25-I caused me to have depersonlization/derealization


Aug 2, 2017
I took 25-I back in 2015 when I was a senior in high school and it messed me up. I posted on here a while ago because I had no idea what it had done to me and I was starting to lose hope I thought I was going crazy and that this was going to be permanent. It has gotten better but I am still not 100% my self and still have feelings of depersonlization/ derealization. I remember posting about how I felt like I was in a constant dream and that I was losing my mind and that every time I looked in the mirror it felt like I was looking at somebody else. Now it's 2017 and I still feel like I'm living in a constant dream and I'm starting to lose hope again that I will ever be back to normal. I went to this place called harmony healthcare where they talked to me about how to deal with it and then they eventually prescribed me medications. They gave me a number of medications like fluoxetine,serataline,lexapro, I'm probably leaving one out. At first I wasn't really feeling very different taking the medications but then I started taking fluextine and I felt really happy and I felt like I was normal again. It was the best feeling in the world. But then I started to realize the medication was making me gain a lot of weight and I decided to switch medications. That was one of the worst decisions I had ever made.the new medication made me feel even worse and it made me have a panic attack at work so I decided to stop taking it. I decided to stop taking medications and try to cure this depersonlization/derealization on my own but I'm having some trouble doing so. I was wondering if anybody has been dealing with something similar to my story and if they could give me tips to overcome depersonlization,derealization that don't include medications. I'm kind of in a real bad place right now and I don't have anybody that understands what I'm going through. I just need some healthy tips and daily routines that helped overcome depersonlization derealization.thank you
Please talk to your doctor that prescribed you the medications, and if you want to get off of them or start a certain one again, do so under medical supervision.

If the one medication you were on helped, why not start taking it again? Have you talked to a therapist or anyone like this about what happened? Do you use or self medicate with any other drugs including alcohol or cannabis? If you do, stop doing this as this is not going to help you. Good luck.
Went through a period in my life with depersonlization/ derealization. Always came with anxiety. In my case I started becoming anti social and started spending more time at home. Did the doctor thing and it made the the whole thing worse.

Getting out and exercising is what helped me the most. Forcing myself out into the world again. Normalizing myself through getting out.

Exercise gets the endorphins flowing. Endorphins make you feel better!!!! Are you eating right? If not... You should. Healthy body... Healthy mind.

Mindfullness helps when im calm. When im dealing with depersonlization/ derealization/ anxiety I take control of my breathing. Deep breath in and slow exhale ( 7 count ). When I calm I go back into mindfully watching and feeling my breath.

Good luck... :)

After having that panic attack with the new medication I was kind of hesitant to try any medications again. It was last October when I stopped taking the meds. I weighed about 230 when I stopped using them now I'm 190 and I don't want to start taking the meds because I know I'll gain a crazy amount of weight again.i have talked to a therapist about it and I told them that I would stop the meds and try doing it on my own.i never liked drinking and I haven't smoked in 3 years