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Misc Quetiapine (Seroquel) for Opioid Withdrawal - High Dose or Low Dose?


Apr 29, 2018
I know Quetiapine is an odd one where it's actually more sedating the LOWER the dose...but in terms of opioid withdrawal, is it better to take low doses or high doses?
I have a lot of pills in many doses. I literally have pills in 25mg, 100mg, 150mg and 300mg doses.

Over the course a day, say, what kind dose would be best to minimise withdrawal as much as possible...100mg? 300mg? 1200mg?
Do you take it regularly? Do you have a tolerance?

It's best used to induce sleep during opioid withdrawal, not sure how useful it would be during the day. Without a tolerance, 25mg works well, chewed and held under the tongue (30 minutes before bedtime). If you really want to make sure you'll sleep deeply, one could take up to 50mg).

I would avoid doses high enough for the dopamine antagonism to become apparent (multiple hundreds of milligrams). Taking antipsychotic sized doses could worsen the dysphoria. I remember once in opioid withdrawal, out of desperation and a lack of any alternatives, i took 4mg of risperidone (which I had never taken before in my life, nor any other psychotic). While it did sedate me, I regretted taking it, made me feel even worse and more dysphoric.
Do you take it regularly? Do you have a tolerance?

It's best used to induce sleep during opioid withdrawal, not sure how useful it would be during the day. Without a tolerance, 25mg works well, chewed and held under the tongue (30 minutes before bedtime). If you really want to make sure you'll sleep deeply, one could take up to 50mg).

I would avoid doses high enough for the dopamine antagonism to become apparent (multiple hundreds of milligrams). Taking antipsychotic sized doses could worsen the dysphoria. I remember once in opioid withdrawal, out of desperation and a lack of any alternatives, i took 4mg of risperidone (which I had never taken before in my life, nor any other psychotic). While it did sedate me, I regretted taking it, made me feel even worse and more dysphoric.

I'm prescribed it but almost never take it. Not sure why I never just told my doctor I don't take it tbh. For some reason (maybe a slight OCD or an addicts version of OCD) I feel compelled to keep ANY pills possible and stockpile if I don't need them. I always feel like as soon as I throw them out or ask my doctor to take me off it, I'll suddenly need it. So no tolerance.

I took 50mg (dissolved in coffee). It's been 6 hours and I haven't slept :(....I did go out for a cigarette spend 5-6 full minutes standing out back before I realized I had not, in fact, even taken a cigarette out of the pack and was not smoking lol
I'm prescribed it but almost never take it. Not sure why I never just told my doctor I don't take it tbh. For some reason (maybe a slight OCD or an addicts version of OCD) I feel compelled to keep ANY pills possible and stockpile if I don't need them. I always feel like as soon as I throw them out or ask my doctor to take me off it, I'll suddenly need it. So no tolerance.

I took 50mg (dissolved in coffee). It's been 6 hours and I haven't slept :(....I did go out for a cigarette spend 5-6 full minutes standing out back before I realized I had not, in fact, even taken a cigarette out of the pack and was not smoking lol
Do you think the caffeine in the coffee, keeps you up?
I'm prescribed it but almost never take it. Not sure why I never just told my doctor I don't take it tbh. For some reason (maybe a slight OCD or an addicts version of OCD) I feel compelled to keep ANY pills possible and stockpile if I don't need them. I always feel like as soon as I throw them out or ask my doctor to take me off it, I'll suddenly need it. So no tolerance.

I took 50mg (dissolved in coffee). It's been 6 hours and I haven't slept :(....I did go out for a cigarette spend 5-6 full minutes standing out back before I realized I had not, in fact, even taken a cigarette out of the pack and was not smoking lol
It only seems to help me when I'm in a detox. The last time the Dr gave me a cocktail of about 6 or so drugs. Clonadine, seraquel, requip, Ativan, Flexeril, and few others I can't recall. No opioids and I literally had no wd for 4 days. It blew my mind. Wish I could remember it all. I actually was sleeping after like 36 hours of fentanyl and, and then I tried to induce buprenorphine at about 96 hours. Straight into PWD. Worst I ever had in my effing life. The subs never actually worked that time.
Added 300mg Thorazine, 200mg Cyclizine (Marezine) and another 50mg Seroquel and slept for 12 hours. Had pretty bad nightmares which is still better than wd IMO.
Just woke up and took my last 45mg DHC. My dad said he'd get me another pack of Paramol in the morning so...gonna try and hold out until that's gone.
Hopefully enough Seroquel + Thorazine will knock me out for another 12 hours or so tonight,
Added 300mg Thorazine, 200mg Cyclizine (Marezine) and another 50mg Seroquel and slept for 12 hours. Had pretty bad nightmares which is still better than wd IMO.
Just woke up and took my last 45mg DHC. My dad said he'd get me another pack of Paramol in the morning so...gonna try and hold out until that's gone.
Hopefully enough Seroquel + Thorazine will knock me out for another 12 hours or so tonight,
easy on the Marzine mate - that's probably what gave you the nightmares (infact easy on all of it)
Why would you drink decaf? It's like non-alcoholic beer. It does nothing, tastes like shit and will just make you piss more.

I don't understand why people drink it in general, but I drank it last night because I wanted coffee but was trying to sleep.
Sadly, no!
I tend to avoid drinks with carbs in them anyway. I'm diabetic so have to inject every time I eat already, I'd be injecting insulin constantly if I had drinks with sugar/carbs in too.
Oh yeah, I forgot about you being diabetic, and insulin dependant. Sorry.
I used to take 800mg of Seroquel at bedtime. The stuff will knock you out, but that doesn't mean it will make you feel any better the next day. By the way... Seroquel has withdrawal to it too.