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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Most ridiculous drug presentation in recreational media?


Moderator: EADD
Staff member
Aug 9, 2022
We have best portrayals, but how about the most ridiculous, laziest, ignorant pieces of junk?

Blacklist Season 6 episode 8 really made me ask myself "at what point did this series turn SO BAD?".
where this one woman had been smuggling vast amounts of crystal LSD on her body and some sort of leak happened and some minuscule amounts ended into blood stream, and they turned mouth-frouthing and visibly sick, I think veins were very dilated and for some reason blue, or whatever, can't remember anymore now, while being constantly conscious and completely coherent and sane and explained to people there some detailed things they should know about because it was valuable information and then she died on their hands. All this just in few minutes. That could have been scripted millions of different ways and it could have been very exciting and maybe even believable if they just so slightly changed the LSD into nBOME or BROMO-DRAGONFLY or any full agonist, some of them even have recognization amongst general public and it could have been easily referred to "this drug like LSD, but much stronger".

Another one I want to mention, was in the Ilkka Remes's Vares book,
where PCP was apparently synthesized from DXM. There were also other disturbing solutions that made me conclude Ilkka Remes is completely bored to death about writing books, but does that in half-assed manner just to get butter on his bread.

(this is obviously not television and film so I get it if it will be removed. But there is no better place either)
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Season 6 episode 8
Would that be The Blacklist? I never got to season 6.

But I did see some scenes that could go into this thread. I just never care to memorize the names of movies unless I really, really like them. Even less in retrospect regarding bad scenes.
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fuck my bad. Yes. The Blacklist. I edited the post few times and it got erased.

Also the scene in The Blacklist had no veins dilating or frothing mouth but vomiting and convulsing, now I found a way to watch the scene. And they pulled almost all the LSD out of the smugglers stomach and the bag did not seem to be leaking in obvious way. I calculated that the 8 pound bag of crystals would have made up 40000000 doses, but almost none of it really got into the smugglers circulation, they did not even care to make it look like there was anything wrong in the bag. Also I found reddit thread where they talk about how stupid the scene was. Even people who had no experience of drugs found it weird. spoiler out.

I don't necessarily recommend to go further in Blacklist. There is something alluring in it but it somehow turned dumber the longer the series carried on.

e: fuck I had to fix this post too, damn clonazepam. I need tea.
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