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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

"Lybalvi" AND OTHER for weightloss and antidepressants containing OPI ANTAGONIST. I.E. PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWAL


Dec 23, 2006
So "Lybvaldi" is a new drug (apparently; I was told it didn't exist and almost convinced) which is a compound of Olanzapine AND A NALTREXONE ANALOG SAMIDORPHAN. As Thurston has been so kind to research and post they are also making a buprion/naltrexone compound and seem to be marketing 'naltrexone and analogs' as "weight loss" elements

This new medication WILL send you into precipitated opiate withdrawals and the commercial is VERY CLEAR about that; as is pubmed. (the source and youtube of the commercial are linked in the other thread)

SOO back to my original question. Why would they be putting an OPI ANTAGONIST into a anti-psychotics. anti-depressants and diet medication?? The official reason stated is to "combat weight gain" than they proceed to list weight gain as an immediate side effect. (lybvaldi at least)

Do we think there ulterior motives behind this? Do you know any reason this move would make sense?

Personally I am not depressed but this is being advertised quite aggressively and of course it brings out the conspiracy theorist in me...
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I'm going to a weight loss center and they gave me a list of possible drugs they use for weight loss. One or two of them contained Naltrexone to help with appetite.
Okay. This worries me further. Self Diagnosed Depression and Weight Loss in the U.S......


Could you go through the trouble of listing the meds that inlcude naltrexone for weight loss??

Now I am thin (little underweight not a brag) and about as depressed as anyone that can see straight so, SO FAR, none of this applies TO ME. What percentage of the US do we estimate is either overweight or "depressed" by their own standards???

Let me state my premise - "The Pharm companies want as many of us on opiate/oid antagonists as possible and there is NO GOOD REASON to put naltrexone/samidorphan into anti-depressants/psychotics nor weight loss drugs". (not educated on weightloss but naltrexone stays in the Extreme Emergency box, can't see it being valid)

Does anyone else even care lol
Thank you so much thurston!

That is what I highly suspected as I am pretty sure I have seen more than just the libvaldi commercial. Now Buprion is advertised or on label for an anti depressant. So we have breached anti-psychotic (thought it wasn't really advertised that way) and crossed over to depression as well. In addition to that it is being added to weight loss meds.

Even more evidence to support what I find to be a chilling hypothesis of "they are just shoving opiate antagonists in everything".

Anyone who understands how horrible PWD truly is (and uses opi's) should really be paying close attention to this new "trend'

Negrogesic -- What do you make of all of this; why are they not catching the heat you mentioned being associated with off label naltrexone.