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Kensington addicts getting heavy opiates in hospitals in hopes to taper?

I know it's absolutely bullshit basically that's wat I was told when I went to a pain specialist right after the last rule change in 2017 after a crash blowing my hip and pelvis to pieces like a lifesaver
That’s a very bad injury? What did you end up doing? I assume you broke the law to get the medication you should have been given and that we had been given for decades.

The crazy thing is that the CDC retracted the 2016 guidelines that caused this mess in 2018.

Check out this graph below. You can see that there was almost. No increase in death until the massive vertical death spike right after the 2016 guidlines were published and every pain patient and addict switched to fentanyl.


In this retraction acknowledged that limiting patients in this way was contributing to suicide, increased disability applicants and increased fentanyl use and death

My home state Californias medical board and the specific county I live in medical board also issued in 2023 their own pro opioid prescribing guidelines. Basically saying the same things as the CDC retraction from 2018.

So all should be fine for the green light to treat pain again right?

Wrong. The DEA completely ignored the retraction and continues to aggressively prosecute doctors so the doctors are still terrified despite the guidelines being fixed. So they won’t prescribe out of fear from the DEA.

The DEA benefits from pain patients becoming so desperate they resort to fentanyl and die , because the worse the fentanyl problem gets the more money the government gives the DEA to fix the issue.

I can’t imagine a job where my goal was to fix something and I just fuck it up more and and more and make it worse….and I’m rewarded with more Money.

But that’s the situation.

Is a gross miscarriage of freedom. Anyone at 18 can buy arsenals of hundreds of almost automatic heavy caliber adult weapons and enough ammunition to fill a garage to the ceiling. But the right to pain management is gone

The thing is this is going to bit every single human being in America in the ass unless they die an instant death. Everyone gets old and dies some slow painful death decaying slowly away at the end and it is very painful. They will not receive any pain medication and will die in agony …

On top of that euthanasia is illegal in most of the country and where it is legal it’s almost impossible to get (saw a friend die of cancer and he tried so hard to get it but they want to keep him alive and suffering as long as possible to bill the insurance company as long as possible )

America is a fucking joke. There is no freedom . This a brutal attack on Americans and every single one of you is going to remember my words when you’re on your death bed screaming for someone to just killyou and end it and all they give you is 5 mg morphine that won’t touch the pain

You will all experience this and remember my words one day unless you die an instant death

At that point you will be too sick to advocate for yourself and you will be kept alive and tortured barbarically.

Everything I worked for here. My carreer that is great, my home. My wife’s career will be trashed . All because of this issue because I have to leave America for a free country because i refuse to break the law and continue to live in America so my only choice is to flee this freedomless lie of a shithole

It looks like it’s going downhill fast in all respects anyways so getting out may be a blessing in disguise.
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Boy I have had an awful time in CA and OR both being scripted opiods and benzos for 25 years. Now receiving the tsk tsk. My primary questioned if being prescribed these meds was even ethical behavior from the pain specialist who has been monitering my scripts for going on 20 of those years. Now getting lectured, gaslit, quated that opiods are ONLY indicated longer term for cancer and that is it. So they wean me off; and I try to cooperate. But rather than suffer too much I augment my rxs with illicit meds. Pharma benzos and opiates. this will directly add to my OD chances; when being on methadone and benzos for decades I was stable. Now I gotta take prozac everyday; cuz being addicted to that is better than the alternative. too bad for me the prozac makes me think dark thoughts; so I stopped taking it.
Which countries are you lookin at? I was thinking about the same idea; Peru came to mind; being cheap living but I don't have a carreer or wife's career to worry about.
Wat is kadfian and Dilly's do tell ???🤔🤔😁😁🫡Kadian are extended release moriphine beads and dilly’s are 8mg dilauded hydromorph. I’m at 600 ml kadian and 25 dilly’s will be going up tomorrow. I have to get my tolerance down it’s hard with free dope. Ohio isn’t to far from me!lol
Once I was tripping balls on LSD outside st pauls hospial in a snowstorm in the middle of the night and this woman in hospital gown walks buy and trips over a curb buried in the snow. I help her up and she asks me for a smoke. Took me a while to figure out she bolted to try and smoke toboacco
You will all experience this and remember my words one day unless you die an instant death

At that point you will be too sick to advocate for yourself and you will be kept alive and tortured barbarically.
lighten up neil degrasse tyson GIF by StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson
opiods are ONLY indicated longer term for cancer and that is it.
this is such bullshit. I don’t mean to diminish cancer pain but there is zero evidence that other diseases or injuries cannot cause as much or more pain than cancer.

There are some patients that have cancer that don’t even take opioids because it’s not that painful for them.

I have a list saved of probably 50+ peer reviewed scientific articles showing positive outcomes for patient groups treated for chronic non cancer pain (mostly spine pain). I can dig it out and post it.
That’s a very bad injury? What did you end up doing? I assume you broke the law to get the medication you should have been given and that we had been given for decades.

The crazy thing is that the CDC retracted the 2016 guidelines that caused this mess in 2018.

Check out this graph below. You can see that there was almost. No increase in death until the massive vertical death spike right after the 2016 guidlines were published and every pain patient and addict switched to fentanyl.


In this retraction acknowledged that limiting patients in this way was contributing to suicide, increased disability applicants and increased fentanyl use and death

My home state Californias medical board and the specific county I live in medical board also issued in 2023 their own pro opioid prescribing guidelines. Basically saying the same things as the CDC retraction from 2018.

So all should be fine for the green light to treat pain again right?

Wrong. The DEA completely ignored the retraction and continues to aggressively prosecute doctors so the doctors are still terrified despite the guidelines being fixed. So they won’t prescribe out of fear from the DEA.

The DEA benefits from pain patients becoming so desperate they resort to fentanyl and die , because the worse the fentanyl problem gets the more money the government gives the DEA to fix the issue.

I can’t imagine a job where my goal was to fix something and I just fuck it up more and and more and make it worse….and I’m rewarded with more Money.

But that’s the situation.

Is a gross miscarriage of freedom. Anyone at 18 can buy arsenals of hundreds of almost automatic heavy caliber adult weapons and enough ammunition to fill a garage to the ceiling. But the right to pain management is gone

The thing is this is going to bit every single human being in America in the ass unless they die an instant death. Everyone gets old and dies some slow painful death decaying slowly away at the end and it is very painful. They will not receive any pain medication and will die in agony …

On top of that euthanasia is illegal in most of the country and where it is legal it’s almost impossible to get (saw a friend die of cancer and he tried so hard to get it but they want to keep him alive and suffering as long as possible to bill the insurance company as long as possible )

America is a fucking joke. There is no freedom . This a brutal attack on Americans and every single one of you is going to remember my words when you’re on your death bed screaming for someone to just killyou and end it and all they give you is 5 mg morphine that won’t touch the pain

You will all experience this and remember my words one day unless you die an instant death

At that point you will be too sick to advocate for yourself and you will be kept alive and tortured barbarically.

Everything I worked for here. My carreer that is great, my home. My wife’s career will be trashed . All because of this issue because I have to leave America for a free country because i refuse to break the law and continue to live in America so my only choice is to flee this freedomless lie of a shithole

It looks like it’s going downhill fast in all respects anyways so getting out may be a blessing in disguise.

Amen to that !!!! And yes I absolutely ended up going to the streets to find Pain relief, after he decreased my script from perk 10s to vicadon then cut me off completely 4 months after this injury. I was still in so much pain , I had hit up an old friend for pain pills and there just was no pain pill to be found and that's when I found fyntadope
Amen to that !!!! And yes I absolutely ended up going to the streets to find Pain relief, after he decreased my script from perk 10s to vicadon then cut me off completely 4 months after this injury. I was still in so much pain , I had hit up an old friend for pain pills and there just was no pain pill to be found and that's when I found fyntadope

The medical establishment doesn’t seem to realize what a low amount of opioids 10 mg of oxycodone is.

It’s for minor pain not severe pain. Some pain specialist was interviewed about it and said “20 mg of oxycodone is a dosage you would give to a cat in pain not a human.”

But when politics/law makers try and control
And field they know nothing about this is what happens.

One time I was in the ER and the doctor said I would be given 0.2 mg of dilauded. Yea 0.2 mg 2 mg even. I didn’t even know that was an adult dosage.

Told the doctor to slam his dick in his car door then shove my used IV up his own ass and give himself the 0.2 mg of dilaided to see what a pointless dose it was.

Left the ER right after to score some real pain drugs for thousands of dollars less (from a doctor that didn’t have the DEA up his ass or didn’t care)
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The medical establishment doesn’t seem to realize what a low amount of opioids 10 mg of oxycodone is.

It’s for minor pain not severe pain. Some pain specialist was interviewed about it and said “20 mg of oxycodone is a dosage you would give to a cat in pain not a human.”

But when politics/law makers try and control
And field they know nothing about this is what happens.

One time I was in the ER and the doctor said I would be given 0.2 mg of dilauded. Yea 0.2 mg 2 mg even. I didn’t even know that was an adult dosage.

Told the doctor to slam his dick in his car door then shove my used IV up his own ass and give himself the 0.2 mg of dilaided to see what a pointless dose it was.

Left the ER right after to score some real pain drugs for thousands of dollars less (from a doctor that didn’t have the DEA up his ass or didn’t care)
I'm dead bro hahahahaaaa
Ya, I was given an IV pain med in the hospital…..I felt nothing and asked the nurse what she gave me….200mg of ibuprofen…….WTF …..I am an opioid tolerant patient stable on Methadone 80mg daily for 10+ years …..she just looked at me like …whaaat lol

A woman patient I met had an operation on hip and leg, titanium rods, etc, etc…..she was scripted Dilaudid 1mg IR tablets for a 200lbs woman …..with its piss poor oral bioavailability of 30% …..I educated her about all the pharmaceutical properties of certain opioid analgesics and she was in disgust. She said it never once helped her severe pain….well, no shit. She’d need to swallow 8 tablets at once lol …..I told her 4 at once…then a few hours later if needed take another 2 or 4 as needed

oral Oxycodone (Oxy-IR 5mg & 20mg tablets reign supreme) a non sedating, very potent, stimulating and euphoric Opioid agonist. High oral bioavailability, 5-10mg will do the job for a naive person, too bad it’s stigmatized now after OxyContin abuse epidemic

Best opioid ever synthesized. Eukadol (Oxycodone) in Germany….along with Hydromorphone (Dilaudid), Diacetylmorphine (Heroin), and Methadone (Dolophine).
Ya, I was given an IV pain med in the hospital…..I felt nothing and asked the nurse what she gave me….200mg of ibuprofen…….WTF …..I am an opioid tolerant patient stable on Methadone 80mg daily for 10+ years …..she just looked at me like …whaaat lol

A woman patient I met had an operation on hip and leg, titanium rods, etc, etc…..she was scripted Dilaudid 1mg IR tablets for a 200lbs woman …..with its piss poor oral bioavailability of 30% …..I educated her about all the pharmaceutical properties of certain opioid analgesics and she was in disgust. She said it never once helped her severe pain….well, no shit. She’d need to swallow 8 tablets at once lol …..I told her 4 at once…then a few hours later if needed take another 2 or 4 as needed

oral Oxycodone (Oxy-IR 5mg & 20mg tablets reign supreme) a non sedating, very potent, stimulating and euphoric Opioid agonist. High oral bioavailability, 5-10mg will do the job for a naive person, too bad it’s stigmatized now after OxyContin abuse epidemic

Best opioid ever synthesized. Eukadol (Oxycodone) in Germany….along with Hydromorphone (Dilaudid), Diacetylmorphine (Heroin), and Methadone (Dolophine).
Yea that would not had dun shit for her pain , after I had pelvis shattered hip dislocated needed plates screws new hip , I was givin 100 oxy/acetaminophen 5 mg a month and doubled tripled snorted this nasty mfers by the assloads til my nose was full of shit and NEVER got relief, it was only until I put my girlfriends oxy 15s it and Opana on top then I got some relief but never on the percs alone , Suboxone actually worked better after I got off the pain meds but the high cost at the time for cash clinics drove me to the streets and got a hold of heroin /fyntinol mix and it was OVER it killed my pain and EMOTIONAL pain from the crash lol of course . 6 years of that and methodone finally saved me I was able to break away , and now the Methodone is SOOO strong I've had to split my dose 50 morning 75 evening and can even take all of or any of the 50 before my workout or get shit dun I'll get sleepy af zero motivation, so i just need a little lower im si much better than i was at super high dose . And after getting away from Fyntinol almost a year I can imagine EVER going back as strong as methodone is
Yea that would not had dun shit for her pain , after I had pelvis shattered hip dislocated needed plates screws new hip , I was givin 100 oxy/acetaminophen 5 mg a month and doubled tripled snorted this nasty mfers by the assloads til my nose was full of shit and NEVER got relief, it was only until I put my girlfriends oxy 15s it and Opana on top then I got some relief but never on the percs alone , Suboxone actually worked better after I got off the pain meds but the high cost at the time for cash clinics drove me to the streets and got a hold of heroin /fyntinol mix and it was OVER it killed my pain and EMOTIONAL pain from the crash lol of course . 6 years of that and methodone finally saved me I was able to break away , and now the Methodone is SOOO strong I've had to split my dose 50 morning 75 evening and can even take all of or any of the 50 before my workout or get shit dun I'll get sleepy af zero motivation, so i just need a little lower im si much better than i was at super high dose . And after getting away from Fyntinol almost a year I can imagine EVER going back as strong as methodone is
Methadone is strong but its a weird one. I feel sleepy and zero motivation on all doses was at 55 for a while then all the way to 120 thinking it might be better if i take more like other opioids nope. Back to 60 mgs now and trying to get down way way low like 20-30 might be ok but if im still lethargic im gonna taper all the way
Methadone is strong but its a weird one. I feel sleepy and zero motivation on all doses was at 55 for a while then all the way to 120 thinking it might be better if i take more like other opioids nope. Back to 60 mgs now and trying to get down way way low like 20-30 might be ok but if im still lethargic im gonna taper all the way
BROOOOO I know exactly wat your saying... I was all the way up to 178 when I completely stopped the fyntinol and never noticed it or maybe mistaken it for the Fetty buzz but either way a month into stopping dope I was falling asleep on my dam tractor haha so I was like holy shit I know the doc said once I stop the dope I'll feel the methodone alot more and dam he was right I just didn't think it was going to be this strong or feel this strong.. like u said I came ALLLLL the way down to 50 mg from 178 within 30 days ZERO withdrawal and hell at 50 it fucks me up just as much as the 178 😯😯 now I did start splitting my doses maybe that's part of how my tolerance got down but man it is funny because I HATE being lethargic anymore at work I want to feel motivated so I wait until late after work to take it and then it really fucks me up lol like I might just come all the way to bro I'm with u
I’m down to 15mgs after a very long time on it for back pain. But I’m still taking it because it got my claws in me. It’s good for pain but at this point I am More afraid of w/d, than wanting a sedating buzz.
Like if I come off then my doc maybe would give me a stimulant for my ADD.
Usually I take 10mg, then 5 mg later.
No problems getting this far from 60mg/day
BROOOOO I know exactly wat your saying... I was all the way up to 178 when I completely stopped the fyntinol and never noticed it or maybe mistaken it for the Fetty buzz but either way a month into stopping dope I was falling asleep on my dam tractor haha so I was like holy shit I know the doc said once I stop the dope I'll feel the methodone alot more and dam he was right I just didn't think it was going to be this strong or feel this strong.. like u said I came ALLLLL the way down to 50 mg from 178 within 30 days ZERO withdrawal and hell at 50 it fucks me up just as much as the 178 😯😯 now I did start splitting my doses maybe that's part of how my tolerance got down but man it is funny because I HATE being lethargic anymore at work I want to feel motivated so I wait until late after work to take it and then it really fucks me up lol like I might just come all the way to bro I'm with u
EDIT , I'm probably more like on 65 mg
I’m down to 15mgs after a very long time on it for back pain. But I’m still taking it because it got my claws in me. It’s good for pain but at this point I am More afraid of w/d, than wanting a sedating buzz.
Like if I come off then my doc maybe would give me a stimulant for my ADD.
Usually I take 10mg, then 5 mg later.
No problems getting this far from 60mg/day
That awesome man!!!!
Ya, I was given an IV pain med in the hospital…..I felt nothing and asked the nurse what she gave me….200mg of ibuprofen…….WTF …..I am an opioid tolerant patient stable on Methadone 80mg daily for 10+ years …..she just looked at me like …whaaat lol

A woman patient I met had an operation on hip and leg, titanium rods, etc, etc…..she was scripted Dilaudid 1mg IR tablets for a 200lbs woman …..with its piss poor oral bioavailability of 30% …..I educated her about all the pharmaceutical properties of certain opioid analgesics and she was in disgust. She said it never once helped her severe pain….well, no shit. She’d need to swallow 8 tablets at once lol …..I told her 4 at once…then a few hours later if needed take another 2 or 4 as needed

oral Oxycodone (Oxy-IR 5mg & 20mg tablets reign supreme) a non sedating, very potent, stimulating and euphoric Opioid agonist. High oral bioavailability, 5-10mg will do the job for a naive person, too bad it’s stigmatized now after OxyContin abuse epidemic

Best opioid ever synthesized. Eukadol (Oxycodone) in Germany….along with Hydromorphone (Dilaudid), Diacetylmorphine (Heroin), and Methadone (Dolophine).
I completely agree man yea I have same injuries hip blown out pelvis shattered then Hip replacement rod plates screws all that shit and they were giving me 5 mg percacet/ oxy/acetaminophen and that shit did NOTHING went to the streets after he dropped me to fucking NORCO hydrocodone 4 months later and before my actual hip replacement surgery... Asshole literally made me suffer and couldn't get off the dope long enough for a pain clinic
BROOOOO I know exactly wat your saying... I was all the way up to 178 when I completely stopped the fyntinol and never noticed it or maybe mistaken it for the Fetty buzz but either way a month into stopping dope I was falling asleep on my dam tractor haha so I was like holy shit I know the doc said once I stop the dope I'll feel the methodone alot more and dam he was right I just didn't think it was going to be this strong or feel this strong.. like u said I came ALLLLL the way down to 50 mg from 178 within 30 days ZERO withdrawal and hell at 50 it fucks me up just as much as the 178 😯😯 now I did start splitting my doses maybe that's part of how my tolerance got down but man it is funny because I HATE being lethargic anymore at work I want to feel motivated so I wait until late after work to take it and then it really fucks me up lol like I might just come all the way to bro I'm with u
Thats the new formula called Methadose or something. The original methadone was way better and gave me crazy energy. I could work insane overtime heavy work construction digging clay, jackhammer etc. Did 10 hour shift went home saw the dr showered and joined the night shift and stayed for the day shift. You could work all day and feel great but it made you sweat like a mother fucker. I think they changed it about10 yrs ago. When I was on the new methadone I would sleep 12-14 hours some days and I usually sleep 4-6 hours. And so fucking moody if somebody wakes me up like almost ready to fight. Almost did couple times in the sober house.
BROOOOO I know exactly wat your saying... I was all the way up to 178 when I completely stopped the fyntinol and never noticed it or maybe mistaken it for the Fetty buzz but either way a month into stopping dope I was falling asleep on my dam tractor haha so I was like holy shit I know the doc said once I stop the dope I'll feel the methodone alot more and dam he was right I just didn't think it was going to be this strong or feel this strong.. like u said I came ALLLLL the way down to 50 mg from 178 within 30 days ZERO withdrawal and hell at 50 it fucks me up just as much as the 178 😯😯 now I did start splitting my doses maybe that's part of how my tolerance got down but man it is funny because I HATE being lethargic anymore at work I want to feel motivated so I wait until late after work to take it and then it really fucks me up lol like I might just come all the way to bro I'm with u
Also get your testosterone levels checked. Methadone and other opiates suppress test production and will affect your energy levels. Mine was as low as an 80 yr old man. They will give you shots when you see the dr or testosterone cream to boost it.