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What could be used to have drugged and trafficked me

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May 1, 2014
I don't want to get into significant details because of the names of the people involved being point blank, some of the most famous women on earth, but at this point in all my crummy experiences with what they've done to me, I've had to speculate on what I'm being dosed with.

Sometimes I wake up and pretty much remember all of it, other times it's bits and pieces and the same sickening feeling from knowing they got me again. Whatever they've given me, it doesn't last but for a few hours without reapplying it, and sometimes the memories are vague, other times I have total recall and unfortunately, sometimes I'm the one initiating the sex with these women because of who they are and the dream like state I am in.
What has been a common trend is drugging me, waking me up right away so I'm still fully cognitive and being kissed and groped by these women, and then the "SHHHHHHHHH" like feeling and euphoria gradually washes over me, and even if making my own decisions in some regards, under their control.,

I had never taken xanax until a few years ago for the insomnia this has all caused, and as soon as I took was 100% certain it was a drug that had been used. I'm assuming it's often an anesthesia and downer like fentanyl. The euphoria is overwhelming, I get lost in it as it increases intensity, then wake up where within a few minutes, I'll recall most of what happened and literally have to get in the shower to scrub the odor of a woman that took it "bareback" from me that morning or late night before.

Just WTH could they be using that is short acting but is effective at suppressing memories?
In terms of it being real, that's an easy one. They steal things and break things right in front of me, and the following day as soon as I look, these things are gone or broken. I also wake up with blatant injection marks sometimes.
It's a very bizarre, twisted and long story that spans over 2 decades but I kept it to myself for over 20 years because of who it is and my brother is a hugely powerful casting director in film and television hired by every major network, studio, director and producer on all the most popular film and television projects. He casts the zombies for most the walking dead shows pulling 18 grand a month without ever having to set foot on set and casting directors he employs out in the field.

I don't want to wander into the psychological ramifications and damage it's done to me and my relationships with family, I just want an idea of what is being used on me. One question one of these women often asked me in private messages was "have you ever done ketamine?" which I have and could clearly recall being high on it during this sexploitation, and other times being given what looked like an oxie or other opiate combined with whatever, and being overwhelmed with shame when this mentally ill and world famous woman said, "don't you want to get high before we have sex?" to then have a literally mob of women with varying levels of fame in various divisions of entertainment including the pinup model industry.
It's happened now in the hundreds of times, but the time I'm describing 15 years ago I can remember being very cognitive and ashamed of myself because I wanted to take the pill, refused but it was ultimately shoved down my throat.

I don't expect to be believed in the least even though I could prove this all at legal depth if I truly wanted to pursue it, but I don't want to be known for this, I just want it to stop.
people can hallucinate they are in reality and really be in different dimensions in their mind... people can also hallucinate smells as far as having to do with going bare back.... IDK... OP, i would seriously consider that you are going crazy and possibly even breaking your own stuff in your sleep... maybe you are having a reaction to xanax that most people don't get. i've heard of drugs making people black out and smash up their stuff. idk.. have you tried anti-psychotics from a doctor? sometimes they work and help people realize they are having thoughts that aren't real if taken long enough.
I don't want to get into significant details because of the names of the people involved being point blank, some of the most famous women on earth, but at this point in all my crummy experiences with what they've done to me, I've had to speculate on what I'm being dosed with.

What has been a common trend is drugging me, waking me up right away so I'm still fully cognitive and being kissed and groped by these women, and then the "SHHHHHHHHH" like feeling and euphoria gradually washes over me, and even if making my own decisions in some regards, under their control.,

In terms of it being real, that's an easy one. They steal things and break things right in front of me, and the following day as soon as I look, these things are gone

I have a hard time imagining Elizabeth II, Angelina Jolie and Madonna (must be the ones around 20 years ago) going into that trouble to get sex with you. Even if you were Johnny Depp and Barack Obama in one person.
Now there's been rumors of the late queen being a lizard, so who knows?

Just my opinion. Famous people with famous connections who seek answers in anonymous forums usually avoid mentioning that they are famous.

Now if you want to know what drug can knock someone out so they will have sex with someon else... you may or may not get answer.

But maybe just stopping having drinks with famouse women (if that's what really happened) will resolve your problem?
Now, reading more comments. Maybe you are hallucinating, and in that case I take my somewhat ironic comment back. Have you talked to a psychiatrist about this?
Being dosed and abused for over 20 years by some of the most famous women on earth eh? And your main question is 'what drug they using?'

And - you 'really want it to stop'. So, just leave, go elsewhere. And yeah, your tale is reasonably difficult to believe but it does sound like you could use a litlle mental health care friend
I don’t know if this is real or not, but let’s assume it is. 🤷‍♀️

If so, this person has been drugged, manipulated, sexually abused/used, etc, for 20 years.

Just imagine the kinda damage that does to a person.
I don’t know if this is real or not, but let’s assume it is. 🤷‍♀️

If so, this person has been drugged, manipulated, sexually abused/used, etc, for 20 years.

Just imagine the kinda damage that does to a person.
More reason to seek professional help instead the name.of a drug that might have been used on them.
I don’t know if this is real or not, but let’s assume it is. 🤷‍♀️

If so, this person has been drugged, manipulated, sexually abused/used, etc, for 20 years.

Just imagine the kinda damage that does to a person.
Being drugged with a pleasurable substance and fucked by famous beautiful women. The damage that would do to me would be, nothing, except me having less depression.
Yeah, beautiful famous women like to break stuff after drugging and fucking guys. If you are interested I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
Being drugged with a pleasurable substance and fucked by famous beautiful women. The damage that would do to me would be, nothing, except me having less depression.
Yeah, beautiful famous women like to break stuff after drugging and fucking guys. If you are interested I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.

All I meant was, you never know 🤷‍♀️ lol
Surely not ALLLLL men want to be drugged and fucked by beautiful women who break their things?
I'm not going to fill in the blanks myself.

Point is he asked a valid question and did not ask for personal advice.

He probably put in the part about wanting it to stop because that's what he thought he should say.
If this is a real thing that's happening, it's probably a matter you'd take to the police. If it's something you've imagine, you need to see a psychiatrist or counselor.

Either way, there's nothing we can really do for you here, and speculation won't really help so I'm gonna close this.
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