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3-FPM Banned But Not Forgotten!


Oct 30, 2005
Hey guys! I havent been here for quite some time but i used to be a regular here a while back and i just wanted to talk/tell about my experiences with the wonderful chemical known as 3-FPM.

Early last year i started to develop a bit of a coke problem, it mostly stemmed from the fact that i would spend most of my time at my friends house and our dealer would always text everyone he knew letting them know that he was about and holding, we would occasionally indulge but that grew into multiple times a week to almost everyday. We knew that we couldnt keep this up as it was burning a hole through our funds like wildfire and so we decided to look for an alternative. This is where i once again suggested we try Research Chemicals, him being old school was never fond of the idea which is why we hadnt done it sooner, after trying a few different ones we stumbled across 3-FPM as a free gift from a order and fell in love with it straight away, this is where our love story began,

We both then ordered excessive amounts constantly, and as much as it did burn when snorted, it was actually kind of enjoyable (not i like a masochistic way or anything), it was satisfying. I still maintain to this day that it is the closest thing to a "wonder drug" that i have come across. We both used it constantly, me more than him as i would often stay away for days at a time but without any of that "run down" feeling that usually accompanies staying awake for too long. I never have trouble sleeping because of it and regardless of its stimulant nature i had no issues just sitting down and relaxing for long periods of time, also on the flip side it gave me the energy to do things i otherwise would be able to (i have ankylosing spondylitis) And in my opinion any side effects that might accompany it was well worth all of the positive effects it gave.

We both used 3-FPM from around August last year all the way up to the ban, none stop, without any breaks and having a line on average every 1-2 hours. The only negative side effects i noted was that after any physical exertion (cycling somewhere for example) my heart rate and blood pressure would rise higher than normal and take over an hour to subside. I might also point out that after the Ban came into effect and i had no choice but to stop, i suffered no withdrawal symptoms of any kind.

I might also note, though it may be completely unrelated, that during this time my Wisdom Teeth on both sides of my mouth crumbled to pieces overnight while i was sleeping, there was no warning, there was nothing wrong with them or any of my other teeth and apart from that one incident i havent had a single dental problem. Even after they fell out there was no pain or anything, its as if my body just didnt want them anymore.

Disclaimer: This is merely my own and my friends experiences, not a guide, not a suggestion, everybody reacts differently to different things

Thanks for the long-term report. I cannot praise this substance like you do, but it is more or less decent. At least it never provided a panic attack or anxiety at all, no matter how high the dose (in a reasonable frame). But the stimulation is firstly too weak (never tried plugging, though) for my taste and secondly there were some short-term after effects, that resembled the condition called vasculitis (which is a physical reaction, that is linked to the consumption of Phenmetrazine). Those reports (including myself) of flu-like symptoms incl. hurting limbs and circulation issues were not shared by everyone, but they appeared rather regular.