Songs that remind you of drugs

This one reminds me of when I still had fun drinking and more generally of when I was living in the UK
ugh RL.

I rekon the impetus to be willing and hungry to learn and move on from flatlining, is an incentive (not a cure (obviously) but motions away from addiction; ie. being stuck)
Attitude can seem trite but it isn't- you go back; you fuck up but you start again and No one is in any position to judge how many times you do that, imho.:|<3

"I'm taking a ride with my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride with my best friend...."
Ok enough already if not I m gonna assault a pharmacy Drugstore Cowboys style and that s frowned upon even down here in Brazil.....
I was very into Charley Parker and all that old be-bop jazz years ago and I knew a lot of them were heavy heroin addicts, so I always figured it was a drug that nurtured creativity. Now I wonder how they even managed to perform at all.
Still, this song embodies all the euphoria I feel on opiates