded REMNINTS in a water bottle cap that i would mix the pills / dope in .

got on a year and a half probation and found a sub doctor because I was doing dope everyday and new once PROBATION started id have to stop somehow. I shot the subs for about a month without a filter and after reading up here i got so damn scared and nervouse that i made sure i had the full HR set up. lol. THe taste of the Subs are SO fucking gross Its rediculous... Suboxone is way to expensive and so Subutex is what I get. *30 dollars for 60 8 mg pills but anyways what made me stop shooting was the fact that like my hands were falling asleep way to much every time i would wake up it was idk scaring me i guess... so i just havent ordered more because i feel way safer just taking my subs sublingually, EVEN though the taste is so horrid, i basically set my alarm clock 1/2 hour early so i wake up and take the pill and fall back asleep with it under my tounge lol... I take 2 mg in the morning and by the end of the night im getting a runny nose and i take another 2 mg. i really really REALLY hope i can taper lower and finally get off this shit, I finnally have everything going good for me in life, I have a good job, getting a house soon... so id like to be free from this...
Oh boy, well first thing first. Im in Florida, Was on Probation for getting caught with DIlauded REMNINTS in a water bottle cap that i would mix the pills / dope in .

got on a year and a half probation and found a sub doctor because I was doing dope everyday and new once PROBATION started id have to stop somehow. I shot the subs for about a month without a filter and after reading up here i got so damn scared and nervouse that i made sure i had the full HR set up. lol. THe taste of the Subs are SO fucking gross Its rediculous... Suboxone is way to expensive and so Subutex is what I get. *30 dollars for 60 8 mg pills but anyways what made me stop shooting was the fact that like my hands were falling asleep way to much every time i would wake up it was idk scaring me i guess... so i just havent ordered more because i feel way safer just taking my subs sublingually, EVEN though the taste is so horrid, i basically set my alarm clock 1/2 hour early so i wake up and take the pill and fall back asleep with it under my tounge lol... I take 2 mg in the morning and by the end of the night im getting a runny nose and i take another 2 mg. i really really REALLY hope i can taper lower and finally get off this shit, I finnally have everything going good for me in life, I have a good job, getting a house soon... so id like to be free from this...

Taste wise, you're purely talking about the tablets (subutex), correct? Because I honestly don't mind the taste of 8mg strips at all. Some people find them a bit gross, but compared to a lot of other drugs I don't think they are bad at all. Just taste.... orange-y. I don't think I've ever tasted subutex though, I only plugged it when I had it.

Yep, you've obviously learned shooting suboxone isn't worth it. Way too much risk for little reward. And if you're trying to taper down, you might as well take it the way it's prescribed.

Good luck with your taper man. I've only ever shot suboxone once, and didn't have a micron filter, only some organic cotton I use for my vape. I was pretty paranoid about it, but it was recreational use and I wanted to get the most out of it.
Ya the stirips don't taste that bad... I wish my doctor would give me Subtex, would prob just snort them for the higher BA and they are way cheaper...I don't even know why they even bother with the Subs can't be snorted/i'ved anymore, if a Sub doctor got on the internet they would learn there is no difference between the two, or maybe they just play stupid to get a check from Rekkit Beck or whatever..i dunno, not gonna complain as long as I don't have to go to a clinic for them like the UK/Canada, so keep playing stuipid docs. How much were you shooting at a time three times a day? Right now I've been on either 2-3mg a day...either 1 or 2mg in the morning, then 1mg or half a mg at night. It's crazy though, i've seen people put a whole strip in a spoon or half of one and I'm just like my god you guys are just wasting the shit
shooting bupe is terrible for your veins, even with micron/wheelfilters, tho those are much better than nothing.
buncha the inactives in both xone and tex are terrible when iv'd, crospovidone, mg stearate, theres like 8 of them...
just everything at your own risk, but that hand numbness is could lead to limb loss, or some other shit
I've been on strips, now on generic subutex. Both taste fine. People who complain about it are pussy's. I mean really? I little bit of orange taste for ten min. Man up.
the suboxone organge strips are way easier to do.... but there two expensive for me.... so i go with subutex but ther taste of subutex is horrible... and when i was IVing i did 3 shots a day each shot had 4 mg. then i went to each shot havbing 2 mg now. but now i take 2mg twice a day sublingually.... the hand numbness has gone away since i stopped IV'ing... the needles was my addiction but doing so well in life and landing a great job has made me double think the risk / reward factor. lol
I dont care what people say but shooting subs is just a waste of time and skin; if you are going to shoot then at least shoot some REAL stuff that will give you a rush. I know we become addicted to the needles, I've been there but at least make the addiction worthy, lol, shoot the real deal type shit.

but if you are going to be "clean" then stick it under the tongue and stop being a pussy. I know this been said before by many others, but, if I can do it, then anyone can do it. I was a fucking junkbox in a half and had no outlook on life and didnt care if I dropped dead or not. now here I am clean and somewhat sober and living a HAPPY LIFE and actually wanting to live; I just take 8MG (started at 16)/day and all is good in the hood; all under the fucking tongue. it can be done, so do it.
Yeah, the thing with the needle is just trying to pursue that rush of euphoria, it isn't there when shooting subs. You do get a somewhat mild sense of it, but it is not worth killing your veins over. The best way is under the tongue. But I have a question for you guys, what do you guys do to kill those intense cravings for that euphoria? Or what do you guys recommend? Thanks
See my fixation right now is PLUGGING bupe. I always wondered how similar IVing is to rectal administration, given the fact that the bioavailabilities are fairly close to each other.

So what is IVing bupe like? Do you get a high each time you shoot it? Or is it more of a "continuing the glow" type feeling?

I know someone said they've shot up to 16mg a day, which is crazy to me simply because of the fact that my high or "buzz" from bupe caps out at like 4mg a day before hitting a ceiling. Because it appears after the 4mg mark for me, is when the Norbuprenorphine stops being accepted into my receptors or something, because the Buprenorphine has jammed them up, therefore producing less of a euphoric buzz and more of a "this honestly kinda sucks" buzz.

When bupe is plugged, in my experience, I only get a buzz the first shot of the day, and then the second shot of the day is greatly lesser of a buzz than the first shot naturally. Is that the same when IV'd?

Just curious about the similarities between plugging and IVing I suppose. Excuse my ignorance, im sure alot of these questions have obvious answers. Just buprenorphine is such a unique and eccentric opioid to me, its very fascinating in many ways.
IME : I feel a slight rush. but more of "continuing the glow" feeling right after i shoot. and it skips the nasty taste for like 1 hour in your mouth.

the reason i posted this is because maybe there are people in the same situation as me and there is light to stop with the needles....
I'm actually stopping the needle thing again, plugging and under the tounge when i'm to constipated,lol. With rectal it's 54 point something percent, under the tounge is 32 percent bio, and I'm gonna go through the thread about using alchohol to dissolve the bupe in since i think it raises the bio to 87 percent supposedly, gonna use Takka vodka..50 percent alcohol. I'm just looking for a way to save the bupe, since each way ya take it kinda has the same effect...i was just shooting cuz i am kinda addicted to the needle i guese...and it did give me more of a glow, but I got tired of waking up feeling sick and doing a shot with no rush...so ya, gonna go through that thread about dissolving in alchohol since its 87 percent of it you get...anyway rambling...
EEEEEEWTakka?!?!?! That is like a step down from royalgate if that was possible
if you shot dope then shooting bupe is a waste, based on my exp. bupe does ZIP, ZERO, ZILCH when looking for a rush. you may feel "OK" after a shot but its not a GOOD type feeling; I feel OK after taking it sublingual everyday as well, so why put a needle in the arm!? I once has the addiction where I'd shot my own fucking cum if I wanted to get it back into the body, ha. so yea, what I mean is I'd shoot anything rather than take orally - from sleeping aids, to benzos, to water.. and of course, DOPE, DOPE and more DOPE! the needle was a close friend and we didnt want to part ways. but as my arms became more and more beat up and I had to start shooting hands, biceps, feet, etc, I realized I am ruining my fucking life and I better step the fuck away from that PIN (who says needle anyway!?). so I finally got clean (just bupe) and taking it sublingal and it truly changed my life; I feel fucking great everyday and actually THINK I have this beat - then again, I said the same thing before and went 9 months clean and then went on the run of a fucking lifetime!