Desperate 21 years on meth... Help

Hello, I have been using meth for as long as I can remember. I am a functioning addict. Well, as functional as one could be that is. I never let meth completely take over in a sense like I've seen it do to others. They loose literally everything. I still have my house, cars, gf, and a remodeling company.

In the last few years I've almost resided myself to the belief that once we flood our brain with large amounts of dopamine there just isn't any coming back from that. It's for life. I've always wanted to quit but just never could fully quit. I'm a daily user. I only missed using 4 days in 2021. And haven't missed any this year.

I have a lot riding on my shoulders. I support more than a few people so I MUST continue to work and make money. But I know if I quit meth I will be a complete emotional wreck and a total sloth for at least a month. There is no one to take care of me or the bills or the people I take care of. It's almost like quiting meth would be physically irresponsible. So I'm caught up in a cycle. "Caught in the mosh"

I have been on county probation for years at a time and became a felon 2 years ago when I was indicted on delivery of narcotics. Fucking dtf finally got me on video. I was put on state probation and so far I've been lucky enough not to fail drug tests. I have been using a medical urine bag and a tube taped to the bottom of my nuts. I've had some funny and close calls using it "pissed all over the wall, floor and myself" but have never been caught with it.

Recently I caught another charge and have been put on community corrections. It's a very strict probation program with close monitoring and weekly drug testing. Unfortunately my tube apparatus will not work because they make you lift up shirt and pull pants down to ankles. No way to hide it now.

Seems my only option at this point is to either quit or get violated and revoked to serve on a 8 year suspended sentence in state prison. The funny part is the fact that this is even a choice to me. That I would even consider saying fuck it and risk the 8 years in state prison. It's absolutely obsurd that meth has such a hold on me. But 21 years using, 15 solid years of use is quite a long time. I'm sure by now my brain has changed so much that it will be very difficult to quit. I have to admit I'm scared. I don't know how I will be able to accomplish this and still hold everything together. I have always had great willpower with everything in life except this. Meth has control. I feel powerless to it.

I have 5 days until my drug test and I used 3 hours ago so I guess this was my last time to use unless I want to end up in prison for 8 years.

I feel so hopeless. I need help. I don't want to go into rehab because everything would fall apart without me. I don't want to go to jail for the same reason. So my only real option is to quit on my own right now cold turkey.
I'm not one to be emotional over much but I am literally crying right now. This is going to be so hard.

I guess I am writing this post to ask for anyone's help on this matter. What can I do to soften the blow? I can't really afford to miss any work but under the circumstances I am allowing myself 7 days. I will have to get back at it after that time period has passed. Does anyone have any tips on how to gain natural energy back quickly? Other medication I could take? Supplements?
I'm open to just about anything at this point except letting my life fall apart while I struggle with the withdraw. With my long term use I'm probably looking at 30 days before I will be able to even function properly and most likely 1-2 years before everything is back to normal.
It's sad, I don't even remember what normal is anymore.

Thanks to anyone that took time to read this and any advice would be much appreciated.
You can do it! Anything is possible anything you can think of. Ive been doing dope pills and methadone for almost 30 years i feel you, at onxe time i kicked 1000mg "yes 1000 maybe even more" of daily methadone use cold turkey, it can be done "trust me" stay positive use your mind it will get stronger and stronger once you get past the hell... its the only way... if i were you id start weaning if possible maybe every other day and then evwry 3rd day and so on. Better to do that then getting locked up and being forced to kick.. good luck i hope you do it, come back and tell everyone that you did! How joyous woukd that be 💗💗💗 youd feelmlike a king in your body again.
No once can tell you we all know that, only you know whats best.. good luck i hope you make it!
Holy cow, that's alot of time,!! I'm no stim drugs expert but from my experience yeah...well not really that much time to get some energy back prob a week to 10 days but the anhedonia,depression,boredom can be soulcrushing mate. Like u said, yes supplements can help since drugs suck out all the life outta you. Ppl say stimulants don't have a withdrawal phase when u quit them and it's sorta true cause u don't vomit and puke buckets like heroin, instead it's mostly psychological but it can get very intense.
Idk about u but 30 years is alot, maybe its time to lay off the pipe a lil if not altogether. Try skipping days in-between first and as u make some progress stay more days without using and only use the bare min to get out of bed not to reach the stratosphere . I wish you luck bro. May 4th b with u.
We all need the force because the force is with us, we just have to find it 💗 its there!
I needed to move cities - and spend a few months living with my parents - the first time I got addicted to IV meth. And I was in my early 40’s!!
I am 40 and have a week and a half clean since moving to a new city. I know they say relocation isn't the answer, but it sure helps with ridding the associations.
Anyone heard from OP?
FUCK..I hate to see someone realizing what they need to do and then taking the right steps and enduring the withdrawals (no matter the substance).. but it was just "too little, too late"..
I know I came in months late to this post but I'm rooting for my guy here..
I hope your doing good and just lost contact brother
Yea I had a bad feeling about this one… Based on the charges and details I’m going to assume the addiction won in this case. Though I hope I’m dead wrong here.

Yes just using 5 days before test. I have ate a 1/4g and been up for almost 3 days before. Doesn't really leave much time to get clean.
Even if he did stop ya know?
I met somebody in rehab who was a similar time on meth and she made the jump once her decision stand to get off the meth. She's had one or two short relapses and is now doing excessive sports. It's certainly possible but I guess very hard. I was only addicted for some years and would instantly relapse if somebody would offer me a line of almost any drug. Just happen to be off connections here.
I am 40 and have a week and a half clean since moving to a new city. I know they say relocation isn't the answer, but it sure helps with ridding the associations.
I understand why people say that. The AA people call it “doing a geographical”…but they are often very judgmental people

In and of itself moving somewhere new probably increases the risk of lapsing if you do not have good social connections, a good job, and some healthy hobbies/recreational activities.

Loneliness and boredom are the 2 major drivers of relapse for many many people.

But moving back home or moving back to somewhere you are loved and supported or at least really valued can do wonders.
You say you got people to care for and if you quit you'd need a month of downtime but can't afford that. Well what's 8 years of downtime/inability to support your family going to do, if one month is already too much.

Gotta man up here. This is the point in your life you need to finally make this change and you have the biggest fire under your ass to make that happen - an 8 year prison sentence.

You can do it bro. It won't be easy but 8 years of prison will be way fucking harder(and chances are you aren't gonna have meth in there too - so your gonna be quitting either way).
I don't think our guy is going to see this post man.
I really hope he does though.

Idk about in prison although I know people that have or are serving time. It's apparently not that hard to get meth or coke. Idk about the rest.

In county though.. when you place your order for canteen order a couple jars of peanut butter and a powdered milk you can get almost anything you want including the legal stuff like mad amount of soups and honey buns.
I don't think our guy is going to see this post man.
I really hope he does though.

Idk about in prison although I know people that have or are serving time. It's apparently not that hard to get meth or coke. Idk about the rest.

In county though.. when you place your order for canteen order a couple jars of peanut butter and a powdered milk you can get almost anything you want including the legal stuff like mad amount of soups and honey buns.
Damn dude, didn't realise this was posted months ago. I agree with gchem here I think the addiction won.

These posts make me so sad.