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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2C-P / 6-7mg) - Medium Experience - Nice introduction.


Jun 19, 2011

Amount: 6-7mg, oral

Setting: At home, watching The Animatrix and Twin Peaks, and listening to music.

Set: Day off, home alone.

Duration:+/- 18hours.

T+00h: Ingestion

T+00h45: Onset

T+01h10: Music starts to sound better.

T+01h30: First hint of visual activity.

T+02h00: If i had any anxiety it is over now. Very peaceful. Visuals now like coming up on 4HO-MET. Peripheral first, then entering field of vision. Little bit central stimulation, not yet plateau-ed.

T+02h30: Breathing/patterning like crazy in peripheral vision, almost no activity in central field of vision.

T+03h00: Start. Total field of vision is now vibrant. Weed feels wonderful. I feel very erotic, probably because I'm watching twin peaks.
Typical phenethylamine headspace, euphoric, warm, friendly, but a little bit alien.
Crystalclear vision/headspace. Not really emotionally opening, not like MDMA. This is for indoor or in nature use, but not party stuff.
Twin peaks is very interesting, about the human nature of emotions. Everything can be felt, very personal. It takes a lifetime to get to know someone. Everybody has secrets.

T+05h50: I feel like i have plateau-ed, I put lenses on. Very visual, sounds are very good, but no real synesthesia as with 25mg 4HO-MIPT. (***side-story: I consider myself extremely lucky having diverged from an OD on this (2C-P). Basically it was in a bag which had written "2C-P" on it, but it was stapled to a paper that said "2C-D". I had only found out about this afterwards. At that time I wanted to try 2C-C or 2C-D in the 30-50mg range, choosing the drug with help of the papers they were stapled to, not the bag itself. ALWAYS check the bag ! ps: I choose 2C-C, luckily)

T+06h00: Very tactile, nice CEV's. At this dose it's a social enhancer, with people you already know.
Nothing to go out in unknown places. Also a movement enhancer, no real deep personal, individual introspection at this dose, but lots of thinking about human evolution as a species.
It feels playful but definetly very strong ++ - moderate +++. I Cried with Animatrix. This can be emotionally opening but it's not pushy like MDMA. Very clean headspace with typical PEA feel.

T+09h00: Sometimes I feel like dancing.

T+12h00: First hint of comedown, but definetly still tripping very hard.

T+13h00: Food very tasteful, with 3 cola's. I think my body needed energy, fast. :)

T+15h00: Coming down for a little while now.

T+18h00: Some residual pupillary dilation and peaceful mindset. Body is physically very tired (understandable, after 12+ hours of tripping), but I'm mentally refreshed.
Would be able to talk/behave normally if I had to.

T+26h00: After 8 hours of sleep, i feel refreshed and defragged. Work was OK, maybe a little bit drained physically but with great mood.

T+32h00: Very healthy appetite and veryvery minor pupil change. No real partystuff. Watch movies and think-stuff at this dose-level. (Consider this was my first attempt at 2C-P). I heard, after a few attempts, that there *are* people going to raves on this, it is even sold on the street. Anyway, while I now believe going to a rave on 2C-P is certainly possible, there are *far* better tryps and phens for raves. And a lot of those aren't nearly that interesting exploring human nature on screen or in your head. Anyway, that's what I think, 2C-P is a thinker, not a dancer !