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Drugs and Family

ITT: talk about family in relation to drugs.

How did your parents deal with your drug use?

How would you deal with your kids drug use?

How do you feel about parents who use when they have kids at home?

For those who arent a parent yet but someday will be:
How has using drugs swayed your judgement as to how you would view your childs use if they were to start using? Or has your use swayed your judgement at all?

How would/do you feel about younger siblings drug use?

Did your older siblings influence your decision to begin using drugs?

Do you discuss drugs, prohibition, etc with your family?

Also, feel free to just say what's on your mind when it comes to family and drug use.

1. My parents really couldn't judge my drug use, as they were some of the biggest hustlers themselves in their youth. Both were users and dealers, but straightened up as they aged. I respected them for their honesty and partially disliked them because I felt like they contributed to my experimenting because it was always available.

2. My kids , I have been honest with them about my past, and encouraged them not to take my path in life. However, the oldest is in her 20's and we have discussed marijuana use for her horrible migraines she has been plagued with since age 3.

3. How do I feel about parents who use with children at home, well, I feel you should not be using anything that impairs your judgment, especially with young children to care for. When my children were little, I would smoke a joint on weekends away from them, but never anything heavy.

4. Yes, my past has changed my way of advising my children. However, both are grown and gone...it's on them now, and proud they haven't done anything major yet.
My youngest can never drink or do drugs due to transplant.

5. I am the oldest sibling and proud my siblings have never done more than smoke weed and drink. I think they learned not to walk my path long ago, and I am proud of them.

Lastly, yes, I have discussed my addictions with my family. Most are completely understanding. I've had periods of sobriety in life.

And a major trigger, as one of my children was murdered when he was 3 years old.
Bro gave me a lil check on my ket use the nig ht be for last.
Comes around once in a while and I'm a drug addict,
unfortunately that stuff kinda stresses me out on how shit really is but i know my fam mean well in all ways they have ever intervened be it a convo or the day my mom and older bro cut the shit an took me to the clinic.

Love my family the whole crew from my grammi to ma twin too
word up
My parents have no clue their daughter is addicted to heroin and benzos. They would be so ashamed and disappointed in me if they knew. I rarely see them, so it is easy to hide. Since my opiate addiction started (Aug '13) I have seen them once, for 3 hours. :(

If I had kids I would want a close relationship with them, unlike mine. I would want them to be able to speak to me about everything and anything, knowing I am there to help and not judge. I would teach them about drinking in moderation, and the dangers of addiction.
It's a good way to be and while I think alot of families/friends/loved ones start with shame and dissapointment it usually changes to concern and a want to help when it is out in the air.

15 666
well depends..

my dad also smokes weed so that was nothing

but when he found my syringe and gear for heroin he was crying my mom told me.. .that one still makes me sad thinking about.. :(
I confessed to my parents that i did drugs while i was on ecstasy and i told them that i was on ecstasy and i told them all the drugs i have done before. My mother was crying and my father was very upset. I knew that i could confess to my parents cuz my parents are very fair people. After that night i am more comfortable having conversations with my father about drugs and after that night my relationship with my parents is better than it was before.

I feel that when parents do stuff when ther kids are home is just irresponsible like many people would think. Even drinking alcohol or smoking weed. i would feel ashamed of myself if i was in any altered state of mind around my future kids. i wouldnt want my kids to see me that way. I dont like to talk to either of my parents when they have been drinking.
Beeing intoxicated with childrean around is kind of a twist. It sounds like beeing a bad parent/person if you are drunk/intoxicated when kids are around, but how can kids learn about it, when its hidden from them? Do you want that they learn it from the friendly crack dealer around the corner? Do you think they wont catch up if its hidden from them? Does ones live just revolve around beeing the perfect parent; wont eventualy the kids realise that there is kind of a hidden live?

One reason that this drug called alcohol doesnt do much more harm to society is, kids learn how to do it by watching their parents. Kids watch their families on celebrations get drunk, but beeing sober if there is work to do. They can learn when its apropriate to have a drink or not.

In Uni i have meet a lot of americans that where not able to drink properly. They never learned it. For them drinking a drink equaled binge drinking. They got educated how to drink in college ............ all they learned was the fastest way to get totally wasted

There are often big problems with drugs because some people never learned how to do them right. Not because drugs are bad in general.
ITT: talk about family in relation to drugs.

How did your parents deal with your drug use?

How would you deal with your kids drug use?

How do you feel about parents who use when they have kids at home?

For those who arent a parent yet but someday will be:
How has using drugs swayed your judgement as to how you would view your childs use if they were to start using? Or has your use swayed your judgement at all?

How would/do you feel about younger siblings drug use?

Did your older siblings influence your decision to begin using drugs?

Do you discuss drugs, prohibition, etc with your family?

Also, feel free to just say what's on your mind when it comes to family and drug use.

of course at first it was "you're grounded, this and that" when mom found my bowl when I was 17-ish. but then weed became accepted because it was basically me telling my mom "weed is nothing, I'm not going to stop"

heroin was a different story, obvz. I got caught literally needle in my arm, and that was a huge thing. but after that it was all support. my mom wanted nothing but to see me get better. before I was ready to get clean, I would be sick as a dog, and she would sometimes hand me $20 and just give me a look like "go do what you need to do, I can't watch you like this." I know it's enabling, but I was always honest with her after it was in the open. I told her I wouldn't quit until I was ready, and that I wasn't ready yet.

no kids yet, but I don't think smoking weed is a big deal. I would never smoke around my kid or anyone else's kid. but as a long term daily pot smoker, it doesn't affect my judgement like that anymore. I could easily go out on the deck, smoke a bowl/joint/whatever, and go right back to being a responsible adult watching a child. I would just be much more relaxed.

for future kids, I plan on being as open and honest as I can with my kids. I would rather them have their first hit with me or at least in my home than for them to be out with a bunch of idiot teenagers whose parents weren't as educated on harm reduction and safety as I am and now as a result they think that weed they got was "laced with something" and they are "trippin' balls" off of a "contact high".

my little sister has hooked me up with some of the best weed I've ever gotten. she's less into drugs than I was, she rolled a bunch of times, maybe tripped a few as well. but I don't think she's ever done any hard drugs ever.

from time to time I talk to my mom about the drug war and how stupid it is. I think she agrees, I've swayed her to the merits of harm reduction and opioid replacement therapy as a policy rather than incarceration.
My parents knew somewhat that I smoked weed back when I was in my teens. Never had real issues with that cause I kept it secret for them. They never knew of my MDMA use then. My dad once got really mad at me about smoking weed when I fucked up my relationship some 5 years ago. I had a long break after that.

I doubt I will ever be able to tell them everything I do and my opinions on drugs. I do want them to know, though. I think it would make my relation with them more comfortable, not having to hide it all. Not sure if they'll be very understanding though.

I can talk freely about drugs and what I'm using tot my wife. She doesn't completely approve it but I think talking about it has made her have peace with it. She did trip once or twice on shrooms with me out of curiosity and smoked pot a couple of times but that's it. (She's muslim by the way)

I've got a 9yo daughter and a 2yo son now and I'm doing more drugs than ever before. Mostly psychedelics. Altough only when they're asleep and mostly my wife is home. My daughter caught me asleep on the living room floor one morning when I was passed out on benzos.

Lately I'm trying to figure out when and how I will educate her about drugs and tell her about my use. I think, after reading through this thread, I'll let the opportunity present itself. Be it when she gets drug lessons in school, or she comes asking about drugs, or maybe even when I notice she's using. I hope it doesn't come to that, so if she ever wants to be doing drugs, that she's well informed. I don't want to push it onto her. Same goes for my son.
Let's revive another dead one...

How did your parents deal with your drug use?
My dad not at all, my mom called the police when she found us with H n needles...

How would you deal with your kids drug use?
I really can't imagine that.. I guess I would talk to them, I'd definitely be shocked and worried... Tell them all I know and hope and pray they'll listen...

How do you feel about parents who use when they have kids at home?
I've got a 9yo daughter and a 2yo son now and I'm doing more drugs than ever before.
Same for me just my kids are one year older. I do everything at home, longer and stronger stuff at night when they sleep, for weed I'm just gone for ten minutes whenever I have them. Not smoking so much during the day that they would notice. I can do Kratom and light opis whenever I don't have to work, not dosing so high that it would take me out. I've talked to them and taken care of the little one even tripping on shrooms (at night when they woke up) or low dose ket, my eldest saw me vomit once after LSA... But everyone can be sick sometimes... My point is as long as I'm functional little kids won't notice. Nor most other ppl for the matter. If need be I can do what's necessary. So facts is they never even saw me really drunk. I'd hate that. For now I didn't embarrass myself in front of them and trying to keep it at that.
Of course I can't deny it affects them indirectly simply because of the time I spend on drugs one way or other and that I'm trying to withdraw somewhat...
So I would say it depends on the way you use and how much the kids get to see...

How would/do you feel about younger siblings drug use?
Well... Guilty in my case, since I got my first shot from my younger sister... Never did anything to stop her...
I have no older siblings.

Do you discuss drugs, prohibition, etc with your family?
Yes. With my sister. Not really with my parents.. I don't want them to know that I use drugs again.
Let's revive another dead one...

How did your parents deal with your drug use?
My dad not at all, my mom called the police when she found us with H n needles...

How would you deal with your kids drug use?
I really can't imagine that.. I guess I would talk to them, I'd definitely be shocked and worried... Tell them all I know and hope and pray they'll listen...

How do you feel about parents who use when they have kids at home?

Same for me just my kids are one year older. I do everything at home, longer and stronger stuff at night when they sleep, for weed I'm just gone for ten minutes whenever I have them. Not smoking so much during the day that they would notice. I can do Kratom and light opis whenever I don't have to work, not dosing so high that it would take me out. I've talked to them and taken care of the little one even tripping on shrooms (at night when they woke up) or low dose ket, my eldest saw me vomit once after LSA... But everyone can be sick sometimes... My point is as long as I'm functional little kids won't notice. Nor most other ppl for the matter. If need be I can do what's necessary. So facts is they never even saw me really drunk. I'd hate that. For now I didn't embarrass myself in front of them and trying to keep it at that.
Of course I can't deny it affects them indirectly simply because of the time I spend on drugs one way or other and that I'm trying to withdraw somewhat...
So I would say it depends on the way you use and how much the kids get to see...

How would/do you feel about younger siblings drug use?
Well... Guilty in my case, since I got my first shot from my younger sister... Never did anything to stop her...
I have no older siblings.

Do you discuss drugs, prohibition, etc with your family?
Yes. With my sister. Not really with my parents.. I don't want them to know that I use drugs again.
Yeah mom might call the cops.
This is a pretty old one!
Cool, anyway.
I went to boarding school and though I'm sure there were drugs around, I never came into contact with anything other than cigarettes and alcohol.
No idea if my mom ever new I smoked and drank. I was never got into trouble about that and then my mom never went to the meetings.
Later on, I think she never thought much about it. As long as I didn't get into trouble she preferred not to know.
Mom's blessed with with selective perception and memory.
What made me come to this thread is the other side of the coin. You current or former drug users with kids:
Do they know you use(d)?
How do they react?
I get the feeling this new generation (z?) is quite serious and righteous (with all that political correctness stuff).
What made me come to this thread is the other side of the coin. You current or former drug users with kids:
Do they know you use(d)?
How do they react?
I get the feeling this new generation (z?) is quite serious and righteous (with all that political correctness stuff).
Mine are grown up now and yeah, they know.

All of them don't know all of it, but mostly they know most of it. And, they knew much more than I thought that they knew at a younger age than I would have liked , ideally. But such is life

Some of it has been a bit challenging for sure, and my using has definitely caused one of them in particular some anxiety unfortunately.
Some of it has been a bit challenging for sure, and my using has definitely caused one of them in particular some anxiety unfortunately.
Sorry about that.

I don't have kids, but my ex's younger son came to.live with is when he was almost 2. At around age four he came from visiting his mom and always told how she smoked weed in the living room when he and his brother (different father) were there.
Later on, like a year or so, he was bragging in school about it.
i think about this a lot so i'll answer as some form of therapy for myself:

ITT: talk about family in relation to drugs.
my dad was always a pretty responsible pot head/borderline alcoholic (total alcoholic now), dabbled with coke, and supposedly gave mescaline a try one time not really knowing what it was. his review of it was "that stuff makes you want to drink a lot of beer." i think he always thought psychedelic users were kind of weird, that's the impression he gave me, but part of me conspires that he might be lying and secretly an acid head back in the day from some of the stuff i remember about his friends. i don't really get what his deal is. he drinks like ten beers a night at least all the time at this point, and will have a little bit of whiskey or wine some nights too.

How did your parents deal with your drug use?
when i was fourteen i got cought under the inluence of dramamine. as time went on they didn't really care that i did drugs. they would purchase me alcohol at 17. and i remember one time i was having an anxiety attack and i told my parents about it. my father brought me over some really nice bud he got from a friend to try to help me. i think they worried about me tripping, but they were never against it till i started to show symptoms of schizophrenia.

How would you deal with your kids drug use?
i'm not having kids. so i really have no idea.. i'd probably be cool with pot and psychedelics but try to let them know pot can be a really bad habbit.

How do you feel about parents who use when they have kids at home?
my father used to smoke weed in the basement while i played video games up until i was like 7, then he quit for like ten years so i wouldn't find out. pretty good of him i guess cause i would've started smoking weed at a liitle earlier age like i did with drinking alcohol influenced by my parents.

For those who arent a parent yet but someday will be:

How has using drugs swayed your judgement as to how you would view your childs use if they were to start using? Or has your use swayed your judgement at all?

How would/do you feel about younger siblings drug use?\

my sister showed me some weed she got from school when she was like 15, i'm six years older than her. i decided to show her all different kinds of weed and tell her about what they were worth and told her i would just get weed for her and her freinds if she wanted. she barely ever asked me for it, and went through school till graduating first level college at a decent school... i'm pretty sure she vapes all the time now. i dunno. i feel like she should be having kids and stuff and isn't doing the right thing for herself. who knows. she's still got a few years left for that.

Did your older siblings influence your decision to begin using drugs?
no older syblings, but parents influenced me to start drinking.

Do you discuss drugs, prohibition, etc with your family?
i've told my parents that i'm never going to use lsd again. which is partially true. i'd never use it frequently cause i'm worried about stomach/intestine issues with how it makes me shit... i told them i might want to move to a place where mushrooms are legal so i could do them with out being paranoid. they didn't comment... i don't talk to them about salvia use at this point cause they have no idea what it is, and i don't want to worry them... i can't hide the pot at all. my father has tried being like "i heard on the news marijuana makes schizophrenia worse and stuff". i tried explaining how my mind works with it and how i can even be paranoid and dellusional while on meds and off weed. that it doesn't really matter for me. i just have to stay in the right state of mind which gets easier to do the longer i have been dealing with intense schizophrenia. also try to explain that the voices can really only trick me so many times before i realize it's not people fucking with me in reality. my father still pressures me to use the meds.. i think he might just act that way and also lies about some stuff from my childhood so i don't feel that close to him. never really figured it out.

Also, feel free to just say what's on your mind when it comes to family and drug use.
i dunno. my father is a pretty big alcoholic. like he handles himself, but what he does is kind of excessive. i wonder if he really values his life.... my mother drinks like a pretty big cup of wine a day, maybe like two servings from an average restaurant.. she also takes benzos. she pretty much lays in bed all the time, eats like shit to the point she has high blood sugar and cholesterol, and also doesn't really seem to care about living a long time. maybe they will change if they get some serious health problems. i really don't know what their deal is. i think my mother is depressed my sister and i aren't having kids.
i think about this a lot so i'll answer as some form of therapy for myself:
I do this with a lot of threads here.

When I was around 19 one of my boyfriend's buddies got a psychosis, apparently from smoking weed since he was 13 (he was 20 then). Since then I always wondered if there reallu is a correlation. That question became more urgent when my brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He, too had started to smoke weed around age 13.

Now, many years later, my brother is starting to behave strangely, and though he says he only drinks a few beers every now and then with friends or at parties, I'm not sure.

Maybe that's what piqued my interest in this thread, and now your answer kind of intensified yhe topic (of my brother)
I do this with a lot of threads here.

When I was around 19 one of my boyfriend's buddies got a psychosis, apparently from smoking weed since he was 13 (he was 20 then). Since then I always wondered if there reallu is a correlation. That question became more urgent when my brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He, too had started to smoke weed around age 13.

Now, many years later, my brother is starting to behave strangely, and though he says he only drinks a few beers every now and then with friends or at parties, I'm not sure.

Maybe that's what piqued my interest in this thread, and now your answer kind of intensified yhe topic (of my brother)
a lot of people say that if a person has schizophrenia, they will get it anyways regardless of if they use drugs... but if you read the schizophrenia reddit, a lot of people complain their symptoms arise when smoking weed or become greater when smoking.

before i tried any drugs at all i had schizophrenia every now and then as an early teen, and i remember having it as a small child unless i'm just dreaming that up... at this point now it's really weird, i'll hear different things when i'm not smoking. i remember i spent three months in the hospital, was on injections and pills to stop the voices/sounds. when i got out of the hospital before smoking any weed, i started hearing these weird explosions and banging noises in the distance. i started smoking weed, and the weird/disturbing noises turned into some voices that i am comfortable with. mostly i don't hear anything that freaks me out and i realize the voices aren't real at this point... but there have been points which i've wrote about on this board where i ordered drugs in the mail and then thought people were gang stalking me driving by my house yelling and stuff because i was ordering drugs in the mail. i also thought my neighbors put a speaker in their house and were yelling at me cause i used to play loud music once a few years earlier... i used to question my parents confused about this stuff and for a while i thought they might've been part of the conspiracy so i was probably giving off a weird vibe, and now they kind of think i'm permanently paranoid.. even when i'm paranoid and in what is probably psychosis i still have some stability and have thought "okay maybe i'm insane and this isn't really happening," but it seems so real sometimes that it's hard to not question people and stuff... like part of what got me to stop thinking people were out to get me and realize it was my imagination was i thought my father used to always bang on the walls down stairs beneith my room, but one time i ran down stairs while it was happening and definitely no one was there... i was also able to record around my house with cameras (which sometimes can go wrong because people can hallucinate stuff on the camera's recording and think that's real), but mostly i realized a lot of the stuff that was going on was all sounds/voices from my imagination... now it's like i just assume a lot of stuff is schizophrenia, like if i hear people yelling at the bar near my house, i'll just write it off as my voices even if it's stuff that's actually happening.. not really the best situation, but i get by with the mental illness. i'd personally probably prefer to have it, because it helps me with boredom... not everyone is lucky like i am. i think being full of myself as an artist/musician makes the voices in my head like me more than some other people get. i'm really not too sure. most people seem to have a pretty shitty time with schizophrenia though. on the other hand some people enjoy it and can maintain a life free of dellusions.
i think being full of myself as an artist/musician makes the voices in my head like me more than some other people get. i'm really not too sure. most people seem to have a pretty shitty time with schizophrenia though.
I think being able to express yourself through art might help a lot.
Interesting how you found a way to compartmentalize what you hear, and be cool with it.